View Full Version : I got my first job...

06-21-2005, 03:56 PM
I am excited...

I am working at a verterinarian hospital. I only get to work for like four hours all day (two in the mornin and two at night), but these are summer hours I guess.

Also...the vet said the pay isn't that good, but it's more than I get now. It's a way to feed my adictions without selling stuff.

Lastly I have the worst job there, but it's all good.


06-21-2005, 03:59 PM
So you now get to clean out kennels? Sounds exciting:)<JK>

Good going.

06-21-2005, 04:02 PM
Basically...and walk the dogs. Just basic care type of things.


06-21-2005, 05:12 PM
Eh, I guess a job is a job... How much are they paying you?

I just got one teaching little kids to swim at the beach/pool/rock quarry converted to swimming. A lot of them cry when they get water on their face, and mostly I just hold them up on the water surface while they go through the motions. Today a bunch were getting cold and shivering, one little girl latched on and wouldn't let go of me for like 10 minutes. It was a little awkward.

I work from like 8:30am-11:10am and then from 5:45pm-7:20pm for $6.50/hr on 5days of the week.

06-21-2005, 05:16 PM
Good job :cheers: Have to start somewhere

06-21-2005, 05:27 PM
put a bunch of kittens in the microwave so we have something to talk about tomarrow when on the news they say "DERRANGED TEEN GOES APE**** AT VET"

then they will blame your music and we'll have a great discussion about how we knew you back before you were a psycho

06-23-2005, 12:46 AM
Eh, I guess a job is a job... How much are they paying you?

I just got one teaching little kids to swim at the beach/pool/rock quarry converted to swimming. A lot of them cry when they get water on their face, and mostly I just hold them up on the water surface while they go through the motions. Today a bunch were getting cold and shivering, one little girl latched on and wouldn't let go of me for like 10 minutes. It was a little awkward.

I work from like 8:30am-11:10am and then from 5:45pm-7:20pm for $6.50/hr on 5days of the week.

Don't talk to me about bad lifeguarding jobs for little pay.

I'm interning with the City this summer (bureaucracyxinfinity) and the junior lifeguard program. I see idiocy from these kids normally reserved for the clinically and legally insane.

Today alone:
-kids confused longboards with nipperboards. they're VERY different.
-we had two girls who couldn't kayak. Literally, after 40 minutes of instruction, STILL could not kayak.
-I had a kidlet attach to my arm because the waves were too big and the water was too cold (he was barely waist-deep in water)
-I towed a whole bunch of kids who were in a rip. 10 minutes later, where are the little idiots? back out in the :cuss: rip.
-we had a mass jellyfish/stingray panic.

And that was just today. I have four more weeks of this. 8-4 or 9-5 every day.


06-23-2005, 01:40 AM
Oh the woes of lifeguarding/swim instruction.
I did both for three years--best and worst job I ever had.

06-23-2005, 01:45 AM
I got a pretty good job, I am the tech for a show at six flags over ga. Pays 9 an hour and i work like 8 hours a day but i actually only spend 2 hours working and the rest hanging out wiht the actors in the show.

06-23-2005, 02:40 AM
Don't talk to me about bad lifeguarding jobs for little pay.

I'm interning with the City this summer (bureaucracyxinfinity) and the junior lifeguard program. I see idiocy from these kids normally reserved for the clinically and legally insane.

Today alone:
-kids confused longboards with nipperboards. they're VERY different.
-we had two girls who couldn't kayak. Literally, after 40 minutes of instruction, STILL could not kayak.
-I had a kidlet attach to my arm because the waves were too big and the water was too cold (he was barely waist-deep in water)
-I towed a whole bunch of kids who were in a rip. 10 minutes later, where are the little idiots? back out in the :cuss: rip.
-we had a mass jellyfish/stingray panic.

And that was just today. I have four more weeks of this. 8-4 or 9-5 every day.


yes, but you get to look sexy in your red swim suit!

06-23-2005, 07:29 AM
Pam Anderson?:)

Eric Cartman
06-23-2005, 08:10 AM
yes, but you get to look sexy in your red swim suit!

Pam Anderson?:)

Yeah, is there special training in how to run in slow motion like that? :D

06-23-2005, 12:48 PM
I got a pretty good job, I am the tech for a show at six flags over ga. Pays 9 an hour and i work like 8 hours a day but i actually only spend 2 hours working and the rest hanging out wiht the actors in the show.

That would be pretty sweet.

