View Full Version : Rant about work ><

Will Wood
06-23-2005, 11:48 PM
Back from work..
Ok so this year where I work went under complete new management.

You work 6 hour shifts, morning and nite. Automatically 30 minutes are reducted from your paycheck for a break. So we get a half hour break each day. Not only was I totaly pissed because of this reduction, but I had no need for a break. Worked four years and never took a half hour break. (Exept for when I was screwing around). I'm there to work, and I'll be darn well working. So with this automatic pay reduction, screw working.

So after about an hour of work, it being completly dead and us not even getting a single customer for the past 20 minutes. I head off to play in the Arcade.. Right next to the building I work at. Connected to it. Takes about 5 seconds to get from the Arcade and into the place where I work at.

So I go and put 50 cents into this game and start playing it. Then the boss shows up. Flips out on me. What do you think you're doing. Etc etc. "I know about your little trips here I've heard you were here last night but I've been too busy to talk about it before" Etc.

Then I was like "I'm on my break..."
We don't have a designated break time. Between all of us working, if someone wants to go break, we'll just cover for that person in addition to whatever we were doing.

Now we are doing no business whatsoever. So I'm not doing anything that benefits the cafe in any manner whatsoever. So I go break, thinking I'm not working.. so I'll go do something when they don't need me there.

Aparently NOT. My boss said I couldn't break now. Even though we can break anytime.
And aparently even on the designated time to break now, which is not true.. no such thing, I'm not allowed to play in the arcade.

She threatened to fire me and was really pissed.

Arg work case of PMSing ever. Flipping out and yelling at the longest worker there, one of the hardest working, and the most knowledgable of how everything works. She couldn't fire me if she wanted to. I hate saying this because I have an unusual case of modesty, but reallly - that place could not function without me. I'm the only reason that the cafe is up and in business right now instead of completely doing everything over.

And I get this crap in return. Ok I'm done. Tell me about your stupid boss encounters.

06-24-2005, 12:02 AM
I had a similar problem before. I would put a cigarette on my ear when I was on "smoke break." For some reason, people understand that you're on break when you have a cigarette... and think you are goofing off otherwise.

06-24-2005, 12:04 AM
Hmm the last job i worked was at pikes and bout every day i had an encounter wiht one of my bosses that i didnt like, and he alwasy jsut treated me like i was a moron, an acted superior casue he knew how to tell the dif between all the plants and all about plants. It really pissed me off. Well i ened up quiting bout a month after getting the job, and looking back on it i wish i had gone up to him and told him my true oppnions of him and jsut gotten fired and not quit casue im never gonna use them as a reference. but wutever, i love my new job so all is good now.

ohh yea an example at pikes of the stupid rules whenever u are working even if it is like 8 hour day and nothing is going on, loading area is clean, u cant sit down. I was sitting down onday at like hour 6 out of 8 and a manager came out and yelled at me for sitting down. Eventhough at the tim i was susposed to wating for cars to pull around to load stuff in and there were not even any customers in the store.

06-24-2005, 12:08 AM
Hqven't had any encounters.. yet... but i feel the exact same way.... only reason the business is still up, because I do $15 worth of work for $6.50 every hour....

06-24-2005, 12:40 AM
Nothing that bad. My customers are stupider than my boss.

But the owner of the company kinda wierds me out. He always wears pink shirts and comes down, puts a hand on each person's shoulder, and asks as how we're doing. weird.

06-24-2005, 12:40 AM
well...my boss is late everyday to work and he leaves early to get us lunch if we want it....

Plus he gives us chocolate and stuff for no reason....

I think i have it pretty good :)

06-24-2005, 01:07 AM
I had one that basically did not show up to work. That's far better than the one that shows up everyday on time... and is a PITA.

06-24-2005, 06:57 AM
While working at a coldston my manager was almost never in the store cause he had a full time job on top of that, man i never realized how good i had it until i had to start working wiht managers every day at another job.

06-24-2005, 08:00 AM
im a service rep in home depot, and the department 25(hardware) head guy is a total ***. I gave him my scedule of what days i worked, my hours, and the things i do on the days im there, but he STILL asks me what im doing that day when he sees me. I gave him a sheet from my corporate office explaining my specefic job duties, but he constantly asks me to do **** i don't have time, or reason, to do. And when I don't do something exactly how he wants, he calls my boss. My boss is pissed at me just because this guy calls him so much. He even calls him at his house.

