View Full Version : Check this out!!!! Great for all, Great for any New player....

06-22-2005, 02:33 AM

The Paintball Clinic will feature Paul and Steve Ciesiun and other members of Wretched 7, teaching playing techniques that have been learned through a combined 35 years of recreational and tournament paintball play. The clinic will demonstrate how to adapt tournament-playing techniques for scenario/recreational play. The short clinic session cannot cover every aspect but will highlight various important techniques that are crucial to improving your game.

The Clinic will take place during the Scenario Recruitment Open House.

July 9th from 1:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M.
Registration is open until and including that date.
Cost: $15 per person for Members and Roster players of sponsored teams.
$25 per person for non-members and non-sponsored players.

Payment must be made in person at Realms of Ruin the date of the Clinic however, please R.S.V.P. by emailing:

Paul Ciesiun at paul@nightpaintball.com Topic: W7 Clinic in order to confirm your reservation and roster spot. There will only be 40 spots available for this first clinic.

The clinic breaks down and covers the following topics:

Paintball Fundamentals (1:00 – 2:00p.m)

- Body Position
In relation to the cover you are using, in relation to your opponent, playing field and strategy to advance and capture territory on a playing field.

- Fire techniques
Tips on how to improve shooting accuracy, shooting while moving, and drills to practice after the clinic.

- Movement
Tips on how to move against your opponent, how to set up your moves, and risk taking while playing.

- Communication
Fundamentals on how and what to communicate to set up moves, make advancements, become efficient and effective with regard to taking a playing field.

- Common mistakes
Examples of common mistakes players make such as reaction, on field adjustments, sizing up opponents, strategy, body position.

Demonstrations (2:00 – 3:00p.m.)

- Snap Shooting
Knowing how to be an effective snap shooter and when to put it to use. This demo will feature crucial adjustments to becoming a better and faster on target shooter than your opponent.

- Tree Walking
Knowing how to move on an opponent is crucial, knowing your exposures, how to minimize exposure when taking fire and taking advantages of angles or finding angles to eliminate a target.

- Accuracy Drills
Tips on becoming more accurate, shooting with both hands, and methods on how to become accurate while shooting on the move.

Practice (3:00 – 4:00p.m.)

- Practicing the methods and tips suggested during the clinic
This hour will feature 1 on 1 critiques and suggestions to players as they put into practice the methods and demonstrations discussed during the clinic.

- Suggestions based on specific playing or player types
We will work with each player and offer suggestions based on each players specific style and preference to playing paintball. This will help customize the clinic to each player so that they receive help with their specific style of play. :headbang: