View Full Version : Because I can...

06-26-2005, 10:34 PM
I have some good new and some bad news.....

the good news is I finally got a Private Label body for my Impulse!!!! RAT JR
The bad news is when i was switching over the feedneck, the Hybrid feedneck :mad: stripped out somehow. So the other part of bad news is that i now rock a stock feedneck again, and being that I only have a halo and vl200....
http://img61.echo.cx/img61/3819/0120137ae.th.jpg (http://img61.echo.cx/my.php?image=0120137ae.jpg)
http://img61.echo.cx/img61/9133/01312a0rs.th.jpg (http://img61.echo.cx/my.php?image=01312a0rs.jpg)

Really though, im getting a CCM Lowrise on there and im annoing the whole thing a fade of yellow to red, gloss on both

But, to the subject of this. I rock out a VL200 with my impy because i can. i have shot it with the vision and it doesnt skip a beat :headbang:

06-26-2005, 11:05 PM
thats nice!

moral of the story: screw in feednecks carefully

wht else are you gonna do to it?

06-26-2005, 11:44 PM
get a halo... doesnt matter... looks nicer! haha Otherwise, that is one sweet set up... I am actualy looking into an impy right now. :bounce: :clap: :hail:

06-27-2005, 12:01 AM
All you need to do now is run it with 12 grams.

06-27-2005, 12:22 AM
Good news is you didnt strip the body ;)
Just get the low rise :)

06-27-2005, 08:16 AM
if i didnt sell my 12 gram changer, i would have. i did that with a cocker once. i got the feeling that everyone didnt like me because of it. I donno why i got that feeling, maybe the wierd looks, the pwnage on ppl with good guns, the great compact setup???

yeah, i only stuck my stock highrise on to make sure it was the feedneck, not the body, then i stuck a hopper on and before you know it, im rockin out with a hopper most players hate :headbang: