View Full Version : The 30th is here.

11-30-2001, 10:06 AM
Hello all,

When will we see all the contestants art? What is the link to see all the entry's? I guess by midnight, people have to get the art in? I can't wait to see all the cool art! This is suspenseful!


11-30-2001, 02:57 PM
I wanted to participate, but wasn't sure I got the jist of it. Good luck to all!

11-30-2001, 03:04 PM
Look, that was already answered in the Contest Questions Thread. in fact, YOU asked it, and I answered it for you. This Thread is in violation of AO Rules about multiple posts on the same topic.. you are now post spamming.

And you can not claim you did not see my answer, because you THANKED me for it!

sheesh :rolleyes:

11-30-2001, 03:07 PM
To be exact!

Your question:

When and where is the art going to be on display?

The answer: It will be on display in its own gallery on the main AO site. You will be notified via the main site as well as here on the forums as to where the gallery actually is, and how to vote. AS for how long it will take for the AO Staff to set it up, that all depends on how busy they are. It may be set up by Monday, or it may take a week. Again it depends on how busy they are.

And as for entry deadlines, that was pretty clear in the Official Rules...
Contest Dates will be November 04, 2001 - November 30, 2001!
Entries will not be collected until AFTER November 12, 2001.
( Deadline for entries will be Midnight PST USA, November 30, 2001. All entries will then be gathered and placed in a Gallery for final vote by AO Members. When the Gallery is completed, all AO Members will be notified VIA the Forums and given voting instructions.)

Hope this helps.

11-30-2001, 04:19 PM
I posted in this thread first, you will see the times they were posted at and agree, then I noticed that this one was not being posted on much, therefore I thought it was dead, I figured I should post it in a more recently posted thread, again I am sorry, I am new at this forum stuff, It will not happen again. I should have gone back to this one and cleared it off...

Defalcot :)

11-30-2001, 04:23 PM

Shartley gets up on the wrong side of the bed sometimes.

Were all family. And we learn as we go!

11-30-2001, 05:23 PM
No problem...... :D

And this has nothing to do with my getting out of bed habbits.. ;)

12-01-2001, 01:09 AM
Sorry to disappoint you shartley but I might have to drop out... Can I send in my incompleted emag anyways?

12-01-2001, 05:01 AM

You did try though, right? And if so, it is a step closer in the right direction. You will be better prepared for the next one. :)

12-01-2001, 02:57 PM
he was probably just checking to see if u would give him the same answer :)