View Full Version : Couple of Flatline Questions

11-30-2001, 07:24 AM
Hey Guys,
I am thinking about buying a used Flatline (68ci) and had a few questions... #1 - What is the warranty policy on the Flatlines? Are there stars or is it $45 (or whatever) every time? I was thinking if I bought it, I would just send it to AGD tohave it checked out. #2 - Is the 68ci available in aluminum? The guy tells me that it is a 68ci tank that is aluminum.


11-30-2001, 07:43 AM
No warranty on tanks like markers. Did you read through Blacks article here on maintenance of them? And maybe Bill Mills review of the 4500's? I mean between those two articles you ought not to be afraid to work on it yourself! I mean we can help. Don't you trust us? ;)

No seriously here is the link to Blacks thing on them: http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=14220

Aluminum? Flatline 68's? Well they are some kina metal covered with a fiber wrap that is coated with a clear plastic material to keep the fibers intact. It might be aluminum under there at the skin but I am not absolutely certain. But I think it is. However it is Fiber Wrapped in order to use very little metal and keep the weight down while retaining the strength needed to hydro out to spec of a 3000 psi bottle. The 47's are aluminum through out I think. Not wrapped. Metal all the way to surface.

11-30-2001, 08:23 AM
You are always helpful Phil. Thanks for the info!

11-30-2001, 09:05 AM
Well David...I am a bit concerned about what this guy is telling you about the tank though. Not sure i quite understand. Make sure you can trust him.

If you are concerned then...

Look at this thread. There are two Flatline 68's for sale here. One is Chris from AGD Tech and the other is a regular member here.


11-30-2001, 09:46 AM
Looks good to me. Good references. And that is definately a all Aluminum tank body on a Flatline reg. And it looks 68 ci to me. News to me. I never saw one before always saw fiber. Good buy from what I can tell.