View Full Version : pro classic

06-20-2005, 04:38 PM
ok so i am fairly new to paintball and i own a brass eagle maurader( i know they arent the best but it was the easiest way to get into the sport it was only 15 bucks new!) so i was wondering if i were to get a pro classic automag can it run on co2? and if it can should it be antisiphoned? also this may sound extremely stupid but how do you cock an automag? i dont see a cocking rod anywhere.
thank you for your time

06-20-2005, 04:48 PM
1. yes a classic can run on Co2, but may freeze up at times (cold weather, or firing alot). 2. Anti siphon should definately be used, maybe even with an expansion chamber.
3. you don't manually cock an automag, when you air it up it cocks

06-20-2005, 05:05 PM
It doesn't like CO2...some people say it works fine if you vertically mount it or run it remote...some say an anit-siphon will work...but if it's anything like mine, you'll want to switch to HPA/nitro. :ninja:

The gun is different than a blowback...you can't dryfire it like you could with your Marauder by cocking and pulling the trigger. When you air it up...the trigger pops into position and then you can fire it...you degas it and the trigger goes limp. It's pretty cool...I'm new to mags myself...but so far I've liked what I've seen. :clap:

06-20-2005, 05:06 PM
oh ok thanks but if i pput an expansion chamber on there then will i have two lines? one running from the asa to the xchamber and one running from the x cahmber to the valve?
any other techinical info on mags and how they work is appreciated!

06-20-2005, 05:26 PM
Some people have a HPA fetish, but the classic 'Mag was made in a time when everyone used CO2 and runs fine with it as long as you keep liquid out of the valve. The best way to do it is to use a remote and an expansion chamber. If you want to keep the tank on the gun use an anti syphon and expansion chamber.

Yes, you'll need to run two lines, one from the tank to the expansion chamber and the other from the expansion chamber to the valve. A lot of people put a quick disconnect on the line from the expansion chamber to the valve so you can get the valve out easily. Minimags come with one already.

If you're wicked cheap, what you can do is run a CO2 bottle vertically in the place where you would put an expansion chamber and the take a long hose looped around in a circle several times going to the valve. This is cheap and works well. You used to see people with this set up all the time back in the day.

When you gas up the gun, hold the trigger back. At least, that's what Tom Kaye used to tell you in the old video that used to come with the gun.

06-20-2005, 05:41 PM
im sorry but i dunno what a quick disconnect is and what it means to "get the valve out easily"

06-20-2005, 06:01 PM
This is how I run mine, which is basically what everyone is talking about:

<a href="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/26000/Mag2Small.jpg"> <img src="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/26000/Mag2Small_rs.jpg" width="512" height="386"> </img></a>

The angled ASA on the Intelliframe feeds the expansion chamber, the SS Line runs from the vertical ASA to the quick disconnect, which is connected to the 90 deg fitting on the valve. You can just disconnect the SS line at the disconnect, and slide/twist the valve out for easy removal.

I run a 20oz anti-siphon tank, and don't have any problems with CO2 unless the temps hit 40 or below. Then I just can't shoot fast, but it still works. CO2 isn't as evil as many make it out to be. I'm sure it's not as good as compressed air, but it works fine in most cases on Classics.

06-20-2005, 06:15 PM
awesome thanks for the info
i live in florida near tampa so we barely ever even hit 40 degrees
do you think i should get a palmers stabilizer so when i do get more money to upgrade to nitro ill already have a regulator?

06-20-2005, 10:26 PM
There is a regulator already built into the gun so adding another regulator will not help, and often hurts the performance. The Palmer is good and it would help keep liquid out of the gun but is overkill. If you go to HPA then the tank itself will have a regulator. By the way, you'll need at least 800 psi output from the tank or the 'Mag won't work. Either way, you don't need one.

06-21-2005, 09:05 AM
ok well i just got an oppurtunity to make some money so i think i will get nitro. i hear that crossfire makes good tanks so should i get a 68/4500 fixed or 68/4500 low pressure. i sont know much about nitro is 800 high or low pressure?

06-21-2005, 09:14 AM
Get a high output tank. Low output tanks are generally only around 450psi out. The mag valve requires 800psi or higher from the tank to operated properly.

06-21-2005, 09:35 AM
You dont need to cock the gun as soon as you but in the Co2 you guns trigger pull come out and your ready to shoot. And your gun can opperate on Co2 but I dont no what anti thing is can you tell me?

06-21-2005, 09:36 AM
ofcourse HPA is better, but i find it funny that people claim that Classic mags don't work well when you use CO2, As this was the only air source availible when they came out. and they seemed to work back then.

06-21-2005, 09:50 AM
Your mag will run fine on CO2 as long as liquid does not get in the valve.
I have on a 90º + day froze my mag (with a good expansion chamber and anti siphon) when I was firing non stop for about 10 minutes. But generally it will be fine.
But i did find that I was getting more consistent shots with HPA.
Crossfire High would be a good choice.

