View Full Version : Going to spain tomorrow. what to do?

06-21-2005, 06:08 PM
i'm going to spain tomorrow with about 40 other people from my high school. we are going to be there for 12 days on a tour around the country. we are going to the famous sword factory and other places. and there is going to be 3 or 4 adults as chapperones so that means that we are not under much supervision :dance: . for a few days, we are allowed to wander around the city and do what we want.
have any suggestions as to what we should do to stay amused?

:cheers: :headbang: :D

06-21-2005, 06:45 PM
It comes down to one of two things, tap some hot Spanish chick or eat. I, personally, would take eat.

06-21-2005, 07:43 PM
sex, drinking and eating good food.

the hell else is there to do?

Jack & Coke
06-21-2005, 07:58 PM
From my experience...

IMO, per capita, Spain has the most beautiful women.
by far Spain is the best county for late night clubing, drinking, meeting beautiful women
tapas - good eats!
speak with a lisp
Madrid - go to Club Joy (but not until mid-night)
Barcelona - waterfront clubs
weather = hot hot hot! wear thin tee shirts, not thick beefy T's
etc etc... FUN FUN FUN

oh man... I could go on! :cheers:


06-21-2005, 08:16 PM
I did the same thing with my highschool about 2 years ago using that CHA group tour thing...and I can seriously say it is still rated as the best two weeks of my life. Don't worry about a thing, there is PLENTY to do, even if you don't like drinking and hooking up with hot, dark haired, voluptuous Spanish girls. Spain is seriously one of the best places to go. Aside from all that, the cathedrals and old Moorish castles are beautiful.

06-21-2005, 08:17 PM
I was in Rota about this time 2 years ago, coming back from various ops in support of Iraqi Freedom and the Global War on Terror. Visited a nude beach, but it reminded me of EuroTrip. Not quite that bad, but close. The sangria was good. A lot of people can't handle it, but I had no trouble with it.

06-21-2005, 10:49 PM
sangria is an insult to wine. disgusting. although, spain does have some of the most underrated table wine in the world... (good wine cheap). buy a gallon of it and frolick through the night saturated in the joyous energetic high of a good table wine (what i do every night).

Jack & Coke
06-21-2005, 11:24 PM
insult to wine? It's NOT suppposed to be wine. It's a drink that has wine as one of it's many ingredients.

Think of it more as a "party punch" or "jungle juice" with wine in it... :)

from: http://www.lisashea.com/sangria/

In essence Sangria is a red wine punch, created in Spain and made popular in the US at the 1964 World's Fair. It normally has red wine, brandy, and fruit. However, it can be made in just about any style you can imagine.

Sangria is the perfect party punch that just about everybody loves! Fresh, fruity, delicious, Sangria can be made in any number of styles from spicy to mild to rich to bubbly.

Click here (http://www.lisashea.com/sangria/) for some good recipes that will make your tummy happy! :clap:

06-22-2005, 12:40 AM
as a to be viticulturist im a strong believer in the purity of wine and brandy:)

Jack & Coke
06-22-2005, 02:48 AM
well goodie for you!

...and goodie for me! :clap:

In accordance to the basic laws regarding the balance in the universe (i.e. conservation of mass), that means in the end, there's just that much more sangria for me than you... :cheers:

06-22-2005, 07:40 AM
have at it:)

06-23-2005, 01:04 PM
It comes down to one of two things, tap some hot Spanish chick or eat. I, personally, would take eat.
stay away from my friends...

06-23-2005, 01:21 PM
Take a shuttle to Ibiza, in the Balaerics :)

Drink lots of Sangria and eat Paella

06-23-2005, 01:26 PM
Shag a beast.

Come back and tell us she was gorgeous.

We'll never know the difference.

06-23-2005, 03:08 PM
Buy me a fine rapier. The spanish make the finest rapiers in the world.

I have a Scottish claymore, an English longsword, a Japanese 3-piece katana set, chinese butterfly swords... it's all I'm missing. :cry:

That and find yourself a good woman.

06-23-2005, 03:35 PM
drink and screw.

06-23-2005, 03:49 PM
a few ppl have said some other things but i think im just gonna say do 2-3 things at the same time, doggy a hotty, while eating some of their wonderful food and drinking somthing, make it a real experience get the full spectrum of spain at once :D here is a lovely phrase as well

darma cabasa

its pronounced something like that, dont go shouting it out but thats a good one to know ;)

Jack & Coke
06-23-2005, 07:47 PM

Take lots of pictures for AO show and tell! :D

06-23-2005, 08:03 PM
darma cabasa

its pronounced something like that, dont go shouting it out but thats a good one to know ;)

deme cabeza ...make sure u say that to every big buff spanish man u see.

06-24-2005, 10:09 AM
Presuming that you are going to be spending some time in Madrid as well as Toledo, check out the Royal Palace. It's pretty nice, and has an impressive collection of medieaval and renaissance arms and armour.

