View Full Version : Paintball Stores

06-25-2005, 06:00 PM
Maybe this is an isolated several incidents with an isolated couple stores...but it pisses me off so I'm gonna post it. :cuss:

I can't remember the last time I went into a paintball store and got decent service. It seems like of the TWO stores I frequent, I usually get a punk kid who is completely disinterested in me. Either there is:
A) his friend/teammate in the store and they are messing with his gun.
B) lunch in the back and he's more interested in what is on his sandwich than watching the counter.
C) a cell phone call that he can't tear himself away from long enough to ask me what I need.
Here are three separate, more specific, examples:

1) I went in a local store and the guy was playing a cd loaded with curse words...and of course the gun that I had brought in 3 weeks ago for service had been looked at, but they neither did what I had requested nor actually fixed the gun...just replaced some valves and said it was good. :confused:
2) I have had two incidents, one at each of the local stores, where the person has actually laughed at me when I asked him a question. Apparently, newbs aren't welcome in paintball stores...so fair warning to newbs out there, go buy your gun at Wal-Mart...it may be junk and the person selling it to you probably won't know anything about paintball...but at least they won't make you feel like an idiot. :tard:
3) I, twice now, have waited two weeks for a part to come in. I have a gun that I'm fixing up to sell and have had to wait two weeks for one part then over a week now for another part. And, it's not because these parts are back-ordered...they have them in their other location...they just don't care and always "forget" to go get them. :mad:

Both of these stores are usually empty...maybe that makes the staff bored and less responsive. I used to feel bad for the stores that they weren't doing as well as I'd like (because I like to see stoers do well to keep the sport going)...but now I could care less and actually hope they go under. I've gotten better advice and better responsiveness online than I've gotten in these stores...and I'm sick of it. I go to one store because they are the only ones that will fill my old CO2 tanks (over 5 years old) and they fill HPA (discount sports stores usually just do CO2). But other than air fills...I look at paintball stores as pretty much useless. :(

06-25-2005, 06:41 PM
it probably is just isolated incidents. i love all the paintball stores around me, the people working there are really nice and friendly, and do help out noobs. the guy at my closest store even looked for an old pump kit he had which he was going to give to me for free (he didnt find it, but still). ehh, i practically played pump one game today anyway, when my cocker wouldnt recock...

Target Practice
06-25-2005, 07:42 PM
When I was working in the local shop, I busted my hump to give good service. The only time I ignored a customer was when two teenage punks came in only to jerk me around. Little pricks.

Anyway, tsc and I always did our damnedest to keep the customers happy. We paid more attention than the owner did.

06-25-2005, 07:48 PM
The only nad experience I've had with a Paintball store was one time I called Extreme Rage to see if they had any Omega Body Rails left. The kid said they did, so we drove the hour and a half or whatever to get there and the kid pointed me to some sight rails.

My friend bought a Mag from the same store, and when he got home and tried it out it was leaking everywhere. He took it to another local shop and they went through it and it was missing a reg seat, had the wrong size PT spacer and a few other things.

Pro-Team Products was good to me the handfull of time that I went though.

06-25-2005, 10:23 PM
My friend has a store that started in 1994. His prices are good but mostly people go to him because of good customer service. He gives a 1 year warrenty on each gun for example, so if you buy a used gun from him you know he'll fix it free at the store in a day or two. I've seen him tell a newbie he would be better off renting for a while instead of buying a new gun, and I've seen those same people come back in in a year or two. I've also seen at least a dozen stores like you describe come and go ... and it'll be a good feeling when you see those stores close down too.

06-25-2005, 11:39 PM
There was a store like that here bacjk in the nineties. Owned and opperated by a bunch of posers. The type of ppl that moved witht he trends and did not care about their prior customers. They only were into PB for about a year before they moved on to opther things. Their field was even worse they never cut the grass and there was fire ants all over the bunkers. Plus if you could actually play they would not allow you to play with anyone but them and if you beat them they would say you are cheating and ask you to leave.

It was no wonder they were only in business for 2 years.

06-26-2005, 12:13 AM
You know I had a very wonderful experience today at a store I went to visit.

The guy I talked to over the phone was very helpful in giving information and directions over the phone so I was thinking that my 2.5 hour drive wouldn't be a complete waste of time if nothing else.

First thing I noticed upon arriving. People playing on a speedball feild right next to the store with no referees watching. This doesn't bother me most of the time but there was a little kid so I wasn't too happy with it. I have noticed that some people like to shoot up little kids in an attempt to look like they have skill.

Next thing was that all the referees were smoking in the doorway of the store. If people want to smoke fine, but smoking where everyone has to deal with it is inconsiderate in my opinion.

Anyways, I went in and asked for an air fill and a Male QD Nipple. I spent almost 5 minutes telling him what I wanted and he still didn't quite get it. "Do you want a slide check?", "What are you using it for", "Oh, you then you don't want a slide check", and so on and so forth.

In the meantime I am getting my air tank filled. I have a NWPP QD on my Endo Cradle so I can take it off the marker without any hassle whatsoever. A ref walks in while my tank is being handed back to me and says to one of his friends, "What kind of :cuss: brings in his tank and rail instead of just unscrewing the tank?"

I also had to wait for over 10 minutes for the guy to get my sale to go through on the cash register which wasn't that pleasant.

Anyways, end of my rant. My advice is not to patronize the store. Play at the feild but buy online. If I like a store I am more than willing to pay extra to help them out, but only if they make it worth my while by being helpful and courteous.

06-26-2005, 04:33 AM
Where in Michigan do you live?
The PB stores I deal with are Precision Paintball in Marquette, MI and Mollys Paintball in Stevens Point, WI...

Rick (owner of Precision (http://www.precisionpb.com/)) fixes pretty much any marker, does cheap annodizing and has most everything in stock, what he doesnt have, he will get you in about 3 days... He always has great service and is easy to talk to...

Jake (owner of Mollys PB (http://www.paintballmolly.com/)) is pretty much the same way...

I have seen some crappy pb stores in the past 3 years but most of them have went under because of it...

Hope you have some better luck...

06-26-2005, 08:17 AM
One place around me reminds me of your story, but everyone still seems to go there..,.,

06-26-2005, 10:29 AM
the airball places around here will gladly help you if you are carring a highlevel gun but if not forget it. There is however a local shop (shop only) where i have dropped lots of money because the owner rocks he has the best prices around he is as low as some of the internet sites. and he we fix anything he can hes more for the rec ballers and thats what got me he was the first guy to beak out a book to look up a broken spyder part.

06-26-2005, 10:37 AM
One place around me reminds me of your story, but everyone still seems to go there..,.,

Both stores I was talking about are close by. The next nearest store is over 35 miles away. The one store, is two blocks from my house...so it would be really nice if it wasn't such a cra$house. The second store is 45 minutes away, but only 10 miles from where I work. So, like I said...if I had an alternative...I'd try it. But in order to fill HPA...I gotta go to a paintball store. And since most of the big box sports discounter stores are more strict about filling old CO2 tanks...I also am forced to go where I can get those tanks filled...to get the most out of them before I have to replace them. But...if these stores want more than "air refill business", they better wake up...because people aren't going to pay 300% mark-ups on drop-forwards and 100% mark-ups on most everything else when they're getting treated like garbage.

barrel break
06-26-2005, 12:15 PM
Ever been in a snowboard store? a windsurfing store? surfing? skateboarding? With the excption of windsurfing (mostly 30-50 year olds), that happens in all of them. Well, by and large, specialty sports stores flourish in the heyday of their sport, they are havens for their participants, places to bask in the glow of your favorite activity. :headbang: They are normally, other than the site for you activity, the only place to go and talk to everyone who does it. Unfortunately, this leads to that sort of goofing around that you complain of. People treat it like their second home, but may not buy too much there.
Unfortunately This leads to a problem, as the sport becomes more mainstream, people are not drawn to that hardcore scene, the customer base dwindles, people become bitter, and the shop shudders to a halt. Look around, most specialty sports stores are only at the epicenters of the sport, they are gone. Enjoy it while you can, it is a fun ride.

