View Full Version : Post here to join the AO Battlefield 2 Clan!!!

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06-23-2005, 05:25 PM
I decided to start a Battlefield 2 clan. It will be mostly for fun, but if we are pretty good and everyone decides to participate in clan wars and such, we can do that too. post in here if you want in, pm me, and catch me on msn messenger. once we get a few people, ill appoint some people to certain possitions, we'll hold a meeting by chatroom, and go from there. let me know who wants in.

You can go to this link to see some stats for our people, it will be updated later: http://thecavemankevin.blogspot.com/2005/08/ao-bf2-clan-info.html

If you dont have it yet, download teamspeak here: www.goteamspeak.com click on download teamspeak client link on the right. download it and install it. here is the server info:

Teamspeak server:
Teamspeak password: ao

our BF2 dedicated server ip is:
there probably wont be anybody on it unless we set something up, we usually get a squad going on ranked servers

Here is the list of members so far:

Mr. Mouse
Will Wood

Gitaroo Man
06-23-2005, 05:54 PM
Would we have a server?

06-23-2005, 07:54 PM
well, i was gonna say if we get enough people, but im gonna rent a server anyway, so yes, we have our own server.

06-23-2005, 07:58 PM
Hmmm . . . . whats the committment required here? I wouldn't mind a few BF 2 games, but I really don't have the time to be practicing like hardcore clans. Would be kinda cool though :D

06-23-2005, 08:05 PM
alright, here is the deal.


this will not be a hardcore clan, this will just be us getting together to have fun and play as an ao team, come and go as you like. i will not require anyone to play x amount of hours to stay in.


i did some research, and servers are 8 bones per person a month. so if we want a 32 person server, its gonna cost 256 a month. that leaves us with 2 options.

1. everyone pays dues, which really sucks
2. i can try to set up a server on an extra machine, but i think a bunch of people wont run
very well on my dsl connection

catch me on msn messenger at gain_man@hotmail.com
or aim me at gainman00 if you wanna chat more about it

06-23-2005, 11:29 PM
I'm in, but I'm not down for renting a server. Lets just buddy list or whatever each other, and just randomly join up to beat up on poor unsuspecting players.

06-23-2005, 11:58 PM
cool man, have aim or msn?

06-24-2005, 12:32 AM
Yea Steel's idea sounds the best. I'd be up for that. Just have a weekly day/night? Or maybe more than once a week? :p :D

06-24-2005, 07:26 AM
I'm in, but I'm not down for renting a server. Lets just buddy list or whatever each other, and just randomly join up to beat up on poor unsuspecting players.
im in on that

06-24-2005, 09:51 AM
Hey I might be in for this also ... but I need to check and make sure the game will run well on my system.

Athalon XP 2900+
1 gig PC3200 Ram
ATi Radeon 9000 Pro Video (128 meg)

Yeah I am working on the video card at the moment ... put do you think my CPU and ram will handle the game okay? Its been along time since I really got into playing games and this one has sparked my interest.


I am looking at the following video card;


I have to keep my money spent to ~$100.00 at the moment due to other expenses.


06-24-2005, 11:03 AM
Honestly, the card isn't that much of an upgrade.

What I would do, if I were in your shoes, is save my money for another year or year and a half and buy a whole new rig with a PCI-E motherboard.

And I'm not completely sure that that card is supported.

06-24-2005, 11:03 AM
Hey I might be in for this also ... but I need to check and make sure the game will run well on my system.

Athalon XP 2900+
1 gig PC3200 Ram
ATi Radeon 9000 Pro Video (128 meg)

Yeah I am working on the video card at the moment ... put do you think my CPU and ram will handle the game okay? Its been along time since I really got into playing games and this one has sparked my interest.


I am looking at the following video card;


I have to keep my money spent to ~$100.00 at the moment due to other expenses.


If you want to be cheap, run with what you have. I have 512 ram and the same card, and it runs smooth, albeit at low resolution.

06-24-2005, 11:23 AM
Saving up the money isnt the issue :) I have more important things to buy first namely a house, so I limit my money spent on my computer and car at the moment.

I'll have to check their system specs on line and then check out the sales in the area on video cards.

Ill stick to R6:3 till then ... but this game does look hot so I am wanting to get into playing more with a group.


06-24-2005, 03:47 PM
see the list so far in the first post

once we get a couple more people, im thinking 10, ill hold a clan meeting via chatroom and we can discuss how we want to run the clan, how serious we want it, and how we will find time to play with each other.

lopxtc- i have an extra geforce fx 5950 ultra you can use for now, let me know if that will help

06-24-2005, 04:52 PM
Saving up the money isnt the issue :) I have more important things to buy first namely a house, so I limit my money spent on my computer and car at the moment.

I'll have to check their system specs on line and then check out the sales in the area on video cards.

Ill stick to R6:3 till then ... but this game does look hot so I am wanting to get into playing more with a group.


Again, I am using a p4 2.55 with a 128 meg radeon 9000 and 512 megs ram, and it runs fine. Don't wait.

Also, and this is having owned 4 houses so far, save LOTS of money for a house. Once you get it, you'd be surprised how much OTHER crap you need to buy.

06-24-2005, 05:03 PM
I'm buying the game next week, put me on the list!

06-24-2005, 05:23 PM
Steelrat -- Oh I already know what you are talking about LOL ... have close to $10k in the bank alone for the stuff once we get into one. Nice thing about the VA Loan is no money down needed, granted thats money taken off the top ... but we need so much more of "other" things ahead of time.

devildog -- I might take you up on that offer ... let me see how it runs under my current setup and I will get back to you.


06-24-2005, 06:26 PM
okay, i set up a teamspeak server, but i dont know if its gonna work right with my router, so if anyone wants to try, or help me with it, aim me at gainman00

06-25-2005, 01:03 PM
anyone else wanna play, ill be on for a little while today?

06-25-2005, 05:56 PM
I'll be up to playing tonight after 8-9pm central time. My microphone bite the dust though so I am needing to get a new one ...


anyone else wanna play, ill be on for a little while today?

06-25-2005, 11:44 PM
hey man, im on right now

06-26-2005, 08:33 AM
Hey do you use AOL or Yahoo IM? If so shoot me a PM with your screen name and I will get you added to my list and we can try to arrange a time.


hey man, im on right now

06-26-2005, 12:19 PM
aim- gainman00
yahoo- gain_man

you can even call me if you want

858 334 5282

06-26-2005, 01:05 PM
I'm in :D

Msn: God_of_death__@hotmail.com
Aim: Morfesto
Yahoo: Topazseb
ICQ: 149518564

I am normaly a support or special ops
Hopefully ill get a good ping all the way in Canada here :P

06-26-2005, 06:14 PM
Okay the game runs just fine on my system ... so put me down as part of the group.

I like the special ops role, but I am also working on the engineer role (since I am a former 1371 combat engineer) so you can list me as either and I am more than willing to fill the role of medic if needed.

AOL and Yahoo/IM* ID -- lopxtc

*I tend to be on yahoo more than AOL.

**EDIT ... I am working on getting my second linux box back up and running ... its a dual xeon 550 (going to dual 900) with a gig of ram and will set it up as a server for practice now and then. Cant keep it running all the time though, but will have it running when there is enough people around to practice.


06-26-2005, 07:53 PM
okay, maybe 1 or 2 more people and ill set up a meeting. ill set one up for next week even if we dont get more people.

06-26-2005, 09:53 PM
You can add my roomie his BF:2 name is MacGhriogair

He is an awsome tank/apc driver and a good helicopter pilot.
He plays any class.

06-27-2005, 10:56 AM
Does anyone else find some of the loading times for online games downright painful? It seems like that "Loading Complete. Verifying Client Data." screen takes forever sometimes.

06-27-2005, 11:57 AM
Does anyone else find some of the loading times for online games downright painful? It seems like that "Loading Complete. Verifying Client Data." screen takes forever sometimes.
depending on the server this does seem to take some time

06-27-2005, 03:27 PM
ok, i need everyone to pm me their aol instant messenger name, we are going to hold the meeting via chatroom there.

also, if anyone wants to set up a web page for our clan, let me know if you want to do that. also would be nice if we can have our own forum.

06-27-2005, 06:58 PM
I need to see if i can actually get the game. If i can (and ill tell you), put me down. Ill play the role of airplane/chopper hijacker. Ive gotten awfully good at stealing vehicles and whatnot from the other team. :rofl:

06-27-2005, 07:00 PM
Just Bought It Today Im So Happy And We Will Play All Night Tonight Okay

06-27-2005, 07:09 PM
not all night, some of us have to work early in the morning ;)

get me on yahoo messenger at gain_man

we will mainly communicate through teamspeak, ill help everyone set it up. make sure you have a mic

06-28-2005, 10:15 AM
Hmm me thinks I will be picking up this video card to replace my Radeon 9000 ...



06-28-2005, 12:58 PM
Hmm me thinks I will be picking up this video card to replace my Radeon 9000 ...



Hehe. Waited and got PCI-Express.
/Loves the Radeon X800

I should have the retail today, should be down for some evening games. I ping very well most of the Chicago located servers.

/Engineer Helo pilot and Spec Ops C4 flag defense

06-28-2005, 02:34 PM
I dont bother staying on top of technology any more. No point to it when the items drop $200+ dollars within a year or two anyway. Hell my Radeon 9000 pro drives this game just fine at a level I have no problem with, just bumping up video since I havent done so in almost two-three years now.


Hehe. Waited and got PCI-Express.
/Loves the Radeon X800

I should have the retail today, should be down for some evening games. I ping very well most of the Chicago located servers.

/Engineer Helo pilot and Spec Ops C4 flag defense

06-29-2005, 07:02 AM
I decided to start a Battlefield 2 clan. It will be mostly for fun, but if we are pretty good and everyone decides to participate in clan wars and such, we can do that too. post in here if you want in, pm me, and catch me on msn messenger. once we get a few people, ill appoint some people to certain possitions, we'll hold a meeting by chatroom, and go from there. let me know who wants in.

Here is the list so far:


I thought I'd already posted to this thread, but apparently not. I'd be interested in joining an AO Clan for BF2. My BF@ name is Timmee[451], and I'm still trying to figure out my favorite weapons set (although anti-tank is the front runner).

06-29-2005, 09:54 AM
ok timmee, you are added.


i grew up in norwich. taftville actually ;) rock on

for everyone else, i still need everyones aim names so i could set this meeting up. i only got a few pm's about it. ill start pming people and asking i guess.

07-25-2005, 09:42 AM
count me in, just bought it last night and i'd like to join. I've been playing the demo for a while now and preffer spec ops or sniper. But i too am willing to fill in where needed.

thecavemankevin is my aim name, and BF2 name.

You guys should all download trillian (http://www.download.com/Trillian/3000-2150_4-10367846.html?tag=lst-0-1). It is a multi chat client that allows you to sign onto MSN, AIM, yahoo and IRC all at the same time (no adaware/spyware either). That way you dont have to run MSN and AIM at the same time.

I am usually in for late evening battles 12-1am (east coast).

07-25-2005, 02:42 PM
count me in too.

oh and i would like some help testing my server.

i have a server out on the net and i loaded a BF@ server on it. i have to limmit it to only 512k of bandwidth, so i want to find out how many people we can get on with that.

catch me on aim

and we can hop on and test. you may even see it in the server list " [WLK] Datapimp69 BF2 Server" or something like that

07-25-2005, 02:57 PM
Okay so I got my 6600GT working now and damn the game looks allot better LOL ...

Count me in to fill any of these positions --


Also I can drive while filling any of those roles. I cannot fly for a damn though.


07-26-2005, 02:50 AM
just to keep you guys updated, im working with the admins on the board to get us our own private forum on this board, so we can post and set things up there. once that fires up, we can move on with this. datapimp, ill be in touch, add me to your aim at gainman00

07-26-2005, 10:09 AM
By the time this is set up, I might be close to promotion from Lance Corporal to Corporal. And then it will be another 4 months to a promotion... :eek:

Support or Engineer chopper pilot
Blackhawk in-flight repairman

Lately mixing in more Command, pretty good with airstrikes, about 20:1 foe:friendly.

07-26-2005, 10:53 AM
I don't seem to be gaining right now. I've been stuck at Lance Corporal for weeks, and it doesn't appear that the bar is moving. Is everyone going to EA ranked servers, or are people still gaining with the other ranked servers out there?

07-26-2005, 10:57 AM
Seems every time I get on to play all the ranked servers are full ... drives me nuts.


I don't seem to be gaining right now. I've been stuck at Lance Corporal for weeks, and it doesn't appear that the bar is moving. Is everyone going to EA ranked servers, or are people still gaining with the other ranked servers out there?

07-26-2005, 01:12 PM
I don't seem to be gaining right now. I've been stuck at Lance Corporal for weeks, and it doesn't appear that the bar is moving. Is everyone going to EA ranked servers, or are people still gaining with the other ranked servers out there?
No, they purposely made all the promotions after Lance Corporal take a bagillion experience. Its like 5000 to get Lance Corporal and another 40,000 to promote again, or something like that. So it takes a worthwhile effort to get the next promotion/unlock of weapon.

I'm digging the autoshotty of course. The Spec ops might be the best unlock. The medic might be nice just to get more than burst and get full auto. I think I have about 3/4 of the service medals. Only bronze, silver, gold for the performance medals. Only like 4 badges, 3 from a monster round in Sighua(sp?) Stalemate getting 204 points in the BH gunning/repair and capping like mad.

07-26-2005, 05:26 PM
Count me in. I'm best at SpecOps, but I'm not bad at the Anti-Armor and Assault specialties.

07-26-2005, 07:38 PM
I unlocked the medic weapon when I had one coming. I would honestly pick another. Its a good gun but power and accurace are the same as the normal gun. the only advantages are it sights better and has full auto.

Anti-tank is a good unlock since the mp5 is weak.
assualt is good too but I do miss the nade launcher.

07-27-2005, 12:00 AM
ive been away on training guys, sorry about not updating the list and stuff. i have added the new people.

im working with the mods and webby on getting us our own section of the forum, so ill keep you guys posted on that.

im also working with datapimp on a server, so we might have our own. we need to get a bunch of people on it at once so we can see what kind of load it puts on his server and how it will run with lots of people on there. me and him connected to it today, and it worked, so now we just need more people. im thinking saturday sometime, cant be too late cause i have partying to do, but during the day sometime might work. if not, we can wait till monday.

if anyone wants, ill be on most of the night, you can aim me at gainman00 and we can play.

please post your aim or yahoo names so we can get in contact about the server test.

07-27-2005, 04:15 PM
Count me in. I'm best at SpecOps, but I'm not bad at the Anti-Armor and Assault specialties.
Say Eagle, can you get the C4 detonator option without dropping all the C4? My secondary weapon function doesn't pull it up. I always have to toss all the C4. The tank usually gets me as I'm dropping the 4th piece of C4 or running away. Usually when 2 would do the job. Otherwise flag defense C4 works nice. I hear there is a bug if you detonate like on the other side of the map. Instant death. Joy.

I think Spec Ops or standard infantry have the best unlocks. But with playing Engineer most the time, full auto shotty gets me kills/saves where the pump was just nowhere near as good. Hehe, the Medic unlock should have just been body armor. I'd play medic more but I always get tagged trying to revive others. At least as support you can take a shot or two with that armor.

07-27-2005, 04:32 PM
the weird you should just hit the right mouse button and it goes to your detonator...hmm

07-27-2005, 04:54 PM
No, I never had any trouble pulling up the detonator after just one or 2 C4 bundles.

07-27-2005, 06:14 PM
I havent even heard of it being a bug either?

07-28-2005, 11:59 AM
I'm in, if I can use my current tagged account:



FactsStats (http://www.got3n.com/player.php?pid=44019762)

AIM: Redshiftscopes (usually on)
XFire: Unclefacts (always on)

07-28-2005, 01:17 PM
I'm in, if I can use my current tagged account:



FactsStats (http://www.got3n.com/player.php?pid=44019762)

Here's mine: http://www.got3n.com/player.php?pid=Timmee%5B451%5D

I need better tactics. :(

07-28-2005, 02:30 PM
wow facts, rockin it up huh? here is mine:


we are gonna have to keep badges, maybe if they come out with a new patch where we can change the names we can change them, but i dont want to lose all of my stats.

still waiting on everyones aim or yahoo names.

07-28-2005, 03:14 PM
I use trillian, my AIM is ghsjkr, my MSN is eagle6413@hotmail.com. My BF2 logon is Joker13641.

07-28-2005, 03:19 PM
I would be up for some BF2 fun. I have a server that I could setup unranked (dual MP 2600, 2g ram, 100mbit to the net).

07-28-2005, 08:53 PM
I'd be up to it. My call sign is pbzmag. Only played single-player though. So far, I've been using assult.

07-29-2005, 11:08 PM
still waiting on aim from everybody

07-30-2005, 06:30 AM
aim = fire1812

yahoo = fire1811

hotmail = fire1811

icq =8361853

07-30-2005, 11:19 AM
For all of you wondering how and when you get promotions and ribbons/medals, here is a nice site that shows the numbers.

Got3n's BF2 stats and info pages (http://www.got3n.com/bf2info.php)

07-30-2005, 03:14 PM
For all of you wondering how and when you get promotions and ribbons/medals, here is a nice site that shows the numbers.

Got3n's BF2 stats and info pages (http://www.got3n.com/bf2info.php)
Cool, didn't know there were vet/advances sevice medals.
Where are the stats/gains for the star medals (top medal bracket in medal awards on character sheet)

07-30-2005, 04:18 PM
still waiting on aim from everybody
I've been waiting for YOU man. Just got a new graphic card so I'll be playing alot more now

07-31-2005, 04:22 AM
hey teekyboy, had fun playing with you today. we should play again tomorrow, hopefully ore peopel will aim me, and we can get a bigger goroup. anyway, im drunk ad hell right now, so forgive the bad typeing, im trying to still go bery fast, and i dont know if im hitting th right keys. oh well, ol' girl is calling, time to do the "thing". ;) take it easy guys, hit me up on aim, and we'll play, gainman00 on aim.

08-03-2005, 09:21 AM
it was cool jumping on, even for only a couple minutes with devil and t3 last night.

