View Full Version : DW dallar rail or shadow rail

06-29-2005, 07:37 PM
i am getting a new rail and dont no wich one to get could yall give me some advice

thanks, wareagle

06-29-2005, 07:38 PM
i am getting a new rail and dont no wich one to get could yall give me some advice

thanks, wareagle

Unless someone is selling Dallara rails they'll be mighty hard to come by.

06-29-2005, 07:42 PM
they sell them at www.themagsmith.com

06-29-2005, 07:50 PM
they sell them at www.themagsmith.com
I wonder how many Rogue has in Stock?
I guess he just sent Colin some rails to be milled.
Maybe he'll post and let us know? :rolleyes:

06-29-2005, 08:41 PM
he posted it awhile ago bro

06-29-2005, 08:53 PM
dealers section much?

they look mighty fine with the cut down ule's if i dont say so myself :cheers:

and nice to have another rail choice, however theyr just rails...buy w/e one you like the looks of more... :cool:

06-29-2005, 09:04 PM
he posted it awhile ago bro
Thanks Azaam. I talked to Mike today, he said he didn't have my money.
Go figure, eh?

06-29-2005, 09:15 PM
Thanks Azaam. I talked to Mike today, he said he didn't have my money.
Go figure, eh?

LOL you're kidding right?!

did he say to just stop by....another time?

when i stopped by i started walking the Ego trigger with one hand, then i switched over. He commented that its weird that i could shoot equally fast with both hands, cause he shoots like a drunken monkey with his left hand.

06-30-2005, 01:40 PM
LOL you're kidding right?!

did he say to just stop by....another time?

when i stopped by i started walking the Ego trigger with one hand, then i switched over. He commented that its weird that i could shoot equally fast with both hands, cause he shoots like a drunken monkey with his left hand.

Next Thursday.
Im sick of his excuses, I want my money, it's been like....six months.I've been considerng following him home. :ninja: :ninja:

06-30-2005, 01:48 PM
it depends on your set up to ..

if you have an rt style sear or a classic sear already

you could save a few bucks by useing the sear you have now

dallara rail you will need an classic sear
shadow rail you will need the rt sear ..

have a dallara the milling is damn nice .. as i a matter of a fact i have the same rail rogue has to offer my dallara when i got it didnt have a uled rail .. so i picked one up from rogue

as for the shadow rail .. i have an orig rogue rail pretty close to the shadow in weight and milling .. also an awesome rail

with either rail you cant go wrong ..

wait until you see the anno and polish job on them ... so damn nice ..

06-30-2005, 01:49 PM
it depends on your set up to ..

if you have an rt style sear or a classic sear already

you could save a few bucks by useing the sear you have now

dallara rail you will need an rt sear
shadow rail you will need the rt sear ..

have a dallara the milling is damn nice .. as i a matter of a fact i have the same rail rogue has to offer my dallara when i got it didnt have a uled rail .. so i picked one up from rogue

as for the shadow rail .. i have an orig rogue rail pretty close to the shadow in weight and milling .. also an awesome rail

with either rail you cant go wrong ..

wait until you see the anno and polish job on them ... so damn nice ..

Bruce, The Dallara rail uses an AM/MM style sear with pin.

06-30-2005, 01:54 PM
i went back and did an edit .... dallra does = classic sear :cheers:

06-30-2005, 02:52 PM
Next Thursday.
Im sick of his excuses, I want my money, it's been like....six months.I've been considerng following him home. :ninja: :ninja:

lol, he says its just cause you never come into the shop anymore

ah well, you'll get it eventually. Just steal his DM and hold it for ransom. :argh: