View Full Version : New to AGD. Need some advice.

11-30-2001, 09:39 AM
Hello all. I’ve been lurking around here for a while and have been impressed with the support you offer each other. Based on this and the fact the AGD makes superior products, I’m going w/ the E-MAG as my next marker. I’ve got the core component chosen but now I’m sweating the details.

Here’s the core:

Warp Feed
12v Revy
Flatline Reg. Bottle
Doubletrigger/Grip upgrade if needed
Aftermarket barrel, 12” in size, undecided.

Pretty standard.

Here’s where I run into a problem. It’s the small details, or rather small parts that I’m not sure of. What are the small things you all needed that you over looked? Macrolines, Intelliframe, etc. Is it possible to connect the Warp Feeder to the trigger of the gun? I’m basically in need of some solid advice so I don’t miss some small detail that will cost me more later because I simply didn’t know.

I hope this isn’t too much to ask.


11-30-2001, 09:44 AM
The emag already has a double trigger and does include a cord to intellifeed it with the warp, with some modification it will feed the rev as well. Also, there are currently no aftermarket gripframes or grips available for the emag. Maybe if enough people pester DYE they'll make some stickies for it.

11-30-2001, 10:06 AM
Right again Po-tater Kid!

You get with an Emag in the box...

Double trigger grip frame with ELD display in grip (hense the lack of grip upgrades out there right now)

A beautiful E-Mag Valve for the fastest recharge time... put a big grin on your face.

Battery that makes up the fore grip

Choice of body style in HL HR WL WR and choice of body color in Black or Polished

A real nice rail that looks like a racing sloop (Nice!)

Barrel (decent and sexy)

DC car Battery charger (what can I say...)

A intellifeed harness (just plugs right into the board on the EMag and into the jack already on the Warp and idiot can do it)

A yellow plastic battery saver pin you will lose first time out in the field (trust me you will...so keep AGD number handy for another one)

A bottle of oil (Gold Cup)

An elbow (even if you get a warp body! Hrm...?)

an allen wrench (the correct one too!)

A AGD lion sticker (gotta love those)

and..... (drum roll please) THE SWEETEST TRIGGER SYSTEM IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!!!!!!

You need two 90 degree swivel Macro fittings and about 10 inches of Macro.
A drop forward system or ASA.
HPA tank
A warp feed
A 12 volt revy
A drill with a one inch hole saw (jsut for a few minutes)
Lots of paint

11-30-2001, 10:12 AM
Thanks for reminding me phil, I still need to find somewhere I can trade my RTPro, some extra junk, and my firstborn child for an EMag.

11-30-2001, 01:05 PM
Great. So the gun pretty much comes ready to rock. Excellent.

A couple more questions; what does HL HR WL WR mean and I'm guessing the 1" hole saw is to make the cut in the hopper to run the hose through from the warp feed to the gun? I read about this mod on another group to line up the feed and hopper.

Also, I just purchased the universal Warp Feed to use w/ my current marker. Are there any issues with using this one with the Mag? I noticed there's a purpose-made unit for the Mag sold online for a little less. What's the difference?

Thanks again!!

11-30-2001, 01:10 PM
I think you're talking about the differenced between the AGD warp and the PTP warp. The only differences are that the PTP comes with an adapter for other guns, and the vibration sensor is located on the bracket on the PTP model and internally on the AGD model. The bracket on the PTP model is a little more adjustable because it is 2 pieces. Don't worry, it should work fine, but you may need a new top adapter, if so just give AGD a call.

As HL, HR, WL, and WR those are the different body styles. HL and HR are Hopper Left and Hopper Right, on these it tell you what side of the gun the *top* of the powerfeed is going to be on. WL and WR are Warp Left and Warp Right, this tells you what side of the gun the *bottom* feed for the warp is on. If you are a right handed player you'll probably want a Warp Left for a warp setup, or a hopper left for a hopper setup.

11-30-2001, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by PotatoBoy
Don't worry, it should work fine, but you may need a new top adapter, if so just give AGD a call.

About this he won't need anything the PTP kit comes with it all. The only difference in set up is on a non warp body you use the powerfeed inclosed in the warp kit. On a warp body just remove the powerfeed from you warp hose, leaving the hose to powerfeed adapter on it. The hose to powerfeed adapt will fit over the end of the mags feed tube.

Sorry if this makes little sense, I'm getting worse about making myself clear.


11-30-2001, 04:22 PM
Is the intellifeed harness microscopically small? Because i couldn't detect one in my emag box. :(
Nor was my sticker there :( sad sad

11-30-2001, 05:45 PM
I believe they are shipping all new E-Mags with the warp interlink cable. If you didn't get one, simply call them, give them your E-Mag serial number and they can send you a few stickers and the cable at no charge.

12-01-2001, 05:44 PM
Now that I have all the info I need, where would you recommend I purchase a WR E-MAG (since I'm a righty) and parts?

12-01-2001, 06:10 PM
if you're a "righty" meaning you hold the marker with your right hand, you should get a warp left body...well thats what i think anyways, or else i have everything backwards...please tell me if i do :D

12-01-2001, 07:04 PM
Yep, you're right on.

Warp Left = Right Handed

Warp Right = Left Handed

Hopper Right = Right Handed for Warp or Left Handed for Hopper on top

Hopper Left = Opposite of Hopper Right

12-02-2001, 01:42 AM
Welcome Neech!!

Always glad to welcome a new member of the family! I really respect you for getting all the answers before you buy, very smart move. We don't include the Warp interlink cable with every Emag because some people don't use Warps. Just call the factory and we will send you one.


12-02-2001, 02:12 AM
Hey, mine didn't come with a Lion sticker darn it. :)

12-02-2001, 09:29 AM
I think I'm all set to purchase this bad boy. I just have to get some gift purchases for the family done first. Then I can spoil myself!!

No one recommended any on-line places to purchase from, hmm.

Couple more questions; can the Ricochet hopper be linked to the feeder as well? Does it accomidate the hose better than the Revy? It looks like it might.

You all have been great. Thanks very much!

12-03-2001, 01:49 AM
Any hopper can acomidate the hose the best looking idea i have seen that i hear works really well is to get a viewloader and drill a hole for the hose to pass through.
here is a pic of gadget68's setup

12-03-2001, 11:20 AM
That's pretty cool! I wonder if the paint gets stuck behind the hose in there and how many shot are lost with that space taken?

I've been searching around the web to the various on-line paintball shops and it's hard to tell what body types they carry for the E-MAG. I might goto my local shop and buy it/build it there but the extra cost does not seem worth it. Once again, if anyone knows a good on-line shop where I can get my setup here, I'd appreciate the suggestion.


12-03-2001, 02:03 PM
well i dont think they woulld get stuck behind the tube becuase hopfully u are moving around. the tube is full of paint so i dont think you would lose any capacity

12-04-2001, 07:26 AM
I think I'm going to try the Ricochet. I like the idea of a pro-active hopper (even thought the Revy can be modded to do this) that I don't have to mod.

I'm still mixed on airflow, braided or macro line, I'm not sure yet.

AND, I guess none of you rookies :D can recommended an inexpensive, reliable on-line shop for me to make my purchase. Lamers. ;)

12-04-2001, 09:47 AM
Go to www.airgun.com You will find links to a few online stores that carry Mags. My personal favorites are paintballgear.com and 888.com AO has a classified section. You can also watch auctions Ebay and Yahoo