If you guys are going to do it again tonight i'd like to jump on and work on my flying skills (i really suck)

08-03-2005, 09:34 AM
I will jump in with you guys after I get the game, ive been playing the demo alot, and with 13 years of experience in FPS, im not that bad at it either. ;)

08-03-2005, 04:58 PM
cool guys, been in contact still with the forum editor people, our own section IS coming officially now, just waiting till they get a chance to make it for us.

we now have our own clan server hosted and ran by datapimp. its gonna be our place to play together, practice, have fun, and if we ever get enough interest, we can have clan battles and stuff. we can talk about that later

we had a peak of 8 people in the server last night and it ran great. we also have a dedicated teamspeak server to chat it up in, cause the ingame chat system sucks. it was just a test night, once our forum comes up, we can schedule days we can get everyone on.

i have about 5 friends that also play, that are in the marine corps with me, so there is a few more. ill get them to join the forum so they can post with us. youll probably hear us talking smack to each other on teamspeak (cause thats what we do), and you might hear some "wierd" things said between us.

anyway, hope to see more people join, i know we have alot of gamers, and remember, this is all for fun, so all skill levels can join. id love to see alot of people on there. pm me if you wanna join.

i still need the rest of your aim/yahoo/msn/icq names so i can get in contact with you. thanks guys.

08-04-2005, 03:37 PM
i will be downloading teamspeak tonight and try it while play bf2.

Also, if you guys ever bought Socom for the playstation 2 and it came with the headset, you can use that. It is a USB logitech mic and earphone.

08-04-2005, 03:40 PM
ill soon have the game. i just ordered my new computer and when i get it im getting this game and half life to

ill post back when i get it

08-07-2005, 04:43 AM
i updated the clan roster.

here is an update on the clan and our forum

we have a few members playing together now, we have a dedicated server, and a teamspeak server. i just got an email from webby, our forum should be up this coming week. everything is looking good so far, still need people to messenger me with contact info. ill keep you guys informed.

08-07-2005, 07:54 AM
whats the ip for the server?

08-07-2005, 04:40 PM
the server ip is
the teamspeak ip is the same, password ao. there prolly wont be anybody on the server yet unless we set up a play time, more info on it later

08-07-2005, 07:33 PM
cool thanks I will check into it later

08-08-2005, 12:10 PM
i jumped on it for a few minutes last night but no one was around so i jumped elsewhere.

We should set it up so maybe every Tues, Thurs and Sunday nights 9/10pm eastern or something like that we have practice games. I'd really love to work with you guys in a squad out in the "real world."

I also think that we should all use the same comunication system, and if that is team speak i am fine with that.

08-08-2005, 12:17 PM
yeah, I jumped on several times last night, but no one was ever there. And a commo system would be nice, but not everyone has a mic, and I know the one time I encountered someone using teamspeak, I couldn't understand a word he was saying. It was like listening to the adults in the Peanuts cartoon.

08-08-2005, 02:12 PM
teamspeak will be our comm system, if you have a half decent mic it works great, we have already been using it.

as far as arranging day to play, we will start that after our forum gets put up, which should be this week according to webby. then we can post anything we want in there, itll get too cluttered up and confusing in here. if everyone would post their aims and yahoo accounts, we could contact each other that way for now.

when the forum goes up, we will arange play times for anyone who wants to join.

08-08-2005, 07:21 PM
anyone going to be on tonight? i'll be on and off, hit me up on aim: thecavemankevin

08-08-2005, 08:57 PM
I'll be on for a bit tonight. Feel free to Im me (Timmee05 is my AIM).

Mr. Mouse
08-08-2005, 11:05 PM
what time you guys play? my bf2 name is McMouse-13

08-08-2005, 11:42 PM
we are playing right now

teamspeak ip is the same, password ao

mr mouse, get me your aim or yahoo, or aim me at gainman00

08-08-2005, 11:58 PM
Devildog, sorry about not talking to you on AIM. I didn't recognize the name (recognized it after visiting here, afterwards), and I was just getting ready to lay down some serious arty fire.

Thecavemankevin, I had fun teaming up with you. Sorry it couldn't have been more maps.

08-09-2005, 12:19 AM
I've been playing the demo for a month :( I really need to buy the game...

08-09-2005, 01:06 AM
cool guys, we played a couple of maps tonight, was fun. timmee, no prob, we'll probably play around the same time tomorrow, around 10pm pacific time. look for everyone on aim.

falconguy, lay down the cash buddy, itll be lots of fun man.

the list is growing, i think once our forum opens up, we'll get more takers. hopefully more of you guys can come out tomorrow and maybe wednesday.

08-09-2005, 07:33 AM
yeah guys, i had a good time rollin with yall. Deffinatly more fun than typicall playing with people you dont know.

Timmee, was cool playing with you, and then haveing you as the commander.

Devil, Data and yall others....it was cool. Perhaps we can try and get it up and running a bit earlier.....for us east cost guys 10pm pac is a bit late....well not so much that it is late to start, but it is late to stay up for any length of time.

TK....you're a tank and rocket whore!!!! :p

When setting up the server, can you determine what vehicles are present? If so perhaps on maps that are small like strike we should drop them completely.

Or even better, we have a gentlemens agreement to just use knives or the medic paddles.

Data, is your server ranked?

08-09-2005, 08:33 AM
I'll be on tonight more than likely around 10/11-1 east cost. so if any of yall wanna hook up hit me up on aim

08-09-2005, 09:01 AM
Im going to try and be around tonight also ... getting my new case in, so hopefully it wont take me long to transfer everything from the old case to the new one.


08-09-2005, 10:45 AM
Must wire Cat6 to office, going through withdrawl...

08-09-2005, 11:20 AM
cool guys, we should have a good group tonight, start filtering in around 8pm pacific, but i prolly wont be on that early, i have plans tonight.

if you dont have teamspeak, you should download it. its a program that you connect to a server and you can have voice comm through your mic. you can download it at www.goteamspeak.com the link is on the right of the hopepage, download the client not the server. if you need help connecting, im me at gainman00 or yahoo at gain_man.

as stated above, another good prog to have is trillian. it combines all messengers into one, so we can have contact with each other.

on top of the ao people we have playing, i have about 5 friends that play also, im gonna get them to join ao. youll hear us talking crap to each other.

see you on the field...

08-09-2005, 12:44 PM
i have a couple friends i am going to try and get in with us....if they'd hurry up and get the damn game.

Plus majorho from these boards is playing BFV, so i am trying to get him to update to BF2 and join in with us....so if you guys want to pester him his aim is majorhoho

08-09-2005, 01:11 PM
It was fun but too easy with only 6 people in the server. Hope there will be more next time!

08-09-2005, 02:21 PM
Anyone know anything about unlocking the additional weapons in the game? I was under the impression that once you make rank, you can unlock a gun, but I just made PFC, and haven't been able to do so.

08-09-2005, 02:28 PM
Anyone know anything about unlocking the additional weapons in the game? I was under the impression that once you make rank, you can unlock a gun, but I just made PFC, and haven't been able to do so.

Your first unlock comes at Lance Corporal.

08-09-2005, 03:23 PM
I'm in, but i need to save up a few more bucks to get the game, also will it run alright on a P4 2.4 ghz 512 meg and a ATI radeon 9200 SE

08-09-2005, 03:45 PM
It ran fine on my PIII 1.0GHz, 1 gig ram, and radeon 9500 pro ... I had to run it on low graphics settings but it ran fine.


I'm in, but i need to save up a few more bucks to get the game, also will it run alright on a P4 2.4 ghz 512 meg and a ATI radeon 9200 SE

08-09-2005, 03:48 PM
Alright i'm in as soon as i buy the game

08-09-2005, 03:58 PM
It ran fine on my PIII 1.0GHz, 1 gig ram, and radeon 9500 pro ... I had to run it on low graphics settings but it ran fine.

Yes, by some minor miracle, they got the code right and the server predictions and client side visuals are way more in line than Battlefield 1942. Heck, they even went so far as to make ammo boxes rare and made grenades only usefull against infantry.

Let alone the graphics load and lag issues. It actually rare to get crash to desktop issues. Now if this summer heat would just end and stop melting my graphics card I'd be prime.

08-09-2005, 04:18 PM
Anyone know anything about unlocking the additional weapons in the game? I was under the impression that once you make rank, you can unlock a gun, but I just made PFC, and haven't been able to do so.

its lance corproal which is 1,500 points. Make sure you do some research on your unlock because the next one is quite a ways off. Corporal is 10,500 points(next unlock)

08-09-2005, 04:21 PM
i have created a small spreadsheet with much of our needed info (AIM, BF2 name, AO name ect...) for our clan

I put it up in a blog (must be viewed with internet exp and not firefox). But i'd rather get it up on a real site if anyone has some extra space on a site of their own.

LINKY LINKY, shake it baby (http://thecavemankevin.blogspot.com/)

08-09-2005, 04:53 PM
hey caveman, brilliant idea. thank you for the help, ive been trying to help get the server and teamspeak running, and getting our forum on here, havent had much time to organize anything yet. anyway, pmed you some info, and maybe you should add another column for like, squad leader, commander, squad memberm, or lonewolf preference.

i am an awesome squadleader, i could be commander if needed, but not required.