Also, go for a meal at "Botín", the oldest reasturant in the world. Hemingway was a fan, and wrote of it in "The Sun also Rises". It's just off the Plaza Mayor in the old downtown core, on calle Cuchilleros (knife makers street).

If you are up for it, you should try to catch a bullfight (they come on TV anyway), or better yet a soccer game. Réal Madrid, or Barcelona.

06-24-2005, 03:15 PM
It comes down to one of two things, tap some hot Spanish chick or eat. I, personally, would take eat.

rofl. no offence, but you must be either gay or fat.

06-24-2005, 03:19 PM
rofl. no offence, but you must be either gay or fat.

or not desperate (seeing as hot women can be found anywhere, except utah).

06-24-2005, 05:08 PM
I thought your title said. Going to "Spam" tomorrow. Now I am disapointed.

06-24-2005, 05:18 PM
learn a few words of mexican spanish and call the locals spics

take a tour of the corona factory.

07-09-2005, 08:57 PM
hey. i got back a few days ago on the 4th of july. I could see itty bitty flashes from the air where people were doing their own fireworks. And we flew past a big lightning storm over new mexico or some state around there. AO has been closed down for the past few days, so I’m posting now.

spain was awsome. we went from Madrid to Barcelona. much of it i dont remember for several reason, but it was awsome. whenever i wish i had my camera with me i didn't, oh well.

alcohol was easily available to people of my age. 16 is close enough to 18, and they almost never asked for proof of age. i never knew that the canabis club made beer. the canabis club sud.finaly got to try absinthe, and i gotta say that that stuff is pretty strong and has some cool side effects.

there were way too many cathedrals.

i would be afraid to drive most of the streets in Toledo. literaly as wide as a volkswagon bug plus a foot and a half.

went to the Toledo sword factory. saw someone forging a blade, and someone doing some goldsmithing. i bought a damn nice pocket knife for 13 euros. i am cheap and picky so i got the knife instead of a sword because the swords i liked were 300 euros plus.

went to burgos while they were having a festival for saint paul or something like that. that was a party town. fiesta until about 5 am. hippies all over. some parade that just HAD to have been inspired by a bad LSD trip or something. it was crazy cool there.

Barcelona and Madrid just kinda reminded me of down town san francisco. dirty, hills, weird people, beggers, street performers. there were some good break dancers though.

malgrat de mar. little ghetto beach resort town. slum of the slums but with a really nice hotel. little shops all along the main road, they do anything to get some business. the people working in them grab you and dont let you leave until you buy something. annoying but funny. you can talk down all of their prices. my friend got an airsoft gun for 20 euros that they origionally wanted 90 for.
there were atleast 3 discotecs there, but i only went to two. their discotecs are like our clubs here. a few kids and i got free club memberships at two of them so we could go in and out all we wanted. each time you go in they give you tickets for free drinks. needless to say we wandered back and forth from club to club and got drunk. all i remember from that night is that i found 50 euros on the ground and that a hooker grabbed my butt as i was stumbling down the street.

in some little town, i dont know the name, but we named it estonia, our hotel grew hella weed. i was exploring the hotel, just like every hotel we went to, and found the attic. in the attic, there was 4 or 5 weed plants hanging up to dry. out back of the hotel there was a push cart with probably 40 baby plants growing in it. i got a pic of the drying weed, and tried to get a pic of the baby plants, but someone opened a nearby door and scared the crap outa me and i ran. i didn't want to get shot or something.
2 of the stoners on the trip with us stole enough weed to roll about 35 joints. they pretty much had a rolling party. drinking absinthe and rolling was kinda fun. i dunno why, but it was.
oh, and cuban cigars were easily available. i got THE BEST pic of my friend smoking one, but he didn't want anybody to see it so i had to delete it.
there is soooooooooooo much stuff i know i forgot to mention but i cant remember what those things were right now.
i'll try to get some pics up in the next day or so.

07-09-2005, 09:11 PM
well first off, the people u were getting to "lower their prices" were laughing at u at the end of the day not the other way around.

secondly, cubans are overrated unless youve got 50/smokey and you know what ur looking for;)

thirdly fix ur cuss filter circumventions before army goes all 4th of july on u.

fourth, cathedrals are the most beautifull buildings ever built man, each one by a famous architect with a history, could never be too many cathedrals lol.

fifth, im jelous as hell, i wanna go to spain :( .


07-09-2005, 09:30 PM
people do make big deals out of cubans. but hey, when you cant get ahold of them here, and you can there, you gotta take advantage of the fact.

i agree that cathedrals are nice buildings, but when you have to go on a tour of every one you see, it gets kinda old. on a hot day walking all around town, and stepping into a cathedral is a nice way to cool down. they are always nice and cool temperature wise inside.