View Full Version : X-valve

06-30-2005, 07:52 AM
How much is one of these worth brand new?

06-30-2005, 08:07 AM
$325 new w/o a trade-in

$225 new w/ a trade-in

~$200 used

06-30-2005, 08:10 AM
What is a trade in?

06-30-2005, 08:21 AM
You send AGD a valve (usually a classic) and they give you $100 off the price.

06-30-2005, 03:18 PM
You send AGD a valve (usually a classic) and they give you $100 off the price.
The serial numbers on both halves of the valve must match to get the trade in.

06-30-2005, 03:21 PM
i still cant believe how much they are charging

06-30-2005, 03:35 PM
i still cant believe how much they are charging
I always thought it was too much for a valve too. But, oh well...........

06-30-2005, 03:37 PM
No they don't. Read the instructions on the store page.


You MAY turn in a mismatched valve - that is, a valve where the serial number on the valve body and the regulator half do not match. You may turn in a valve where the valve body has an AGD serial number and the other half is an aftermarket regulator. You may not turn in half a valve.

The serial numbers on both halves of the valve must match to get the trade in.

Eric Cartman
06-30-2005, 03:38 PM
The serial numbers on both halves of the valve must match to get the trade in.

However they will accept valves with aftermarket parts. Mine had a Diamond Labs 8 hole mod rear end and they were fine with that. Obviously the serial numbers didn't match in that case.

06-30-2005, 04:04 PM
I always thought it was too much for a valve too. But, oh well...........

thats what i thought, then i realized that the Xvalve is basically the entire internals of the marker, the rest is just a tube, rail, sear and frame. Then add the fact that it comes with a lvl 10 installed and I dont think the price is that bad.

06-30-2005, 04:36 PM
No they don't. Read the instructions on the store page.

Cool. I didn't see that.

06-30-2005, 04:44 PM
$325 new w/o a trade-in
$225 new w/ a trade-in
~$200 used

Or, 450$ and you get an entire Tac-One. :cool:
Or, 350$ for the basic RT ULE.

If you're really smart, you'll just buy a brand new Tac-One or RT ULE from one of the dealers and sell your complete marker with the classic valve to go towards the price. :D

06-30-2005, 04:44 PM
Also your valve has to be under serial #30,000 or something.

06-30-2005, 04:46 PM
Or, 450$ and you get an entire Tac-One. :cool:

If you're really smart, you'll just buy a brand new Tac-One or RT-Pro from on of the dealers and sell you complete marker to go towards the price. :D

LOL thats what i did

06-30-2005, 04:54 PM
Or, 450$ and you get an entire Tac-One. :cool:
Or, 350$ for the basic RT ULE.

If you're really smart, you'll just buy a brand new Tac-One or RT ULE from one of the dealers and sell your complete marker with the classic valve to go towards the price. :D
Thats a better deal, probably why the valve alone is so much, so people'll just buy a whole gun.
But, and I'm not flaming mags or bashing them so shut up you flame happy doods, I can't see spending that much on a mech gun when for less than $300, I can get a great gun with break beam eyes, rebound, and interchangeable bodies cheap.

06-30-2005, 05:12 PM
I can't see spending that much on a mech gun when for less than $300, I can get a great gun with break beam eyes, rebound, and interchangeable bodies cheap.

It's simple. You come back in 5 years with your fully functional 300$ electro.[/sarcasm] :p

Some people aren't fashion posers and don't place huge value in interchangeable bodies.

Some people don't think a product like a paintball marker should need upgrades at all to function increadibly well.

Some people want to develop shooting skills and not spray paint.

Some people want to save some money and waste less paint.

Some are all of the above. ;)

Somepeople are willing to pay upwards of 600$ for a pump. Why? Because they know quality. Because that's their style of play.

06-30-2005, 05:12 PM
^^^^ beat me to it^^^^
warped1... hey hold on to that ION... contact me in 12 years and tell me how it shoots.
"Mags rule Ion's drool"

06-30-2005, 05:27 PM
How come when I make a post about how my Ion is better than your mag, I get banned?! But you guys can flame my gun choice with absolute impunity?! :wow: Not fair............
And here, I wasn't even flaming the mag, just pointing out how it's not a good value for your money.

Saying "its not a good value for your money" is bashing. Learn how to type in context so people know what you REALLY mean. What value are you comparing it to anyway? All of My mags have more value for the money than any other gun I can think of. You are basically spewing trash out of your mouth again. Careful young lad... :mad:

06-30-2005, 05:34 PM
Sorry man but that statement isnt legit. If hes a tourney player in 1 maybe 2 years hell have a new gun anyways, who knows what the future will bring. Thats spefically why the ion is a good investment, low price with all the advantages of higher ends and then when you go to move on to some new, revoultionary gun you didnt blow 1k on a marker.

I love my mag and i will continue to use it for tourneys but thats because i feel its all i need for my level of play, others are different and want what they feel is the best for them.

06-30-2005, 05:42 PM
I come to this board because I love my mag and as an owner over the last 12 years I have continued to put coin into AGD's pocket.

I'm glad you guys like your IONs... dont they have a owners group? :rolleyes:

06-30-2005, 06:02 PM
i dont even own an ion i own a automag and i love it. But maybe he has both and enjoys this form.

06-30-2005, 06:37 PM
I come to this board because I love my mag and as an owner over the last 12 years I have continued to put coin into AGD's pocket.

I'm glad you guys like your IONs... dont they have a owners group? :rolleyes:
It just pisses me off that I get banned just because my opinion differs. I have even said repeatedly, that the mag is not a bad gun, I just don't like the looks and it doesn't usually fit my style of play. That's all, but you guys get to flame any gun you want, as long as it's not a mag?! Hypocrites....................

06-30-2005, 07:15 PM
It just pisses me off that I get banned just because my opinion differs. I have even said repeatedly, that the mag is not a bad gun, I just don't like the looks and it doesn't usually fit my style of play. That's all, but you guys get to flame any gun you want, as long as it's not a mag?! Hypocrites....................

What the heck are you talking about? There's no way you got banned for that. Show me the URL.

06-30-2005, 07:24 PM
It just pisses me off that I get banned just because my opinion differs. I have even said repeatedly, that the mag is not a bad gun, I just don't like the looks and it doesn't usually fit my style of play. That's all, but you guys get to flame any gun you want, as long as it's not a mag?! Hypocrites....................


WARPED1 - 3 days - user harrassment and inappropriate posting.

06-30-2005, 07:25 PM
I just don't like the looks
Yet you like the looks of the ION and Shocker... :confused:

06-30-2005, 07:27 PM
How come when I make a post about how my Ion is better than your mag, I get banned?! But you guys can flame my gun choice with absolute impunity?! :wow: Not fair............
And here, I wasn't even flaming the mag, just pointing out how it's not a good value for your money.

Saying "its not a good value for your money" is bashing. Learn how to type in context so people know what you REALLY mean. What value are you comparing it to anyway? All of My mags have more value for the money than any other gun I can think of. You are basically spewing trash out of your mouth again. Careful young lad... :mad: :cuss: and no one here really cares that "my Ion is better than your mag". Isn't there a SP forum you can take that to? I am sure they will even appreciate it alot more.

06-30-2005, 07:36 PM
I got two emails from Tunaman saying I have no constitutional rights because this is a privately owned forum, and was banned because I bash mags, which I don't, I've said repeatedly that the mag is not a bad gun.
And I didn't harass anyone, in fact I got flamed and replied with a flame. I got banned, the other person did not.

:cuss: and no one here really cares that "my Ion is better than your mag". Isn't there a SP forum you can take that to? I am sure they will even appreciate it alot more.

It's not bashing at all. It's this thing no one here is familiar with. It's called an opinion, look it up.

06-30-2005, 09:14 PM
Nope, it isn't a good value compared to other guns on the market.

BUT, it is worth what you pay for it. A mag is made with a alot of quality and precision. Thus people are willing to pay the extra money for a mech gun. Mags and Blazers are probably the best mech guns out there. And they cost a tad more than the average mech cocker. AGD spends a lot to make them, so we pay more. It's like this:

You buy a Dodge Neon which has 230hp. Peice of crap domestic car. But it only costs around $20k. Now another car on the market is the BMW 325i. It'll cost you around $28-29k, and it won't have as much horsepower. About 184hp. BUT, it's a way better quality car. Yes, the neon has more horespower and it's cheaper, but some people care more about quality and precision. See what I'm getting at?