*BTW* My family used to own a skate store, there were ramps in the back, the kids all hung out there. no more.

06-26-2005, 03:23 PM
Going to the wrong stores - what side of the state are you on? What do you need might be able to dig them up somewhere here.

06-26-2005, 08:43 PM
Going to the wrong stores - what side of the state are you on?


What do you need might be able to dig them up somewhere here.

It's not to that point yet. I understand that certain things are difficult to get...I've been looking for a Brute power tube forever...and try getting any type of upgrades for a Brass Eagle Raptor Silver Eagle. I understand that things sometimes get scarce. But when you go into a store and ask for a part...and they say they have it in their other store and will transfer it over...it would just be nice if they could do it without being "reminded" for two weeks. I could have ordered the parts online...I just thought that for common , inexpensive parts...I'd do the local stores a favor and give them some business other than just a tank refill. One of the supposed advantages to dealing with stores is they "can get stuff" because they either have it or have a good source. When I go in a store and they say, "we just mainly carry cocker parts"...I mean what's the point? Kids are going to go to your store...they are gonig to ask for parts and upgrades for their Spyders or Tippmanns or even Viewloaders. If you give them something in a way that doesn't make them feel worthless for not having a $1000 marker...maybe they will come back and get a $1000 marker when they are ready for that...and you still make money in the process...win win situation as far as I see it. :clap: :cheers:

But thanks Lohman...I will keep you in mind.

06-26-2005, 10:02 PM
maybe mapquest it, but http://www.totalcontrol-pb.com/ is a great store. Andy(Owner) can fix any gun and is certified. He'll order you just about anything and is one of the easiest guys in the world to get along with. He's got the right business mentality when it comes to customers. check it out

06-26-2005, 10:22 PM
im not really a fan of the local store here. they have horrible service, and it takes a long friggin time for them to get stuff done. They are a bit overpriced too, but all the stores ive been to are.

06-26-2005, 11:21 PM
asian, you just perfectly described the field near me. i'm in flint, the field is in davison. the owner has his stuff together but his lackeys are completely worthless. i feel ya.

06-27-2005, 02:03 PM
I happen to agree with you about the service at SOME paintball stores... I have found others to have generally good service. It's a tough business- basically they have to find (usually) kids to work there for a little discount and about minimum wage. I'm not saying that gives the workers the right to be surly, but it's hard to fill those positions.

I go to one store because they are the only ones that will fill my old CO2 tanks (over 5 years old) and they fill HPA (discount sports stores usually just do CO2).

This is REALLY not a smart idea.... the dates are on bottles for a reason. Especially now that a 20oz costs like $25.

06-27-2005, 02:33 PM
I generally detest any store which staffs itself with team kiddies (and I do mean kiddies, sub 18). It would seem that "factory" team members get handed jobs, wether they are qualified to do the work or not. No store employees who fit this description have EVER been in the slightest bit helpful to me. Rather, they would prefer to snicker about how my gun "suxx" or something to that tune. Stores: do yourself a favor and stop cutting corners with cheap labor. Maybe if your employees were helpful, or in the least bit respectful of customers, you would see more people buying from your store, as opposed to the online marketplaces.

That being said: I LOVE Boston Paintball Supply stores. I have been going to the Boston location since I started playing (9-10 years ago) and have NEVER walked out with a bad taste in my mouth. Sure, the guys are, at times, smart asses, but so am I. :D

06-27-2005, 02:40 PM
I'm waiting for the class action lawsuits and the IRS to come down on this.