08-09-2005, 06:55 PM
I put it up in a blog (must be viewed with internet exp and not firefox). But i'd rather get it up on a real site if anyone has some extra space on a site of their own.
[size=5]LINKY LINKY, shake it baby (http://thecavemankevin.blogspot.com/)
I got alot of space you guys can use right here (http://www.killerkittykats.net)

08-09-2005, 09:38 PM
I got alot of space you guys can use right here (http://www.killerkittykats.net)

um, k....but i wouldnt be very proud of that if i were you :)

08-09-2005, 10:08 PM

08-10-2005, 06:09 AM
count me in im an excellent medic, and AT guy

08-10-2005, 10:13 AM
arson, do you have aim or yahoo messenger? ill update the roster soon

08-10-2005, 10:19 AM
hey caveman, brilliant idea. thank you for the help, ive been trying to help get the server and teamspeak running, and getting our forum on here, havent had much time to organize anything yet. anyway, pmed you some info, and maybe you should add another column for like, squad leader, commander, squad memberm, or lonewolf preference.

i am an awesome squadleader, i could be commander if needed, but not required.

Not really too good with being a squadleader, but I make a fair to good commander. My kits are usually either Spec-Ops, Sniper, or Anti-Tank.

08-10-2005, 10:54 AM
Typically I start off as spec-ops and usually try to make an end run to the opposing side to take out radar and anything else I can in the rear. Usually create my own squad and plant myself in the rear where people can join my squad and spawn on my spot.

Then I switch to either support or anti-tank where needed ...


08-10-2005, 11:17 AM
Typically I start off as spec-ops and usually try to make an end run to the opposing side to take out radar and anything else I can in the rear. Usually create my own squad and plant myself in the rear where people can join my squad and spawn on my spot.

Then I switch to either support or anti-tank where needed ...

A good spec ops always needs a support/ammo dump on the team.

As Support, flying/gunning Blackhawk, its nice for the enginners in back too. Droping landmines on busy roads and newly captured flags can really slow down the opposition. With support on board its unlimed supply.

/128 points one round with NO kills
/204 high as engineer/gunner, with 25+ kill streak

08-10-2005, 11:50 AM
anyone going to be on tonight? No one but me and eagle were on last night.

08-10-2005, 12:31 PM
I was there a few mins ... then my connection died on me, and I decided to go watch OZ. I should be on tonight ... but not till around 9-10pm central time.


anyone going to be on tonight? No one but me and eagle were on last night.

08-10-2005, 01:43 PM
hey, what is "anti-aliasing" in the graphics section?

08-10-2005, 01:46 PM
Here's a technicial description:


Basically the image looks smoother in trade for lower FPS.

08-10-2005, 01:50 PM
**EDIT** damn beaten to the punch all because I needed that extra double shot mocha LOL ...

Basically ... a computer can only draw a straight line (since a pixel is a square), curved and angled lines are actually made from smaller straight lines stacked in a way to make them looked angled or curved. This is what causes those jaggies you see on the graphics on many games. AA (anti-aliasing) is a method used to make those jaggies go away by using the pixels on each side of the "line" in different shades of colors in an attempt to kind of blur the way it looks and create the appearance of a straight line. Well that is the quick and dirty anyway ...

Check here for more detailed information --



08-10-2005, 06:42 PM

i ujust bought and installed Battlefield2. i then installed the patch v 1.02
however, for some reason whenever i try to start up BF2 in anyway, it shows battlefield 2, then restarts.
I'm wondering if anyone else had the same problem, and/or can help me fix mine.
Thanks in advance

08-10-2005, 07:01 PM

Will Wood
08-10-2005, 07:57 PM
OK, just played this game with some friends at the gaming place in town, and I absolutely love the game.
Probably will buy it next paycheck..

08-10-2005, 08:20 PM
i'll be on and off throughout the evening, hit me up on aim.... thecavemankevin

08-10-2005, 09:31 PM

i ujust bought and installed Battlefield2. i then installed the patch v 1.02
however, for some reason whenever i try to start up BF2 in anyway, it shows battlefield 2, then restarts.
I'm wondering if anyone else had the same problem, and/or can help me fix mine.
Thanks in advance

there are 2 patches, i think you skipped the first one. reinstall the game and try putting both patches in

and make sure you have the latest videocard drivers

08-11-2005, 12:08 AM
alright thanks, i'll try it tomorrow afternoon
thanks for all the help guys

08-11-2005, 02:34 PM
I reinstalled everything, and got both v 1.01 and 1.02 of the patches. However the same thing keeps happening, i try to play BF2 regular or online and it goes black for a second, and then the computer restarts

08-11-2005, 03:18 PM
what are your system specs

are you using the current drivers for your graphics card??

08-11-2005, 04:11 PM
I reinstalled everything, and got both v 1.01 and 1.02 of the patches. However the same thing keeps happening, i try to play BF2 regular or online and it goes black for a second, and then the computer restarts
If you updated the nVidia drivers, roll them back and see if thats stable. Unm, otherwsie update your drivers.

08-11-2005, 04:53 PM
my system specs are
P4 2.4ghz
512 ram
ATI radeon 9200 SE
80 gig
blah blah

How do you update the drivers on a graphics card???

08-11-2005, 08:17 PM
my system specs are
P4 2.4ghz
512 ram
ATI radeon 9200 SE
80 gig
blah blah

How do you update the drivers on a graphics card???
Alright, you have Radeon card. You don't use the nVidia drivers IIRC. Go to the
and find your OS and card type. Definately check it out if you never got newer drivers since you purchased the card.

08-11-2005, 08:30 PM
I reinstalled everything, and got both v 1.01 and 1.02 of the patches. However the same thing keeps happening, i try to play BF2 regular or online and it goes black for a second, and then the computer restarts

your screen will go blank for a few seconds, or atleast mine does. then it should start.

although i did have a problem sounding like what you described and just reinstalled my new drivers and it worked.

08-11-2005, 08:52 PM
thanks for all the help everyone .thecavemankevin figured it out

08-11-2005, 10:08 PM
ALright well since BF2 finally works here's my info...

MSN - reptilian04@charter.net

preferred kit (for now)- engineer/antitank/sniper

08-13-2005, 10:22 AM
Ok guys, just to update you, I just got Battlefield 2 yesterday, so im now ready to play. For those that didnt get my information here it is:

Game name: Arstron
MSN dabotmonkey@hotmail.com
email arstron@charter.net
icq/aol 13315841
prefered position, spec ops/medic/helicopter pilot

08-13-2005, 02:33 PM
PBR is forming its own crew, we gotta get togeather and skrim some time.

08-13-2005, 04:56 PM
PBR is forming its own crew, we gotta get togeather and skrim some time.

sounds like a great idea....now we just gatta get pbn to form a clan

08-13-2005, 05:05 PM
we are gonna destroy them. they dont stand a chance

Will Wood
08-13-2005, 05:38 PM
Going to buy it sometime next week.
I'm at bare specs though.. 1.6 gigs and 512 ram. Hopefully gameplay won't be *too* bad..

Probably will only play it regularly for less than a month though, school starts up next month and I have 40 hours a week of classwork, plus studying, plus a job(Luckily the job pretty much helps me study though). :dance: :dance:
So I'll play it like a geek for the next three weeks :shooting: :shooting:

08-13-2005, 09:56 PM
Man, I play with 2.55 p4 and 512 ram, with a 128 meg ati somethingorother card, and I do okay. Graphics are set at low, but I still manage to nail plenty of OPFOR.

I'll do a better job of looking for the AO crew when I play. My name, amazingly enough, is Steelrat. I prefer anti-tank, spec forces and support, but I really will play anything as the need arises. I really shine when I'm in a tank or the LAV, the best troop killer in the game.

Anyone else notice the evolution of those nasty blackhawk setups? On maps without aircraft, those things are deadly.

08-13-2005, 10:00 PM
steelrat, whats your aim?

08-14-2005, 12:10 AM
Anyone else notice the evolution of those nasty blackhawk setups? On maps without aircraft, those things are deadly.

I'm usually in those setups. Get a support in driver/gunner and three eng hanging off the back. As long as the pilot keeps it out of the heat its up all map. Dropping mines on busy roads and freshly capped flags. Everyone gets mad flag and assist points. Oh yeah, the chainguns can go a decent distance too, I'll get kills just spraying at flags out in the distant fog. More fun than support on Karkand.

08-14-2005, 07:12 AM
I should be on sometime this evening/night. As before, my AIM is Timmee05, and I usually play Sniper, Spec-Ops, or Anti-Tank.

08-14-2005, 09:30 AM
Now this was a dirty combo.
Playing a Karkand 24/7 map, I got a squad as support with a sniper with me as USMC.
We got setup by the first flag where its real hot action, but not too bad off on the west side over the fence in the courtyard. There is an opening in the fence straight west of the flag and a MEC spawn point under a building across the street.
So I toss down ammo and the sniper runs through the opening and drops claymores on the spawn and runs back. I'm prone right at the opening giving him cover fire to run back and forth. Watching as 1-3 MEC spawn in and set off the claymores. Picking off the stragglers.
Repeating ad nauseum.
When the sniper get killed I just pull back and toss my unlimited supply of frag grenades and just wait for him to spawn on me again.
Otherwise its usually not too hard to work up to that spawn compared to all the other ones. As commander I usually air strike that spawn zone just south of that first flag, thats much larger.
This was much more fun than mining the west shortcut road as MEC in the same area. Good map for TOW practice too.

08-14-2005, 08:39 PM
i'll be on and off throughout much of the evening, hit me up on aim "thecavemankevin" if you want to meet up.

08-14-2005, 09:16 PM
we should try to do some stunts (http://killerkittykats.net/d7-19621014458.wmv) next time!

08-14-2005, 10:04 PM
So, I just recieved access to my weapons unlock, and I'm leaning towards the Spec-Ops unlock. Anyone have any recomendations to the contrary?

08-14-2005, 10:32 PM
Just unlock the kit you play the most

08-15-2005, 08:53 AM
So, I just recieved access to my weapons unlock, and I'm leaning towards the Spec-Ops unlock. Anyone have any recomendations to the contrary?

I almost went with the Spec-Ops unlock, but ended up going with the Sniper unlock. IT SHOOTS THROUGH SCHOOLS!!

JK, it actually shoots through aircraft/helicopter canopies.

08-15-2005, 09:11 AM
i did the medic unlock, it sucks, dont get it

08-15-2005, 10:33 AM
ugh ... I am so close to my unlock ... been without power since Saturday afternoon though and not able to play. Major storm blew through my area and knocked out the power to almost the entire area, they are saying it might not be till Tuesday night that we get power back.


08-15-2005, 01:02 PM
So, I just recieved access to my weapons unlock, and I'm leaning towards the Spec-Ops unlock. Anyone have any recomendations to the contrary?
Performance-wise, its better than most. I rarely play spec op though, so I did my Engineer to autoshotty. Basic engineer is usually a given you die in a gunfight. With auto, you do good at close range.
I'm 80% to my next unlock and thinking spec op or assault.

Medic, support and anti-tank just seem even worse than stock choice. Maybe if I hear from an Anti-tank upgrader that the super shotty is very effective I'd contemplate it.

But I don't think you can go wrong unlocking the spec ops.

08-15-2005, 01:25 PM
that vid was freakin awsome!!!!

i want to know how they made the cars blast off like that.

and that pilot was amazing!!! i mean, just...wow!

08-15-2005, 02:19 PM
that vid was freakin awsome!!!!

i want to know how they made the cars blast off like that.

and that pilot was amazing!!! i mean, just...wow!

You are right about that pilot, id hate to be in a dog fight with him! I wonder how many hours he has spent practicing flying under the bridges and thru that tunel?

As for the blasting, I wonder if they was doing that with c4? kind of like rocket jumping in other fps games?

08-15-2005, 02:53 PM
from a BF2 forum, a bunch of peoples opinions on the weapon unlocks http://www.bf2.com/showthread.php?t=449

i am leaning towards the sniper unlock. thats the job i do the most and it sounds very appealing to be able to shoot a chopper pilot. Cant tell you how many times i would have been able to if i had the right riffle.

does anyone know if it is semi-auto? I prefer being a MEC when sniping because of semi-auto.

who wants to play tonight?

08-15-2005, 03:11 PM

As for the blasting, I wonder if they was doing that with c4? kind of like rocket jumping in other fps games?[/QUOTE]

thats what i was wondering, but how they did it in mid air is what truely boggles.. :confused:

you get your first unlock after 1500 points right?

08-15-2005, 03:43 PM
You'll get your first unlock next time you make rate there Kev. I went ahead and unlocked the spec-ops, I like the additional stopping power, but I miss my old red-dot site. As for that Barret 50cal sniper rifle, it should be bolt action just like the stock American sniper rifle, which is part of the reason why I don't play sniper very often, because you have to come off the scope to rack the bolt. But if it's modeled acuratly, it should be quite devastating.

As for the vehicle rocket jumps, I believe it has to be done with a custom mod or cheat or something, because you see those vehicles flying with 3 and 4 explosions, and those vehicles would only servive 1 or 2. Plus you have the boats running with their bows up in the air.

08-15-2005, 03:52 PM
thats what i was wondering, but how they did it in mid air is what truely boggles.. :confused:

you get your first unlock after 1500 points right?
I'll have to watch the vid when I get home, my work comp is a gimp.
But in BF:1942 the tricks were done with detpacks, the C4 equivalent. I think it needs to be Friendly Fire off with 0% vehicle damage as a server setting. There was a BF:1942 vid of jeeps and even a deuce getting lauched airborne by explosives. The explosives are placed at the bottom of a ramp and the vehicle hits the ramp at top speed and the explosives are set off just when the vehicle passes over them.

I want to see a trick vid of a Spec Ops in a Blackhawk, dropping C4 on: ground target tanks/APC and airborne opposition helos and jets. Seeing the drop at close range so you see the red 'X's stick, and then detonation/burn.

The only tricks I know piloting is from Helos. Like repair/resupply BELOW the flight deck on the carrier, where there is much less fighter traffic to wipe you out, friendly and non-friendly. That and I can manage to fly the Kubra Dam tunnel and cap a flag that way by Helo.

I'm not much for playing empty servers, but I might check out Datapimps eventually. Otherwise 64 player ranked all the way. I've even found some decently admined ones to boot.

08-15-2005, 03:53 PM
what do you mean rate?

08-15-2005, 04:50 PM
I almost went with the Spec-Ops unlock, but ended up going with the Sniper unlock. IT SHOOTS THROUGH SCHOOLS!!

Someone is a "Johnny Dangerously" fan. "My sister kicked me there once. Once."

Barret makes semi-auto .50s, not sure which one is in the game. My friend chose that as his unlock, as he loved fragging the pilots in helicopters. A lot of them dont seem to have realised the .50 can do that.

I tried piloting again last night, and I still sucked. I think im going to stay as a groundpounder and vehicle driver. When I do my typical thing, I usually end up in the top 10 players, if not in the top 3.

How many gold stars do you all have so far?

08-15-2005, 05:03 PM
I have the Barret, it's bolt action. I have only put a few shots in the a HELO, but I musted have missed the pilot.

As for awards, 4 Gold, 9 Silver, 9 Bronze. I have not spent enough time medal whoring yet. Need to get a few of the basic awards.

You can check you stats here: http://www.got3n.com/player.php?pid=Hexis just enter your username. That links to my stats.

08-15-2005, 08:52 PM
what do you mean rate?

rate is the almost the same as rank. it is said in the navy, because they do things differently. you rank could be "electricians mate 3rd class", or something like that instead of "cpl" in the marines.

damn navy always has to be different.

08-15-2005, 09:14 PM
We're not different, we're just right :D

And don't forget, the only good Marine is a Submarine :D

08-15-2005, 11:30 PM
Someone is a "Johnny Dangerously" fan. "My sister kicked me there once. Once."

Barret makes semi-auto .50s, not sure which one is in the game. My friend chose that as his unlock, as he loved fragging the pilots in helicopters. A lot of them dont seem to have realised the .50 can do that.

I tried piloting again last night, and I still sucked. I think im going to stay as a groundpounder and vehicle driver. When I do my typical thing, I usually end up in the top 10 players, if not in the top 3.

How many gold stars do you all have so far?

Actually, I heard it from my roommate (although that movie is where he heard it from).

he .50 in the game is bolt action (unfortunately), but it is nice to kill a pilot in one shot (done it twice so far, but I've also gotten a few door gunners on the Blackhawk).

08-16-2005, 12:36 PM
I'm not much for playing empty servers, but I might check out Datapimps eventually. Otherwise 64 player ranked all the way. I've even found some decently admined ones to boot.

actually, for the most part we have been running on 64v64 servers too as a small squad. you should join us some time.

I have the Barret, it's bolt action. I have only put a few shots in the a HELO, but I musted have missed the pilot.

so is the barret worth it if you snipe a bunch?

08-16-2005, 01:03 PM
I'm thinkin I might get the Barret as myt next unlock, but that is quite a ways off. I just don't like how you have to come off the scope to rack the bolt.

08-16-2005, 01:37 PM
actually, for the most part we have been running on 64v64 servers too as a small squad. you should join us some time.

I tried the TS server this morning and didn't connect, it might have been down, I'll try tonight. Even if my mic doesn't want to configure I can still read the typed text.

08-16-2005, 02:15 PM
so is the barret worth it if you snipe a bunch?

It's a very welcome upgrade over the USMC snipr rifle. It's just more porweful, but still bolt action, so no negitave. As the other teams, I will switch off between the two, the semi nature of the other rifles allows me to fire off three rapid shots and take doen most players before they know what hit em.

08-16-2005, 02:30 PM
well, let me ask this, when you upgrade to the new weapon on say USMC, dont you get the second level on MEC and China too? or is the second level the barret no matter what team you're on?

08-16-2005, 02:34 PM
All of the unlocks are a single weapon for each team. For the sniper it's the Barret for all teams.

08-16-2005, 04:25 PM
Yes, the unlocks are the same for every team.

Hey, does anyone know what the deal with suicide bombers are? I've seen people load vehicles with C4 then run into enemy armor, detroying both targets. Does anyone know how this works?

08-16-2005, 05:29 PM
Yes, the unlocks are the same for every team.

Hey, does anyone know what the deal with suicide bombers are? I've seen people load vehicles with C4 then run into enemy armor, detroying both targets. Does anyone know how this works?

As SF I will sometimes toss about 3 c4 packs on the front of a FAV, make sure i have the time in hand, then drive the fav up to a vehicle. I can usually leave the FAV and let it coast into the target, then detonate the c4. You have to leave the vehicle to detonate the explosives i believe.

08-16-2005, 07:02 PM
As SF I will sometimes toss about 3 c4 packs on the front of a FAV, make sure i have the time in hand, then drive the fav up to a vehicle. I can usually leave the FAV and let it coast into the target, then detonate the c4. You have to leave the vehicle to detonate the explosives i believe.
Yup, favorite trick of the BF:1942 engineer. Mobile explosive unit. C4 is even nice enough to stick to everything but actual opponents. And the nice thing about C4 is friendlies can run it over without the dreaded TK mess of AT mines.