06-21-2005, 04:14 PM
I've tried CO2 horizontally mounted with an ANS expansion chamber...froze the valve after about 10-25 shots...or 9 real fast. Some people say they use an anti-siphon and a remote coil and that works good...especially if you add the expansion chamber into the mix. I think the manual off of the AGD website recommends HPA. I thought it said "not" to use an anti-siphon when I read it...I'll have to check again. :ninja:

I've been wrestling with the same question you are regarding taks to buy. I've heard that getting 850-1000psi into the valve makes it work best with the most responsive trigger. However, most preset tanks seem to be set at 750-850psi output. I heard Crossfire, Nitro Duck, and Centerflag make good tanks...but I don't think any of them make presets that push >850psi... Some people have talked about adjustable outputs...but those run $400-$500 and I don't even know if you can set them that high...I'm not even sure at that pressure if it would be safe in a macroline or microline or steel braided hose.

I'll keep looking around, maybe get some feedback here...see what happens. :argh:

06-21-2005, 04:38 PM
I've tried CO2 horizontally mounted with an ANS expansion chamber...froze the valve after about 10-25 shots...or 9 real fast. Some people say they use an anti-siphon and a remote coil and that works good...especially if you add the expansion chamber into the mix. I think the manual off of the AGD website recommends HPA. I thought it said "not" to use an anti-siphon when I read it...I'll have to check again. :ninja:

I've been wrestling with the same question you are regarding taks to buy. I've heard that getting 850-1000psi into the valve makes it work best with the most responsive trigger. However, most preset tanks seem to be set at 750-850psi output. I heard Crossfire, Nitro Duck, and Centerflag make good tanks...but I don't think any of them make presets that push >850psi... Some people have talked about adjustable outputs...but those run $400-$500 and I don't even know if you can set them that high...I'm not even sure at that pressure if it would be safe in a macroline or microline or steel braided hose.

I'll keep looking around, maybe get some feedback here...see what happens. :argh:
The Classic/Minimag manual says "DO NOT USE A SIPHON TANK WITH YOUR PAINTBALL MARKER!!!" and recommends anti-siphon. If you use a coil remote, do NOT use anti-siphon if you are running your tank verticle...it will then act as a siphon and pull liquid from the tank. On Classic valves, I don't know that any pressure over 850 would make much of a difference...it definately won't get you a more "responsive" trigger like the R/T, X-Valve will.

06-21-2005, 07:00 PM
btw you can get adjustable tanks for a little over 150.

EDIT: when they are in the B/S/T

06-21-2005, 08:53 PM
soo what barrel threads does it take?

Scott Hudnall
06-21-2005, 09:20 PM
classic automag twist lock barrel "threads".

BTW, the photo by NoForts4me is the most classic way to run a 'mag on CO2, unless you are running remote. His set up looks optimal. If you are going to run CO2, try to copy that sest up.

06-21-2005, 09:51 PM
Nice thing about mags is you can set hoses up however you want. It's all matter of personal preference. What may work for someone else maybe not your cup of tea.

Here is how mine is set up. Tank is 88/45 centerline 800psi out.


As Hudnall mentioned if your going to run CO2 that is best setup. I'm sure you can find parts here in BST forums cheap :D

06-22-2005, 10:12 AM
do they make expansion chambers that look like the foregrip? i love how the foregrip looks and i dont want to get rid of it! if not what is the best expansion chamber for the price?

06-22-2005, 11:15 AM
Go to www.palmers-pursuit.com and read the FAQ's about automags. The Pro-classic can cycle just fine at 9 rounds a second (realistically faster than you'll ever need) on CO2. The valve and regulator seals will be just fine.

From a physics standpoint don't get an expansion chamber. They are a waste of money and do more to cause velocity inconsistencies than anything else. What you really need is a high pressure regulator like a Palmer Stabilizer or an AKA Sidewinder. These were designed to run on CO2. They will stop liquid from entering the gun even during rapid fire and eliminate velocity spikes. what they won't do (and nothing can fix this as its an inherent property of CO2) is fix shoot down. Under rapid fire the tank pressure momentarily drops as CO2 takes time to convert from liquid to gas. But if you shoot 3 or 4 straight high speed bursts, stop for a second and shoot another string you'll be fine.

So I would recommend getting a pro-classic with a dual regulator setup from Palmer and an anit-siphon tank tuned for your marker.

And just so you know, Palmer practically invented gavity feed and autococking semi's.

Hope this helps.

06-22-2005, 12:34 PM
Well, I'm not sure about expansion chambers causing "velocity inconsistencies" since my mag has been very consistent with the expansion chamber. However, I do have a Palmer Stab that I am going to replace the expansion chamber with. The x-chamber came with the gun and works fine, but since I put a ULT in the valve, I want to limit the possibility of getting liquid in the valve, as the ULT gets picky when rapid firing long strings on CO2. It may not help, but I'm going to try it. Plus, that huge expansion chamber is just ugly :tard: !