Will Wood
06-23-2005, 01:25 PM
Fishy, too bad you weren't lifegaurding at where I work. $9/hour and you do NOTHING. Just sit in your big high chair and get a tan. Sometimes I like to go hang out with them when I'm supposed to be working.. heh. I don't work. I do other things and get a check for what they think I'm doing :clap: :clap:

06-23-2005, 08:08 PM
This is sweet...I just realized in like 5 weeks I will have about $440 to work with to buy a new gun. :) I hope one of the electro frames for mags comes out so I don't have to buy a dirty angel ;)

BTW: What does anyone know the minimum wage for Wisconsin?

06-23-2005, 10:07 PM
Yeah, is there special training in how to run in slow motion like that? :D

only if you want to do pushups. heh. The one good part about my job: I can scream at them and hand out pushups/situps/laps/any other torture I can think of whenever someone mouths off.

Small children fear me.

06-23-2005, 10:39 PM
Ever go places and be like that job looks so easy i dont see why anyone would hate it...yea well i did that and now i see why people hate it i also relize why the world is pissed off..everyone hates thier job..i started workign at the local movie theatre like a month ago and man that **** looked easy at first and usually is but at the same time its a pain in the ***..people are such jerks ...and are so messy/rude....gah!
The company people are such jerks they have us work form 10:15-6 so that way we are under 8 hours and only get a 15 minute break..then sicne most of us are not 18 they pull this oo when you take a 15 you cant leave..wtf...so basically its an 8 hour day with no food....and if you dont like pop corn your F'd casue least you can eat a little bit of that....then they tell you if you bring a cup you can have as much soda you want...but yet you have to keep it in the break room were its only accesable on your 15 minute break...yea they got this **** figured out indeed....im just starting the *****ing now so im ready for my 7 hours and 45 minutes tomorrow.o well least i make more then min wage a whole 35 cents more i know im big ballin... :rofl:

06-23-2005, 11:23 PM
Ever go places and be like that job looks so easy i dont see why anyone would hate it...yea well i did that and now i see why people hate it i also relize why the world is pissed off..everyone hates thier job..i started workign at the local movie theatre like a month ago and man that **** looked easy at first and usually is but at the same time its a pain in the ***..people are such jerks ...and are so messy/rude....gah!
The company people are such jerks they have us work form 10:15-6 so that way we are under 8 hours and only get a 15 minute break..then sicne most of us are not 18 they pull this oo when you take a 15 you cant leave..wtf...so basically its an 8 hour day with no food....and if you dont like pop corn your F'd casue least you can eat a little bit of that....then they tell you if you bring a cup you can have as much soda you want...but yet you have to keep it in the break room were its only accesable on your 15 minute break...yea they got this **** figured out indeed....im just starting the *****ing now so im ready for my 7 hours and 45 minutes tomorrow.o well least i make more then min wage a whole 35 cents more i know im big ballin... :rofl:

I can't imagine why you can't get a better job :rolleyes:

06-24-2005, 12:16 AM
You guys complain about the easiest jobs...

Try one where you actually have to think.

06-24-2005, 12:40 AM
I do tech support for a large cell company. I get paid over 16/hr (w/ no college education ... im going for my business degree starting in August) to sit around and play on the net and talk to people about really easy stuff all day.

Right now I haven't taken a call in 15mins and Ive been browsing through my IPOD trying to find some good music to listen to...lol.

06-24-2005, 08:11 AM
i work 40+ hours making 13.55/hr being a service rep in home depot. i hate it. same ****, different day.

06-24-2005, 10:15 AM
You guys complain about the easiest jobs...

Try one where you actually have to think.

Well jobs where u have to actually think are better then mindless jobs like sweaping a theater or loading bags into the back of a car.

Id perfer being chalanged then just told to mop isle 4.

06-24-2005, 10:29 AM
13 hr days (up to 48 hr depending on whats up, 13 is the average) no breaks, hard labor, sun wind or rain, and i get my *** yelled at every 15 minutes.

but im making 20 an hour (in a few years 30+, or a 100k/year plan with scheduled hours), and im a rookie so i know i just gotta suck up all the **** i get.

plus, belt splicers are the most respected laborers on any mine site, we dont take **** from anybody but ourselves and anything we want, we get.

**** i love my summer job.

06-24-2005, 03:26 PM
You guys complain about the easiest jobs...

Try one where you actually have to think.

I quote that for Truth...

06-24-2005, 04:07 PM
Well jobs where u have to actually think are better then mindless jobs like sweaping a theater or loading bags into the back of a car.

Id perfer being chalanged then just told to mop isle 4.
Until you get it.

The only reason I enjoy doing what I do is because I already know where it's leading.

Enraged Monk
06-24-2005, 06:15 PM
Foxwoods Valet service....got a 50 dollar tip yesterday from a drunk dude