Lone Brain Cell
08-16-2005, 08:04 PM
You can always have a play with unlocked weapons off line (wont be able to do online because of punkbuster probably) but its a good way of deciding what you would like to unlock first.....

just follow this & ya should be cool

Go to the Battlefield 2 directory &
open the file: python\bf2\stats\unlocks.py with a text editor and go to line 44.
You should see a text string: defaultUnlocks = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0].
Change all the zeroes to ones: defaultUnlocks = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] and save the file as a *.py file.

08-17-2005, 07:42 AM
i took the barret since i spend most of my time sniping. I think the scope seems more powerfull than level one. And it seems to load faster than the bolt action for the USMC. However i cant really seem to notice any increase in power. Plus i had a bunch of shots on chopper canopies that i feel should have taken out the pilot....but i cant be 100% sure as i was too far away to be positive i would have hit the pilot.

08-17-2005, 10:43 AM
Sorry I had to bail on you last night, the TS was chewing up my bandwith and making piloting unbearable. Do you normally frequent that server? Masters of War whatever it was? I'll keep an eye out or pop on TS and jump off when I get an IP. I'll try and reconfigure my in-game voice comm or just buy better headphones eventually I think.

Otherwise I was getting lock ups and crash to desktop with the TS running.

08-17-2005, 02:34 PM
well, i extended the challenge to the guys over at pbreview for a battle. some of them are starting to talk smack, so looks like we will have a match eventually. they are gonna nominate someone to lead the clan over there, and they will contact me about a match.

how many of you guys are down for that?

08-17-2005, 02:36 PM
Yeah keep me informed ...

I should be on tonight about 9-10pm central time.


well, i extended the challenge to the guys over at pbreview for a battle. some of them are starting to talk smack, so looks like we will have a match eventually. they are gonna nominate someone to lead the clan over there, and they will contact me about a match.

how many of you guys are down for that?

08-17-2005, 02:45 PM
ok, i should be on too. we'll see if we can get some guys on.

also, i updated the roster, and im still waiting for them to give us our forum, i got the ok all the way up the chain, and webby even pmed me for some info, but nothing has happened yet, so we'll see.

08-17-2005, 04:00 PM
yeah man, i am down for a clan battle. But i think we should do it on a friday or saturday say around 9 pm eastern....that way it is not too late for us East coast guys, and not to early for your west coast guys.

or, i guess if it is on a friday/sat it wouldnt be a big issue for me if it was an hour or two later.

the spreadsheet i created i updated to the best of my ability (some of the stats wouldnt look up yesterday) and sent it to T33, so perhaps he can get it up on his site.

i'm sure i'll be on sparatically tonight too.

08-17-2005, 04:14 PM
yeah man, i am down for a clan battle. But i think we should do it on a friday or saturday say around 9 pm eastern....that way it is not too late for us East coast guys, and not to early for your west coast guys.

or, i guess if it is on a friday/sat it wouldnt be a big issue for me if it was an hour or two later.

the spreadsheet i created i updated to the best of my ability (some of the stats wouldnt look up yesterday) and sent it to T33, so perhaps he can get it up on his site.

i'm sure i'll be on sparatically tonight too.

I won't be able to make it if that's when the match will be, as I'm currently working grave shift (11 pm-7am) right now, with Sun-Mon nights off.

08-17-2005, 04:30 PM
between 7-10 maybe 10:30 central are the best times for me, which day doesnt matter, if its during the weekend than 7- 11 30 central work for me

Will Wood
08-17-2005, 09:51 PM
In the middle of the second install disk I get an error "Failed to install, retry from the begining"

Don't feel like registering on a BF2 forum.. was wondering if anyone here could answer first..

08-17-2005, 10:59 PM
This is why I got the DVD. One disk... lol.

I just installed the game today... so I haven't even gotten online w/ it yet since I'm playing SP to relearn everything. I beta'd BF1942 and I'm a FPS junkee so I should pick things up soon enough (I'm fine w/ the normal stuff... its vehicle/etc stuff I need to get decent on).


08-18-2005, 01:01 AM
practice your shooting on sp also. this game is a little wierd. youll empty 2 mags into a guy at point blank range and not hit him once, but he'll fire one 3 round burst and kill you. its quite annoying. the vehicles are easy. buggies for fast transport, apc or tank to kill stuff, and helos if youre a wuss. ;)

man, me datapimp and thecavemankevin destroy everything when we are on a squad together. good playing today guys

08-18-2005, 06:01 AM
I love playing Battlefield 2. If anyone wants to get together and shoot sandmonkies with me lemme know. Here are my player stats: stats (http://bf2s.com/player/-CIA-MichaelVaughn/) http://mywebpages.comcast.net/jtrussell7/hsugh.gif

08-18-2005, 08:35 AM
man, me datapimp and thecavemankevin destroy everything when we are on a squad together. good playing today guys

yeah man, we were ripping it up last night, till you joined the other side....he says the computer made him do it :rolleyes:

hey mango, welcome back...even if it isn't permnt
there is usually a couple of us on most evenings

08-18-2005, 10:30 AM
i have updated the AO clan data sheet (http://thecavemankevin.blogspot.com/2005/08/ao-bf2-clan-info.html)

hey devil, you may want to add this link to the first post along with the teamspeak/practice server ip

08-18-2005, 10:34 AM
Do you want me to host that? I can create it in a way that's more non-IE friendly.

08-18-2005, 10:39 AM
You know Kevin, you're not bad as a squad leader, but you SUCK at over all command.

08-18-2005, 10:55 AM
You know Kevin, you're not bad as a squad leader, but you SUCK at over all command.

Damn that's harsh. So what. Being overall commander is a tough gig. You gotta blaance keeping the orders and supplies flowing, and playing as a normal character too.

08-18-2005, 11:11 AM
Do you want me to host that? I can create it in a way that's more non-IE friendly.

sure, if you want to pm me your email and i'll send you the file

You know Kevin, you're not bad as a squad leader, but you SUCK at over all command.

yeah, things just weren't going very well for me last night. between right off the bat haveing some stupid pile of mung trying to mutiny vote against me and then haveing the two larger squads not following any orders.

Plus the chineese played a good match. but it did seem awfully odd that our tickets kept ticking down even when we held ALL the flag stations. Did anyone else notice that when playing while i was commander?

ps. suck it till it bleeds b!+c#

08-18-2005, 11:34 AM
Just so you guys know, my ingame name is Arstron and not astron. I've been trying to catch you guys on, but i havnt seen anyone on the server yet. I had a very nice game yesterday durring the day though, we had a squad of 6, there was 4 guys in the transport chopper and I was flying the attack chopper. The transport would hover over a capture point while i covered him in the air. It was very fun, the strategy didnt work very good though, we didnt have anyone to play deffense so it was an easy recapture for the other team.

08-18-2005, 11:36 AM
You see, when I play as over all commander, I don't bother playing as a regular player. I usually take a helo ride up to a high position that can only be gotten to by air, then just watch the match. I usually let the squads do what they please, but occationally issue orders. I send UAVs and supplies where they are asked for, or where there seems to be a major fire fight going on. Then I use the satalite scan as soon as it's available, see where there is a concentrationof enemy, then pound the hell out of it with artillary. I think using that tactic, I've only lost once.

08-18-2005, 11:53 AM
i have updated the AO clan data sheet (http://thecavemankevin.blogspot.com/2005/08/ao-bf2-clan-info.html)

hey devil, you may want to add this link to the first post along with the teamspeak/practice server ip

Whoa I'm winning! I will say, not to brag or anything, but I'm the best medic/squad leader you'll ever have.

08-18-2005, 11:54 AM
Too bad I don't have this game. :( I've wanted it for awhile...

08-18-2005, 12:54 PM
Hey, spreadsheet fun.

My ingame handle is:
I'll have to edit later for Global score, whatever is just a hair below Corporal rank. AIM/MSN don't use.

My jet piloting is unremarkable, I'll crash as often as I'm shot down, fair for the bombing runs. Most ability is in tank busting and airborne flag capture. You learn where every AA battery is pretty quick, and is the first target in a pass. The mobile AA (shilka) is usually my bane. Likewise make a decent co-pilot for TV/laser guided ground pounding. Nothing like scoring that TV guided hit on a full transport or opposing attack chopper.


08-18-2005, 01:17 PM
I think I'll just write something in PHP to do it automatically. Sounds like a good way to waste an afternoon at werk.

08-18-2005, 02:01 PM
Whoa I'm winning! I will say, not to brag or anything, but I'm the best medic/squad leader you'll ever have.

i know i can take you on both of those points. no doubt at least be equal. i suck as commander, and i cant fly worth a damn, but im a monster on the ground, and i am the best squad leader in the world.

at least i think so anyway :p

caveman, good suggestion, ill put them on the first page.

08-18-2005, 02:52 PM
Setup a clan one Got3n.com, here:

The folks there are in the order that I entered them (aka random). I wish it would sort based on score.

I'm also working on a contact info script that will pull stats and spit out all the appropiate info automatically.

08-18-2005, 03:15 PM
I've only lost once.

so have i

Setup a clan one Got3n.com, here:

The folks there are in the order that I entered them (aka random). I wish it would sort based on score.