A) You are paying people less than minimum wage in discounts and freebies.
B) As a general rule you are not claiming this properly in taxes and paying social security and other employment taxes.

I foresee a lot of stores with a lot of problems in the future based on "scheduled" workers. Those of us that help out on a volunteer only basis with minimal supervision, no set schedule, and on a discount only basis maybe ok, but those that are set schedules, hours, etc. are definetly employees and fall under employment laws.

06-27-2005, 03:55 PM
Hmm, Well if the store you went to was Killer Paintball, I truly and honestly appologize for the way you were treated. The staff for the most part is very good at my work. I would say if it was us that did this to you, please try coming back again on any day other than Monday or Tuesday. Again, I am sorry.


06-27-2005, 04:17 PM
I was beaten to it by JAM, but:

And since most of the big box sports discounter stores are more strict about filling old CO2 tanks...I also am forced to go where I can get those tanks filled...to get the most out of them before I have to replace them.

For the sweet love of God! :eek:
What's going to make you replace them?

That date is there for your safety. The date is determined following strict industry guidelines.

What is it that you know that the CO2 industry doesn't? Is saving a few bucks on a new tank worth risking your life?

Hope you and the store that fill your out-of-date tank are ready for the criminal negligence charges and related lawsuits if your tank blows and injures someone.

06-27-2005, 04:55 PM
you guys obviously need to come to Paintball Sally's in Paddock Lake Wisconsin then :D

why comes im here right now, bored as hell and just waiting for a customer to come in. id give you all the attention in the world :cheers:

06-27-2005, 09:19 PM
My local store is great, the guy there fixes my gun anytime I have a problem wether or not I bought it there usually at no charge . He taught me a lot about how to play too. I always make sure to buy like a magazine or fill a tank when I go too. I find that while the mark-up for markers is too much I do usually buy accesories and stuff there.

06-28-2005, 12:57 AM
For what it matters, the employee filling an out-of date tank its a $50,000 fine, on THAT employee, not the business.


06-28-2005, 09:09 AM
For what it matters, the employee filling an out-of date tank its a $50,000 fine, on THAT employee, not the business.

Do you have a source for that? I highly doubt that you can impose fines on an employee unless the employee needs professional certification to perform the task (such as the fine levied against licensed HVAC technicians if they release freon).

If no license or permit is required by the employee, it’s the business that’s responsible for training and supervising the employees and thus paying the fine.

None the less, one determined inspector could make a fortune off the paintball industry with the number of CO2 and compressed air handling infractions. I dare say they could probably single-handedly shut the industry down.

06-28-2005, 09:24 AM
both the stores that i go to are fine.. and about your first incident... sometime replacing some vavles is all it takes.

06-28-2005, 02:19 PM
Sadly no, just what I was told by my boss when i started. Perhaps it was ascare tactic, but its a good one coming from my boss. I do know DOT does random checks, as far as how many times, I haven't a clue.


06-28-2005, 02:24 PM
I'd rather buy major things through the internet and custom places, rather than local stores. From my experience, half the places I go to... prices are skyrocketed, service is a joke, people don't care about the individual baller, but rather their $$$ alone.

Dang punk kids who think they know all, and never take into account how long people have been playing, but rather associate them as "stupid customers"

06-28-2005, 02:32 PM
My local shop has no one that knows anything about paintball, they are all skateboarders that are just in it for easy money and a discount. I tried to get a job there because I would actually know something about paintball but they hired a girl skateboarder instead.

06-28-2005, 02:34 PM
Am I the only one? My local shop/field is knowledgeable and has always given me better prices than I could find on the net for major purchases (markers, air tanks, masks, hoppers, etc.). There service is awesome and the owner will even come in on days when he's not open to help us out. Considering I tech the equipment I can say the tech is kinda retarded but always manages to get things working again and seldom charges anyone labor and most of the time ends up giving out parts, and there is a second tech who can always seem to fix his screw ups too...


06-28-2005, 06:01 PM
Am I the only one? My local shop/field is knowledgeable and has always given me better prices than I could find on the net for major purchases (markers, air tanks, masks, hoppers, etc.). There service is awesome and the owner will even come in on days when he's not open to help us out. Considering I tech the equipment I can say the tech is kinda retarded but always manages to get things working again and seldom charges anyone labor and most of the time ends up giving out parts, and there is a second tech who can always seem to fix his screw ups too...


like i said in my first post on this thread.... paintball Sally' Paddock Lake WI... 5 of us that know our guns :-D great prices ( try to be only $5 above pbgear.com ) and even air conditioned with a tv and recliner thing!

06-29-2005, 12:07 AM
I was beaten to it by JAM, but:

For the sweet love of God! :eek:
What's going to make you replace them?

That date is there for your safety. The date is determined following strict industry guidelines.

What is it that you know that the CO2 industry doesn't? Is saving a few bucks on a new tank worth risking your life?

Hope you and the store that fill your out-of-date tank are ready for the criminal negligence charges and related lawsuits if your tank blows and injures someone.

It's like this...I have 2 CO2 tanks that I bought new not too long ago. I also have 3 CO2 tanks that I pretty much just use to dryfire my markers after I clean them or use the tanks to test guns that I buy online. Of those 5 tanks...only one is technically able to be refilled. Now, I can understand tossing out a couple of the oldest ones...one is rusted and the other one has a bent nipple. I actually put that one (the last one) away for awhile, was going to toss it. But 3 of these tanks are in great shape. I'm talking like new. My 20oz has been filled maybe 12 times and totally babied. It's a joke that because it is now 5 years and 2 months old...it's going to explode spontaneously. Most stores will not fill old tanks. That's fine...good for them. Once the last of them says "No"...I'll probably toss out my old tanks. But no, I'm not afraid that they will explode. If I suspected a defect...even a hint of one...I would destroy the tank/discard it without a second thought. If every tank was in danger of explosion simply because it reached 5 years of age...the tank manufacturer would be sued big time by the first kid that used a tank that was 5 days and one minute old and exploded like a bomb. It is most likey that the date of 5 years is the date chosen because it is the earliest possible length of time that could lead to a problem if the tank is used a great deal for 5 straight years. Maybe that's not how it's decided, I'm not an authority on the subject...but I can almost gurantee that at 5 years the tank does not just explode. :spit_take

06-29-2005, 06:01 AM
Don't play around me...

Those tanks, if something goes wrong, are a danger to you and everyone around you. You do not have that right to expose us to those dangers, there are laws that say that. Personally I hope the DOT fines you personally for having out of date tanks filled. What, are you testing the integrity of that steel with your eyes?

06-29-2005, 07:16 AM
but I almost gurantee that at 5 years the tank does not just explode. :spit_take

Please tell me you have a degree of expertise or experience in the subject
when you make yourself the expert and override DOT regulations.

Almost gaurentee that it won't explode.... almost. You risk the safety of everyone around you based on your expertise overriding DOT safety standards on an almost?

06-29-2005, 07:41 AM
You must die! I alone am best!

06-29-2005, 08:07 AM
Please tell me you have a degree of expertise or experience in the subject when you make yourself the expert and override DOT regulations.

Almost gaurentee that it won't explode.... almost. You risk the safety of everyone around you based on your expertise overriding DOT safety standards on an almost?


Let's see. Decades (centuries?) of engineering experience, the work of countless experts, numerous industries, and regulators in numerous countries.

Not to mention the fact that all that work was done due to failures, injuries, and deaths.

All that trumped by "I think it's fine." and the power of the naked eye. :tard:

Even if a tank was NIB and past it's date, too bad for you. Those filling it and those that have to standing or playing around you have no proof whatsoever about how the tank has been treated.