View Full Version : Warp feed right?

11-29-2001, 04:18 PM
Aight u guys i am left handed and shoot with my left hand. I have a hopper right minimag body. Will the warp feed still work if i set it up on the right side of my gun? Thanx!

11-29-2001, 04:29 PM
you'll have to be creative with the hose, but it will work. If you look at some pictures on here you'll see how some people have run the hose between their foregrip and trigger frame.

11-29-2001, 04:40 PM
It'll work fine. Plus I bet many people would want to trade a HL body for your HR right body so they can go Warp without eccentric plumbing.

11-29-2001, 04:44 PM
Originally posted by Shaft
It'll work fine. Plus I bet many people would want to trade a HL body for your HR right body so they can go Warp without eccentric plumbing.

unsless they a wierd right handers like me that perfer having a hopperright body.... i could never get used to having the hopper on the left side of the marker...... probly from using a tippmann for a few years as my first marker.... go figure

and they are right you'll just have a little extra hose going from the warp to gun...

11-29-2001, 06:10 PM
Originally posted by virus

unsless they a wierd right handers like me that perfer having a hopperright body.... i could never get used to having the hopper on the left side of the marker...... probly from using a tippmann for a few years as my first marker.... go figure

and they are right you'll just have a little extra hose going from the warp to gun...

OR you could just use the right angle adapter and an elbow and a coupler and give your hand a nice little hole to fit in :D

11-29-2001, 06:19 PM
I'm just wonderin but which side of the gun does the warp feed goes on if you're left handed?

11-29-2001, 09:20 PM
Warp goes on the right side of the marker if you are left handed.

Odd... most right handed people using direct on gun Hoppers prefer HL as it keeps the hopper behind the bunker when you pop out the right side. And they just cock the gun over to the side a bit for line of sight. But some don't I can see. .

11-29-2001, 09:58 PM
Can i put the warp feed on the right and run the hose on the top of the powerfeed instead of the bottom? Will this make it not feed as fast?

11-29-2001, 10:15 PM
It will feed a bit more difficult but many do this and get away with it. Better to go with it on the right and use a HL body for your needs. Many Many right handers out there with HL that would love to trade with you.

11-30-2001, 05:34 PM
Jack i would love to trade with u. If u r interested of course. I have a hopper left body and a warp feed. I could really use a hopper right body. Mine is powerfeed of course. It is in great condition.

11-30-2001, 05:41 PM
I have similar problems as listed here and I think it boils down to Eye Dominance as much as L/R Handedness. I am right handed but have a strong left eye dominance, which makes me ponder putting a warp on the right side, just to keep the clutter out of the way of sighting. Of course my whole perspective would change. Currently, I look down the left side of the gun, but the hopper prevents me from looking across the top.

Jack, being left handed could be very much to your advantage here. There are ads all the time in the for sale area of right handed people looking to trade their High Left Minimag Bodies for one like yours. Then you would have the preferred lower hose setup!