View Full Version : Quietest cocker barrel

06-19-2005, 05:31 PM
What is the quietest cocker barrel out there. I shot a friends PM5 today with a warped sportz barrel on it and I literally looked to try to see the ball rolling out it was so quiet. Anyone out there have other experience with anything quieter

06-19-2005, 06:21 PM
excluding silencers, whichever barrel has the most porting.

06-19-2005, 07:17 PM
Cockers tend to be a lot quiter than any other guns on the market. (doesnt matter which barrel). I have used dye boomsticks, otp, deamon (??) and I beleive it was the "Ice cold" barrel. They all sounded almost similar without too much of a difference. I prefer for the boomstick over all of them purely because of its design and its accuracy. On all my markers, the boomstick never failed me.

I also used the 16inch boomy so maybe that could also be a reason, but yeah as slade said, the more porting, the quiter it tends to be. (Yes its fascinating how quiet it is but very powerful at the same time). One of the many reasons why I was stuck with the cocker for so long.

06-19-2005, 07:53 PM
Cockers tend to be a lot quiter than any other guns on the market. (doesnt matter which barrel). I have used dye boomsticks, otp, deamon (??) and I beleive it was the "Ice cold" barrel. They all sounded almost similar without too much of a difference. I prefer for the boomstick over all of them purely because of its design and its accuracy. On all my markers, the boomstick never failed me.

I also used the 16inch boomy so maybe that could also be a reason, but yeah as slade said, the more porting, the quiter it tends to be. (Yes its fascinating how quiet it is but very powerful at the same time). One of the many reasons why I was stuck with the cocker for so long.
he was using a proto, not a cocker.

06-19-2005, 07:56 PM
imo,i would say the j&j ceramic....it has porting most of the way down the sides,i have used 1 on my od cocker and it was very quiet.... :cheers:

06-19-2005, 07:57 PM
What about the whisper barrel made by 32* I think. That has a ton of porting

Mr. Mouse
06-19-2005, 08:39 PM

06-19-2005, 08:41 PM
dont forget, trizes are deathly quiet by nature

06-19-2005, 08:53 PM
trixes are probably the quietest guns on the market, and prolly have the least amount of kick too. Aside from the others.....stiffis are really quiet. Please dont accuse me of Hyping the product. I use them on all my guns. Ive also used boomsticks, ULs, CPs, bigshots, JJ ceramics, JJ edge. None of them have been as quiet as the stiffi. I know they are pricey, but they are great.

Try one before you buy it if you can. You will be pleased.

06-19-2005, 09:15 PM
My Viking with the 16'' Ultralight is pretty damn quiet.

06-20-2005, 11:56 AM
This will be a popular choice.. Hammerheads and Stiffis. Both are very quiet down range. :shooting: :dance:

06-20-2005, 11:59 AM
vikings are typicially loud marker, but, i threw on a J&J ceramic all star kit, which has alot of porting on the tip, and it is actually very quiet, was also VERY reasonably priced, i prefer using it over my teammates stiffi

06-20-2005, 12:03 PM
Excalibur + Tactical Kaner = crazy quiet.

06-20-2005, 12:10 PM
Type of marker can't possibly have an effect on how loud the shots are. The noise from firing is due to the rapid expansion/release of excess pressure behind the paintbal as it exits the barrel.

2-piece ported will be quieter than a 1-piece, single bore, unported barrel. In a 2-bore barrel more gas pressure is lost around the ball in the larger bore, and in ported barrels, pressure is lost out through the porting (obviously).

Unless I'm missing something.

06-20-2005, 12:40 PM
Type of marker can't possibly have an effect on how loud the shots are. The noise from firing is due to the rapid expansion/release of excess pressure behind the paintbal as it exits the barrel.

2-piece ported will be quieter than a 1-piece, single bore, unported barrel. In a 2-bore barrel more gas pressure is lost around the ball in the larger bore, and in ported barrels, pressure is lost out through the porting (obviously).

Unless I'm missing something.
so your saying all guns sounds the same when you shoot them? :confused:

06-20-2005, 12:46 PM
so your saying all guns sounds the same when you shoot them? :confused:

Well, without paint and without a barrel they should sound the same....

06-20-2005, 01:03 PM
Well, without paint and without a barrel they should sound the same....
umm... have you ever shot more than one gun? different guns sound quite different.

06-20-2005, 01:22 PM
all markers sound differently. It has to do with how violently the gas is distributed. Look at a ram driven gun, one really fast burst of air, matrix, a lighter, more smoothe release of the air, etc etc. ram drivne guns really pop.

06-20-2005, 01:31 PM
all markers sound differently. It has to do with how violently the gas is distributed. Look at a ram driven gun, one really fast burst of air, matrix, a lighter, more smoothe release of the air, etc etc. ram drivne guns really pop.

Thinking about it, this is probably due to the bolt shape. Not the mechanism.

The burst of air is almost identical on all markers (TKs graphs showed that).

But, I could be wrong. whatever...

06-20-2005, 01:35 PM
Thinking about it, this is probably due to the bolt shape. Not the mechanism.

The burst of air is almost identical on all markers (TKs graphs showed that).

But, I could be wrong. whatever...
its what magman said, plus the movement of the actual parts in the gun. its most noticeable on cockers.

06-20-2005, 01:48 PM
its what magman said, plus the movement of the actual parts in the gun. its most noticeable on cockers.

No, the "rush" of air is about the same regardless of which marker you're firing.

TK provided the graphs of pressure behind the ball at one point.

Movement of the parts in the gun is only relevant once your barrel is quiet.

06-20-2005, 02:29 PM
take 2 different markers, fire both with their barrels off simultaneously... you will see what i mean

06-20-2005, 02:37 PM
I cant believe that slarty is arguing that all guns have the same sound signature. lol.

Barrels are not the only thing that cause a sound signature. Sorry, but they just arent. You have to shoot a lot more guns if you think so.

Guns sound different because of their pneumatics, too.

And another note. vikings are that loud. They are louder than trixes, and other guns. My viking is slightly louder than my Ion. Both have stiffis. Vikings are not the quietest guns on the market either, but they certainly arent "loud". Unless your LPR is way too high and your dwell is up there, or you are using the javelin barrel or a bigshot, or some other non ported barrel.


06-20-2005, 03:20 PM
I cant believe that slarty is arguing that all guns have the same sound signature. lol.

Just off on a tangent. That's all. :p

The only thing that makes a "sound signature" should be the exit path and flow. Can't quite put into writing what I'm thinking on the subject, so like I said: whatever...

Another one of those three hundred variables and everone thinks one variable is the magic bullet.

Personally, I think I want to get a hold of an intimidator barrel. Go for LOUD. :clap:

06-20-2005, 04:18 PM
J&J ceramic. Quietist barrel I have ever used.

06-20-2005, 08:13 PM
I've heard that the ACI Phat system is really quiet due to a lot of reverse porting.

Haven't had the chance to use one yet though.