View Full Version : Air leak when you push the barrel?

06-28-2005, 08:43 PM
Well, I just found out today... I was doing some dry firing, trying to adjust my trigger to the most efficient setting. (rod length to be short). Because it was so loud, I held the barrelagainst the bed so it would quiet it down and the gun wouldnt fire! I had to hit the back with the palm of my hand and it fired. Is this normal? I personaly thought I needed to readjust my trigger but right now its perfect the way it is.

So my question is, why does it leak when you push the barrel in? Isnt there a shim or something in the middle of the body that is welded to space out the valve and barrel?

06-28-2005, 10:02 PM
Im guessing its a mag? If so and it sounds like its leeking down the barrel it is most likely your lvl10 (assuming you have lvl 10) if not i believe the Ult can casue same thing and osmething else...move this to tech thread you will get better help there...o oil the gun good and then try it.

06-28-2005, 10:07 PM
Im guessing an LX with a twist lock barrel.

When you are pushing on the barrel you are moving it back, LX is hitting the barrel and not resetting (LX problem) causing the leak, when you hit the back (having moved the barrel back) you got LX to reset and were able to fire again.

06-28-2005, 10:10 PM
Is it a 'Mag with a bayonet barrel? I've had that problem with Level 10 and worn barrel o-rings. Try replacing those and see what happens (replace the nubbin with a plastic one too if you have the wire one).

06-28-2005, 10:32 PM
Like loham said LVLx and twist lock do that when i had mine it was doign that i adjusted the lvl10 and it quit.

06-29-2005, 10:28 AM
Yep. If you push sideways on a twistlock barrel, it can bind the bolt and prevent firing.

Evil Bob
06-29-2005, 08:03 PM
That can be fixed by replacing the barrel orings, if they wear too thin, you'll get alot of play.

Some of the better mag barrels out there had the orings spaced out more to help prevent this type of problem. The Jacko Infinity series had 3 orings and was super stable for a twist lock.

The aim is a very snug fit and not alot of slop.

-Evil Bob