I'm also working on a contact info script that will pull stats and spit out all the appropiate info automatically.

sounds like a great idea, i would but i dont have site to host it on, so the spreadsheet worked for now.

too bad the stat survey sites are always going down :(

08-18-2005, 03:33 PM
Whoa I'm winning! I will say, not to brag or anything, but I'm the best medic/squad leader you'll ever have.

not anymore

http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/4816/untitled1dz.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

08-18-2005, 03:48 PM
my aim name is minimag743 and my msn is atm743@hotmail.com

i dont have the game yet but will be buying soon

im going to try to have my game tag name to be atm743

but ill update my post when i get the game

not anymore

http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/4816/untitled1dz.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

08-18-2005, 05:04 PM
You guys need to start a website... and I have a webserver :)

I also own this domain, www.battlegroundx.com, I dont use. Maybe that could be used w/ a CMS (nuke, whatever) and forum system. Just a thought.

I played online and other than sucking while flying the plane... I did pretty solid. I've got shooting down. Normally I use either SNIPER or SPECIAL FORCES. I've been doing pretty well w/ the SPECIAL FORCES setup. Sneaking around on buildings and taking people out as they go for the flag or whatever. Plus the silenced pistol is awsome at close range.

I can do the buggy/tank no problem. I haven't flown the helicopter yet but I know I SUCK with the harrier (crashed into the ocean 2 seconds into flight) so I need to work on that.

My ingame name is: digitard

I only played a few games online last night... but I didn't make any major issues and pinned down a whole bunch of guys behind a wall which was cool.

What server do ya guys play on (huge thread, didn't read it all).


Will Wood
08-18-2005, 06:04 PM
Just got up and running.
Game Name is SquirelKing (Yes with one r)
AIM is ScutilMonkey
Spec-ops or medic.

08-18-2005, 07:44 PM
as far as getting our own website and forum, the website thing might work for stats and stuff, but as far as forum, ive been working with webmaster to get us our own section on the automags.org forums.

ill work on a contact sheet. hexis, can you get with me about the clan thing on got3n please, login info and stuff? thanks

08-19-2005, 11:12 AM
Setup a clan one Got3n.com, here:

The folks there are in the order that I entered them (aka random). I wish it would sort based on score.

I'm also working on a contact info script that will pull stats and spit out all the appropiate info automatically.

didnt put me on your clan page :cry:

08-19-2005, 11:28 AM
Didn't know your in-game name. I'll add you. Grab a tissue.

08-19-2005, 12:08 PM
My AIM is steeratt, for anyone that is interested. I'd love to play tonight or tomorrow. The wife is away, so I won't get any neglect complaints ;)

Also, I thought I had mentioned it earlier, but my in-game name is, surprisingly, steelrat.

08-19-2005, 12:13 PM
You see, when I play as over all commander, I don't bother playing as a regular player. I usually take a helo ride up to a high position that can only be gotten to by air, then just watch the match. I usually let the squads do what they please, but occationally issue orders. I send UAVs and supplies where they are asked for, or where there seems to be a major fire fight going on. Then I use the satalite scan as soon as it's available, see where there is a concentrationof enemy, then pound the hell out of it with artillary. I think using that tactic, I've only lost once.

When I play commander, I usually hang around at the main base as an engineer to fix stuff, rather than relying upon someone else to keep my arty, UAV, and scans up.

08-19-2005, 12:35 PM
When I play commander, I usually hang around at the main base as an engineer to fix stuff, rather than relying upon someone else to keep my arty, UAV, and scans up.
That got me thinking. Many maps where the Commanders gear gets taken out, its by Spec Ops, and not bombers. Tanks and APCs usually take so long to do damage (do they?), maybe on city maps I'll try Commander as a sniper and do some prevention laying claymores around my arty and UAV.

I've done the front line Commander as medic or support before too. Everything only counts as command points I think anyways.
Commander on Karand or Mashtuur City you can break 100 after the 2x bonus.

08-19-2005, 12:39 PM
That got me thinking. Many maps where the Commanders gear gets taken out, its by Spec Ops, and not bombers. Tanks and APCs usually take so long to do damage (do they?), maybe on city maps I'll try Commander as a sniper and do some prevention laying claymores around my arty and UAV.

I've done the front line Commander as medic or support before too. Everything only counts as command points I think anyways.
Commander on Karand or Mashtuur City you can break 100 after the 2x bonus.

Its very tough to take stuff out unless you use the c4. As commander I will plant mines around some, and just watch the rest, fixing as necessary. I usually don't play commander though, only really picking it when no one else takes it.

I've resigned myself to being a groundpounder mostly. I do my absolute best when Im in a LAV or another APC. If I can get myself into a good LAV cycle (Get lav, fight, die, respawn, grab lav again, repeat) I usually end up in the top 3.

08-19-2005, 12:45 PM
My AIM is steeratt, for anyone that is interested. I'd love to play tonight or tomorrow. The wife is away, so I won't get any neglect complaints ;)

Glad im not the only one that gets neglect complaints ;)

08-19-2005, 12:46 PM
Its very tough to take stuff out unless you use the c4. As commander I will plant mines around some, and just watch the rest, fixing as necessary. I usually don't play commander though, only really picking it when no one else takes it.

I've resigned myself to being a groundpounder mostly. I do my absolute best when Im in a LAV or another APC. If I can get myself into a good LAV cycle (Get lav, fight, die, respawn, grab lav again, repeat) I usually end up in the top 3.

Oh, I've repaired my own Command aids many a time. I was just thinking outside the box with the claymores, they are actually quite effective for small chokepoints. And not just for rooftop stairs. City map streets and common doorways are just funny to watch sometimes as a non sniper. I've seen up to 3 die in a crowded spawn doorway.

08-19-2005, 12:52 PM
I do my absolute best when Im in a LAV or another APC. If I can get myself into a good LAV cycle (Get lav, fight, die, respawn, grab lav again, repeat) I usually end up in the top 3.

I have so much fun getting in a cycle with an Apache the same way. Sometimes taking turns with pilot/copilot. Many times the other guy will just want to copilot and get a ton of assist points and flag caps. But busting tanks doesn't net as many 'kills' as a straight infantry mower like LAV. But it does win games. The real good fighter pilots can rack them up though, as with Helo only city maps and the Blackhawk gunners.

08-19-2005, 12:52 PM
Oh, I've repaired my own Command aids many a time. I was just thinking outside the box with the claymores, they are actually quite effective for small chokepoints. And not just for rooftop stairs. City map streets and common doorways are just funny to watch sometimes as a non sniper. I've seen up to 3 die in a crowded spawn doorway.

Dont forget, supply crates are great for repairing art/uav/sat. ;)

08-19-2005, 12:58 PM
Dont forget, supply crates are great for repairing art/uav/sat. ;)

Thats a given. I think one of the best 'thorns in the side' is to nuke the artillery of the USMC on Shenguai Penninsula or something like that, where the arty is on its own little island south of the carrier. Its a pita to get to to repair and if you send crates the little China spec ops just resupplys and repeats and you usually have to kill him on your own.

Will Wood
08-19-2005, 02:22 PM
We gotta get a game going tonight.
Who's up? Steelrate and myself... and?

08-19-2005, 02:34 PM
count me in, I'm mowing my yard right now, but shouldn't have nothing else todo all night

08-19-2005, 03:24 PM
I'll be on from 8-10 central time tonight. Gotta work the weekend. :(
Thecavemankevin be on Master of War again or was that a one time dealie?

08-19-2005, 03:39 PM
When, where, and how do all of you get together to play? What is the server IP and/or Teamspeak IP?? Someone find me on AIM and let me know. Also, if you use xFire, my screen name is sprayingmango as well as on AIM

08-19-2005, 03:52 PM
the server ip is
the teamspeak ip is the same, password ao. there prolly wont be anybody on the server yet unless we set up a play time, more info on it later
Just download and jump on the AO Teamspeak server (password IS case sensitive) and see if anyone is on. Though I get lag effect running both TS and game, might have to pare down the TS setings.

08-19-2005, 03:59 PM
I might be one tonight, it depends if i go out to a part or something. but i'll definetley be on between 430 and 530 central

08-19-2005, 04:33 PM
I'll be on later tonight... although I haven't install TS yet on my computer so that'll be a bit cause I haevn't gotten my MIC to work w/ my AUDIGY right (I can get the MIC to work, just not the headset part).

I normally play on DIVO.NET servers cause I get sub 100 pings always on them (normalyl in the 30's to 70's). Plus they're 64 players and MAN thats a blast! I need to get more RAM though cause when the action gets going my 1gig actually (this is the first game I have this problem) gets full and you can hear my HDD cranking away for a bit and things get laggy for a few moments.

08-19-2005, 04:38 PM
I only play on 64 player servers. I find anything else to be a bit dull. I LOVE the huge fights.

08-19-2005, 05:42 PM
I prefer medium maps, second choice is the large ones. But I take any with a low ping rate that is near but not totally full.

08-19-2005, 07:24 PM
ill be on in a few hours, its 530 right now. gotta go to dinner first, and give the old lady a little fun before she goes to work ;) catch me on aim

08-19-2005, 09:45 PM
there is a few of us on right now, looking for more people, its 745 right now

08-19-2005, 09:49 PM
there is a few of us on right now, looking for more people, its 745 right now pacific time

08-19-2005, 10:00 PM
Wish I could... at work for another 3hrs (late shift).