07-01-2005, 02:58 AM
A mag is made with a alot of quality and precision. Thus people are willing to pay the extra money for a mech gun. Mags and Blazers are probably the best mech guns out there. And they cost a tad more than the average mech cocker. AGD spends a lot to make them, so we pay more. It's like this:

well how much longer do you thing its going to last? 5 years maybe? when a company doesnt care enough to come out with a better product (yes it can be improved on) its gonna die. because eventually even the loyalists will realize that its outdated, looks arent everything. even though rogue, tuna and a few others really did a great job on it.

and then i'll hear "but it cycles at 26 bps"...... wait, werent you just complaining about ramping? becasue you know you arent pulling the trigger 26 times a second.

and yes there will be those who choose to live in the 90s, while everyone else chooses to use a more recent innovation. (cough..at least a thousand shots per 68/45) IMO the only thing the xmag has over the Ion is looks, and Nicad will fix that soon

flame on....i have a miller lite/jim beam flame proof jacket tonight

07-01-2005, 05:16 AM
and then i'll hear "but it cycles at 26 bps"...... wait, werent you just complaining about ramping? becasue you know you arent pulling the trigger 26 times a second.

I think you are quoting arguements from different people here. I do agree on that point though, the advertised 26 bps recharge rate is very overrated. Its a moot point to advertise 26 bps valve recharge rate on a mech frame.

But all that aside, i'll take my mag over an ion anyday. Ive played with an ion. It was alright. But comparing an ion to a mag is comparing apples to oranges. They just arent the same thing to compare each other to. Yea you get the rate of fire with an ion, but with a mag, theres no question about its durability. (theres some people here who havent changed an oring in what? 10 years?). Once I get my predator'd electro frame in you can throw that ROF arguement out the window also. Seeing on how the mag design is so freaking bulletproof, and now we are getting electro frames that can take advantage of the amazing recharge rate, you know I dont mind shelling out the extra dough for it.

07-01-2005, 05:39 AM
well how much longer do you thing its going to last? 5 years maybe? when a company doesnt care enough to come out with a better product (yes it can be improved on) its gonna die. because eventually even the loyalists will realize that its outdated, looks arent everything. even though rogue, tuna and a few others really did a great job on it.

Outdated? Name a better mech gun.

AGD did improve their product. Gave it a nice price too. Too bad no one knows about it.

and yes there will be those who choose to live in the 90s, while everyone else chooses to use a more recent innovation. (cough..at least a thousand shots per 68/45) IMO the only thing the xmag has over the Ion is looks, and Nicad will fix that soon

Filled to 4500, i get roughly 1100 shots on my 68cu tank. Not amazing efficiency, but not bad either.

07-01-2005, 02:59 PM
Outdated? Name a better mech gun.

AGD did improve their product. Gave it a nice price too. Too bad no one knows about it.

true but i think i was talking about the xmag/emag. not sure i was rather drunk last night.

07-01-2005, 03:13 PM
I got two emails from Tunaman saying I have no constitutional rights because this is a privately owned forum, and was banned because I bash mags, which I don't, I've said repeatedly that the mag is not a bad gun.
And I didn't harass anyone, in fact I got flamed and replied with a flame. I got banned, the other person did not.

It's not bashing at all. It's this thing no one here is familiar with. It's called an opinion, look it up.

Hey, buddy, do me a favor. Look toward the top left of your screen as you read this. Is that Ionowners.com??? Does it say imgayforarguingwithamod.com??? NO, it says Automags.org. You know what that means?(In case you didnt know, i'll inform you) That means that as you type that a mag isnt a good value for our money, hundreds of angry mag-owners and people who like mags are going to read that and guess what, being that we like mags, we are gonna be partial against someone who says something bad about it. Its like going to the bar with your buds and having one of your friends say something bad about your favorite sports team, or even your favorite music band, you arent gonna let them get away with it. So hey, we're just protecting what we love
Get over it
and :ninja: the gov't is a lie, you have no rights :ninja: