View Full Version : I need BBQing wood!

07-10-2005, 01:50 PM
Ok, I"ve been all about the BBQing this summer. Not grilling, real BBQ where you smoke the meat for hours.

The only problem is, my supply of smoking wood is running out. The last of it will be gone after todays brisket is done, and I want to make some pulled pork next week.

Anyone have any idea where one could procure wood for BBQing? You need to use untreated fruit or nut woods. Apple, cherry, hickory, that sort of thing. Apparently you can use oak too, as long as its untreated.

I've been asking around to see if anyone has any on their woodpile, but no luck so far. There must be some way to buy this kind of stuff though, although since BBQ isn't really big up here, maybe not :-/

Anyone have any ideas?

07-10-2005, 01:55 PM
I have a cord of seasoned red oak I'd sell ya. The best way is to go for a ride out to some farms and look for wood for sale.

07-10-2005, 02:12 PM
cedar has a great flavor imo, definitely not too tough to find.

you can buy smoking woodchips by the 10lb. bag though too....

how are u barbecuing? gas/coal grill? spit? oven?

there are companies that clear trees from residential areas (like somebody wanted to get rid of their apple tree to make room for a pool), then they sell the wood off to whoever will buy it. call them up and although they probably wont have any on hand, theyll have all kinds of great woods passing through, just reserve some.

07-10-2005, 02:46 PM
Tree clearing places don't usually seperate their wood by type though, so god knows what you'd be getting. I guess maybe you could put in a request for any future apple though...


Our grill is something like that, same style.

Salmon is good for fish, but you don't really use it for meats so much.

Lastly, I can get the smoking chips anywhere. They work great, but theres two problems. First, they don't last. They burn out really fast, and you end up going through a ton of them. Secondly, at the price you get them for, the fact they burn up so fast makes them not very cost effective. I'd rather use logs or chunks. I have to admit I havn't seen them in bulk anywhere, though. If you could buy them in like 50lb bags, that would prolly be worth it.

07-10-2005, 03:14 PM
I'll stop down at Smokin' Joes some time this week and ask if they have any suggestions. They smoke all their meets next to their building and always have a huge pile of logs...they must have a supplier.

07-10-2005, 03:27 PM
I don't know if I"ll have much room coming home from IAO, but I have nothing against having a pile of logs in the backseat on the drive home :)

07-10-2005, 04:31 PM
I do you fruit.
If it takes up my sleeping room, ima be pissed

07-11-2005, 02:03 AM
cedar it is more of a trout wood to be sure, but i like the cigaresque taste in all my food.

sounds like ur doing a TON of BBQing for chips to be too expensive:) i think the biggest ive seen is a 20lb bag, forget exactly where.

tree clearing companies can also turn those logs into chips for you for a tad extra. i think thats the way to go, especially w/ ur kind of grill.

nice grill btw.

07-11-2005, 07:22 AM
For you, the doctor prescribes a liberal dose of night time, a hand saw, a ski mask, and an apple orchard. Should have you feeling chipper in no time.

07-11-2005, 07:24 AM
Could you try using a smoking tray for your soaked wood chips and maybe use Cowboy Charcoal to achieve the same thing?
Your smoke would come from the smoking tray and the cowboy charcoal would provide the "heat" but it is still a hardwood.


07-11-2005, 07:44 AM
We only use natural wood charcoal anyway. We use Royal Oak brand, but its the same thing.

And we already soak the chips, and place them on a metal sheet in the smoker box. They don't touch the coals directly.

The problem is, chips produce tons of smoke for about 20 minutes. Bigger chunks / logs produce less smoke for a longer period of time. If you have to add chips every 20 minutes for hours, it can become really tedious, plus they produce a little too much smoke, you don't want the meat to get TOO smoky or it can start to taste bitter / acrid.

If you've never done real BBQ, remember, you are cooking that meat for around 4 hours with most cuts.

07-11-2005, 08:00 AM
Well just a suggestion that is all.
Unfortunately never really have the chance to do charcoal smoking. (I have a water smoker that runs on propane go figure). Just gotta wait til I can afford a nice place and get a nice charcoal bbq grille and seperate smoke box. Most ppl I know grille and claim to bbq.
Actually I'll PM you if my friends do have some usable wood on their land (most likely maple and oak)

07-12-2005, 10:24 PM
if you want some apple or cherry just got to an orchard and ask the people if their selling it?

if you want to drive to michigan i know of a place around here who's got a huge stack probably 20' tall by 30' wide with a sign next to it that says "apple wood for sale"

07-12-2005, 10:40 PM
Really though, dont you have woods in NJ? Oh wait no, I forgot. The whole state is NYC's garbage dump. :rofl:

07-13-2005, 07:38 AM
No, all of the garbage gets shipped to PA, not NJ.

We have plenty of woods but you don't see a lot of apple trees in the woods here idiot.

07-13-2005, 09:50 AM
Yeah, PA is the landfill capital of the world:) But, they do a very good job of hiding them and making the parts you can see very appealing. Garbage is a big income for PA, you realize how much we charge NYC to get rid of their garbage?:)

07-13-2005, 10:01 AM
Yeah I guess I am an idiot. Except for the fact that everywhere I have lived with the exceptions of Arizona and Korea had wild apple trees all over the place. :tard:

Eatem Alive
07-13-2005, 10:57 AM
how about ante meridian wood?

07-13-2005, 10:57 PM
If you know any tree cutting services, around here they will let you have the wood they don't want because it costs them money to dispose of it. Thats how we got our fire/smoking wood here in Texas. Oh, that and we have alot of trees in East Texas, so we just cut an old, dying tree down and get about 3 chord off of it. Haven't needed to buy smoking wood for 2 years now :)