I'll be on a lil bit after getting home

Will Wood
08-19-2005, 11:25 PM
Where'd ya'll go? Lost ya, joined the IP I got no one showed up.. oh well.

08-21-2005, 01:19 PM
Good fight on Sat night with Eagle, Devildog, myself and my friend. Our commander was a dope, and our team stank, but we had fun.

Except for that ugly incident where I managed to run myself over with a jeep, as well as running over Eagle or Devil. That wasn't cool.

The rest rocked.

08-21-2005, 01:20 PM
Just an FYI, I think the best way to "hook up" if you want to play is to just sign onto the TS server. Its easy to give someone who is playing a shout-out, and get the IP of the server they're on from them.

08-21-2005, 05:34 PM
hey steel that was me that you killed with your nice little jeep manuever :) . its all good though

08-21-2005, 07:45 PM
If anyone wants to team up tonight, pick a server, and give me a yell.

Aim = Timmee05

08-22-2005, 01:33 AM
I've been playing on/off today. i'll probably be on again in an hour or 2 for a while.

My BF2S page is: http://bf2s.com/player/digitard/

I'm still sucking at the air vehicles, but I've gotten decent w/ land especially flying around in the buggy causing havok and such. Buggy is def my favorite, followed by the tank variations.

08-22-2005, 10:13 AM
I've been playing on/off today. i'll probably be on again in an hour or 2 for a while.

My BF2S page is: http://bf2s.com/player/digitard/

I'm still sucking at the air vehicles, but I've gotten decent w/ land especially flying around in the buggy causing havok and such. Buggy is def my favorite, followed by the tank variations.

Fighters just don't crash. The kills will come later. Watch for tone on choppers and hunt em down. Just don't crash into them (unless is a full transport), and hit '2' for bombs and drop those just before you pass your target. Fly over the airstrip to resupply. If you want to get some altitude and top out, then come down hard on a high concentration flag have the machine guns ripping and you'll get kills without seeing the infantry.
Use the chaff soon after you hear the tone lock on your jets, or take some charp turns and hope they miss you. If it was a Stinger bank, bomb them next pass or dive them with the machine guns.
If in a chopper you can just hide low or behind a hill to lose the tone lock on you. Using the attack chopper missles you just aim under the crosshair mark unless you are completely hovering at a stop. Tanks/APC usually take a good 3/4 missles to the side to take out. Infantry are hard to hit too, small bursts will do the trick. Usually go back to the pad to repair/refill if over 50% damage. A chopper duel is usually won by the chopper with height advantage, so the copilot/gunner can drill the other chopper with guns or TV missle. Otherwise flying low for attack runs works best to avoid stingers and jets getting tone on you all day. A high floating chopper is a dead duck. Make a flag pass once to asses the threat level before going in for the flag cap. Nothing worse than waiting all map for a good Blackhawk gunner position to have the pilot take the chopper in for a flag cap right away and have a tank smoke you in 2 seconds. The flag isn't that important, find an easy spot or open infantry.

08-22-2005, 10:23 AM
I've been playing on/off today. i'll probably be on again in an hour or 2 for a while.

My BF2S page is: http://bf2s.com/player/digitard/

I'm still sucking at the air vehicles, but I've gotten decent w/ land especially flying around in the buggy causing havok and such. Buggy is def my favorite, followed by the tank variations.
Hey, cool.
Can see all my pretty ribbons and medals. LOL, I should make Staff Seargent in a year. WOO.

Will Wood
08-22-2005, 10:48 AM
My stats suck because I was playing drunk for like 2 hours with a friend.

08-22-2005, 12:08 PM
I never got the clan page to load by Hexis, but maybe once we get a subforum, or edit the very first post, we can gets everyones stat tracker in one post. The tracker shows what current map someone is playing, so then we can find one another as well.

08-22-2005, 12:17 PM
The got3n page is borked, so don't expect much from anything on it.

08-23-2005, 11:20 AM
The got3n page is borked, so don't expect much from anything on it.

yeah, i have found that both them and bf2s.com are frequently not working right.

Me data and his friend have been getting on most evenings for an hour or two round midnight eastern time. It seems like most evenings we are one so come on and join us.

08-23-2005, 11:22 AM
Thecavemankevin be on Master of War again or was that a one time dealie?

huh? are you talking about when i was commander? if so, i'll do it again but i usually only do it when no one else steps up to the plate (i prefer being a grunt).

08-23-2005, 11:33 AM

can you guys take a look at this, if your info isnt up there please pm me. I know i have played with a bunch of you, but i dont pay that close attention to your in game name.

I also know that the points arent up to date, it is because the couple stat sites are either down or they too are not up to date.

until hexis can get a real page up and running i'll continue doing this and update it probably once a week.

08-23-2005, 03:19 PM
just to clear up my info

ao name= datapimp69
bf2 name = datapimp69
aim = willkaufman48103
msn = willk69

08-23-2005, 03:28 PM

AO = Timmee
BF2 = Timmee[451]
AIM = Timmee05

08-23-2005, 03:38 PM
AO: digitard
BF2: digitard (or my 2nd name is [BgX]Digitard
AIM: IIGBII Digitard (although I rarely use it)
MSN: dave@ghtp.net

When the servers went down last night I made a new name (the BgX one) I might use instead since I was only 360pts into it.

08-23-2005, 03:57 PM
apperantly data, tim and digi cant read :tard:

can you guys take a look at this, if your info isnt up there please pm me

just messin with ya

i'll update the list tomorrow and get yall up there.

Will Wood
08-24-2005, 02:16 PM
Woo got promoted last night, unlocked the medic weapon. So much better! Getting so many more kills when I should than before.
Thinking I'm going to unlock Spec-Ops next.. or Assault. Hopefully I can pick up packs that were unlocked and try them both out. I heard assault is worse though..

Man 64 player Battle of Karkand (or whatever) rocks. I love that map. The begining rocks when each team rushes each other.

08-24-2005, 04:11 PM
I got promoted too... but only to PFC. lol. I only started playing a few days ago.

I did learn though that getting w/ a good squad increases my return bigtime. Especially if you get in a heli at the very beginning and cap a few flags.

I've started rotating between Sniper (my personal fav on majority maps), Medic (when doing heli missions) and Engineer. I really love the shotgun when I've just helped cap a flag I'll get out of the Heli cause there's always 2-3 guys who try to reclaim it immediatly and shotgun em when they get close to the flag cause its 1 shot.

I gained 300+ pts yesterday and it took me a week to get the other 200...lol.

I'll be on LATE tonight.

08-24-2005, 08:26 PM
hey digitard, look me up tonight, gainman00 on aim, i should be on late too

08-25-2005, 01:02 PM

me data and his friend have been on virtually every night this week (cept data seeing his comp is gay, so he is in and out). So we have been having a blast, but if you guys jump on teamspeak we can even more peeps together.

Hell still get on it even if you dont have a mic, you can still hear what people are saying and we know you want to play (you can send text messages in teamspeak).

I think that will be the easiest way to coordinate with others if you want to play in a group.

I did learn though that getting w/ a good squad increases my return bigtime. Especially if you get in a heli at the very beginning and cap a few flags.

deffinately! I always either join a squad or create one (even if i want to go solo and snipe) That way you can order supplies directly from the CO. Cause if you snipe and find a good spot, you dont want to leave.....but bullets dont last forever. Plus it is nice that the supply crate heals you too.

08-25-2005, 01:08 PM
I've been trying, my other half has been sick so ive had to take care of her, I tried getting on yesterday but it wouldnt let me on, said it refused my connection. I should be on there tonight though, been itching to play with you guys since the last time i got to play.

08-25-2005, 01:16 PM
I agree, just log onto teamspeak and hook up that way. It's easy to tell when new people log on, even while you are playing, and its easy to coordinate what server to join up on.

Oh, and I've been on, just haven't had any luck finding anyone, except Kevin's wife ;)

08-25-2005, 01:33 PM
deffinately! I always either join a squad or create one (even if i want to go solo and snipe) That way you can order supplies directly from the CO. Cause if you snipe and find a good spot, you dont want to leave.....but bullets dont last forever. Plus it is nice that the supply crate heals you too.

I agree. Also, when sniping, its nice that if I get taken down I can spawn on my squads CO instead of at the normal 'spawn points' cause normally my squads I tend to choose have CO's always attacking so if I end up being found sniping or whatever I just spawn w/ an engineer (I love the semi-auto shotgun... wicked fast) and normally they're in or near a base and cause havok w/ em.

I never made it on last night... too much stuff to do and by the time I finished I just decided to watch a few shows on the TIVO and head to bed after I read a lil (finished another book in 3 days...lol).

I hope to be on tonight. My work schedule is Tues-Fri 2pm-11pm PST and Sat 11-8PST

Will Wood
08-25-2005, 01:53 PM
Ok seeing as how I can't find my mic.. you guys have any good suggestions for one I should pick up that would be good for gaming? I had a nice throat mic (thanks Extreme Measures!) but it seems to be MIA..

08-25-2005, 02:05 PM
Ok seeing as how I can't find my mic.. you guys have any good suggestions for one I should pick up that would be good for gaming? I had a nice throat mic (thanks Extreme Measures!) but it seems to be MIA..

I've always been happy w/ the cheap PLANTRONICS stuff. I mean they're a huge headset/mic maker (just about every call center on earth uses them...lol) and their 25.00 gaming stuff (probably cheaper online or ebay) is excellent.