06-24-2005, 08:19 AM
Ask for break policy, schedule, etc. in writing. Don't let bosses make up rules on the spot... make sure you know them and have them in writing

06-24-2005, 09:48 AM
threaten to quit. something you should have done right then.

Will Wood
06-24-2005, 11:44 AM
Already did the threaten to quit, which is why I'm making more money than I should :dance: :dance:

06-24-2005, 03:20 PM
I agree with Lohman, about getting break schedule in writing...

Will Wood
06-24-2005, 03:48 PM
Screw it. I just quit.
Going in Monday for the car pass.. say goodbye to all the girls, "borrow" some blue poweraid (GOOD STUFF! I love this stuff .. hmm yummy), and get my boss into some trouble with the resort owners.
New job, better hours better pay. Not sure at all what I'm actually doing.. but I just know I get paid more and get more hours and I'll be working in a kitchen. So it's all good. Did I mention it's pratically next door to me?

06-24-2005, 04:56 PM
Screw it. I just quit.
I'll go back too get my car pass to the resort then make the quit official some days later and talk to some people, get her in a bit of trouble.
New job, better hours better pay. Not sure at all what I'm actually doing.. but I just know I get paid more and get more hours and I'll be working in a kitchen. So it's all good. Did I mention it's pratically next door to me?

good deal, and good luck with the new job!

Make sure that they know why you quit lol

Enraged Monk
06-24-2005, 08:21 PM
on your way out, just shank somebody...or give someone herpes....either way its gonna sting to say goodbye

06-29-2005, 12:42 AM
first, comment on above post. why would he want to catch herpies first? he has to deal with it his whole life also. the idea of shanking some1 is quite funny.

on the my boss stories.

i'm at the customer service counter at my job. my manager is gone on medical leave, and now the assistant is taking over. ok, no problem with that. been with the company longer, full timer, next in line anyways. the problem is the assistant doesn't know what she's doing. she will disappear for HOURS at a time and claim to be working on the schedule for all the PT's. lie. the manager could do it in 3 hours, on 2 days. this person takes atleast 4 hours on tuesday-friday to work on it. also, she acts like she knows how to count down a drawer, LIE. it takes her 30 and tons of questions answered by either my self or another person to finish it. my main problem is she acts like she is top stuff at the store. like will said, "that place could not function without me. I'm the only reason that the cafe is up and in business right now instead of completely doing everything over." i'm usually the one who has to deal with the customer complaints, returns, running 3 things at once, getting all the jobs the lazy PT's didn't finish done. argh. i hate that place. i need a new job. any1 in the chicago area hiring?

06-29-2005, 01:47 AM
I've got too many "boss" stories in my old age, but you're never going to get out of it unless you start working for yourself. The happiest people I know work for themselves ... my friend Paul quit a well paying job as a machinist to start a paintball store, I quit the cable company to concentrate on doing computer work and building custom power systems, and my best friend Matt just quit his job at a woodworking shop to build and install cabinets in people's houses. There's really nothing like it. Sometimes you'll work 3 days and make $2k, and other times you work all week and only make $200 but at least you don't have to take garbage from anyone else, and it feels good to get credit for doing a good job. Personally, I like being able to sleep in late, and work all night (c:

06-29-2005, 03:59 AM
Boss brags about and jokes about the food delivery guy she gave a B.J. to in the walk in cooler.
Constantly promotes the universally designated "Most Usless Person"
Is 3 days out of a 4 day work week "To overworked" so she takes a half day.
Hasn't repaired the roof that leeks because it would cost to much to report to the owner. Among other things that need repaired that would cost to much.
Allows herself and Mr. Useless to show up whenever they feel like it(Not exaggerating here).
Has had multiple affairs with customers.

But I can't complain because I never get in trouble because she is to busy and tired to talk to me by the time I show up.

06-29-2005, 04:33 PM
i Work at a movie theatre ...and i am the Manager, i have 19 people working under me and one above ( not including corporate and office staff from the company).

If they are deducting 30 minutes of pay from your check for break, then by law that is your break, they have to give it to you. and if they dont they can be in trouble. for every 4 hours of work i belive you are intitled to a 10 minute break on top of that. now these are California labor laws, i dont know how it is in your area.

i wonder if the staff tell boss stories about me. :D

06-29-2005, 05:50 PM
Its quite simple what you need to do right now, you need to report the company to the stay board for worker rights violations and sue the company.

1 good thing will come of this, your boss will be fired, the company will be fined, and you will get back pay for all the breaks that you were not allowed to go on.