View Full Version : Tournament Choices

07-02-2005, 10:27 PM
I've seen some discussion about tournaments...and I saw a local flyer that was advertising "Young Guns" and "Rookie/Novice" tournaments...3-man, 5-man. I'm not sure what the difference is between the two...is "Young Guns" a kid's tournament? Or an entry level? Is "rookie/novice" for beginners? Or is that a step below amateur? Is it possible to win in these kinds of tournaments with mech markers? :confused:

I am primarily a rec player, prefer woodsball over speed/X...but I'm at the point now where regular rec play isn't as challenging as it once was and I thought I might try to take that next step...but I'm far too busy and poor to start buying $1000 guns and joining teams where we're practicing once or twice a week. :ninja:

So I thought I'd either start getting into beginner level tournaments with some guys I play with...or do some big games/scenario games. I like the big game/scenario game concept...but they are usually really expensive. The tournaments are more expensive than rec play...but at least there's that chance at a decent prize or cash prize. :clap:

Just thought I'd see what you guys think since I'm sure this group has played in all kinds of games and at all levels. :clap:

07-02-2005, 10:45 PM
Young Guns is a tournament style where the kids get to play with eachother, usually the age cap is 14 and the teams are 3-man.

Rookie is an entry level tournament (usually 5 man, but can be 7, or rarely 10) for teams to get their first year of tournament action in on equal footing (beware sandbaggers here big time).

Novice is a second year and up division (again, usually 5 man but also 7 and 10 man formats as well)

If you aren't that big into speed ball you may want to actually watch a few tournaments and see how they work if you've never seen one before. (just read the last bit of your post lol). Getting together with a group of friends is always a good idea, especially if you've been playing together for a while. Also, don't go into an event expecting to place first unless you know the competition. Even in regional serries it's easy to forget that you will be competing with people from all over and some of them have very interesting playing styles. Sandbaggers (Rookies that should be in Nov but aren't) are a worry in Rookie events because the smaller serries don't usually keep good track of players and it's possible for part of a team to break off and start up under another name or even the same team with mostly different players to come back and play rookie again.

From a purely academic stand point, tournaments are a lot of fun to go to provided you bring a good attitude and are ready to get the short end of the stick occationally.

The tournament scene will definately provide you with a challenge. Be open to the experience, and if it doesn't feel like you, then no sweat, you got to play in a tourney anyway and hopefully had a blast in the process.

07-03-2005, 12:45 AM
Welcome To The Darkside! Hahhahahhaha

07-03-2005, 01:13 AM
young guns- kids younger than 13-15 age limit

rookie- beginner tournaments, but, around here, the rooke tournaments vary highly in skill lievel, there are the ones where you would do fine showing up with your mech and playing, then there are tournaments like the rookie CFOA, where you would be blown away every game as a beginner.

mabey go watch a tournament before you play?

actually, the second time i had ever been to a real field (and first time playing airball i think) was in my first tournament, where, we actually did ok amazingly, so, you never know, just go out and try, tons of fun

07-04-2005, 02:46 PM
Young guns around here is capped 17/18, Atomix tournies that is. Not sure about any others...

07-10-2005, 10:04 AM
YG tournys at my field are capped at 16.