View Full Version : One person Conversations

Slimm Jimm
06-20-2005, 11:21 PM
Does anyone elses grandparents seem capable of carrying on a conversation with you without you even participating?

06-21-2005, 01:08 AM
I know a few girls like that :D

Grandparents? meh, its just awkward silence.

06-21-2005, 07:31 AM
I know a few girls like that :D

Only a few? Damn near all of em I know do. Hell I talked to my girlfriend tonight for 45min on the phone the only thing I said was "Yeah you woke me up."

06-21-2005, 01:39 PM
A friend I used to have and his cousin were hilarious. They would both be talking to each other, but they would be carrying on 2 completly separate conversations with neither one listening. It was hilarious to look at. Neither one could tell the other wasn't listening and they were talking OVER each other too. They would look straight at each other. It was funny. I would point it out to all my friends and they couldn't beleive how many times they would do it. Almost every time. I don't talk to either of them anymore because they are too stupid for me to hang around with. Oblivious is the best word I could use to describe them.

07-08-2005, 09:16 PM
Duh...I do it to my GF. She never talks and gives me the silence S***. So the other day I was like..."You know what?! IF I wanted to talk to a wall, Id turn to it and say HI! Its been ackward ever since lol.

07-08-2005, 09:19 PM
Duh...I do it to my GF. She never talks and gives me the silence S***. So the other day I was like..."You know what?! IF I wanted to talk to a wall, Id turn to it and say HI! Its been ackward ever since lol. :tard:

My grandparetns are pretty cool actually, they aren't the traditional smelly ones who give you $5
and a dinosaur sweatshirt for christmas every year...

07-09-2005, 11:32 PM
i know a kid like that, he talks to me all the time in class and i tell him to shut up while the teacher is explaing and he will go on and on to him self about absolutely nothing, as for grandparents though, they are pretty cool

07-09-2005, 11:45 PM
Its liek that wiht my gf sometimes, I actually put a friend on the phone before and he just sat there saying ya acery couple of secs and she never cought on that it wasnt me, but when i got back on and told her she hadnt been talking to me for the last 10 mins she was kinda mad.

07-10-2005, 12:35 AM
Its liek that wiht my gf sometimes, I actually put a friend on the phone before and he just sat there saying ya acery couple of secs and she never cought on that it wasnt me, but when i got back on and told her she hadnt been talking to me for the last 10 mins she was kinda mad.

I wonder why *eye roll*

07-10-2005, 07:11 AM
When talking on the phone with the girl I am seeing, I can usually put the phone down for half an hour and find that there is really nothing of importance that I missed. But then it doesnt hurt that she will repeat everything she just said whenever we drive anywhere.

Thank God I am not with her for her mind. :cool:

07-10-2005, 10:50 PM
u remember that time we went to mcdonalds?
which one?
u know, that time we took the peanut packets and threw them all over the floor.
oh yeah, that was a good time. can you belive some1 put ketchup on the toilet seat too?
haha, that was a jolly ole time.

hehe, anyways. i have a friend, she'll usually call me really really early in the morning. sometimes i've fallen asleep. woken up an hour later and she's still on the line talking.

07-11-2005, 03:28 AM

My grandparetns are pretty cool actually, they aren't the traditional smelly ones who give you $5
and a dinosaur sweatshirt for christmas every year...

what!.. i get the $5..... but where is my dinosaur shirt!