View Full Version : My WARP feed - first time using it.

07-10-2005, 07:39 PM
Ok, so i had picked up a 12v modded warp off of the bst forums a few months ago. I never had the chance to try it.

Last week at Ruckus paintball in NJ, I decided to give it a shot. Once I got everything all hooked up to my xmag, it didnt work. It wouldnt feed balls up through the concoction of hose and elbows I had created. So back in the box until next time and back to the drawing board.

After re-thinking my hose approach, I decided to go with one 45* elbow (off the warp to clear the my halo) and nothing else but hose.

It was working great.

Now Today, I finally got it out on the field...

BUT, it seems that the warp breech for my xmag didnt like the paint so much. It seemed really tight fitting in the breech. After I adjusted the detent by adding shims to it, it seemed to work much better. Although I did get an accational 'chuff'.

The ACE definately DID NOT like the side feed. I tried adjusting the sensativity and what-not, but no luck. The same paint with the verticle breech worked fine.

On the field once it started feeding ROUND paintballs, it was great.

Learning curve aside, I thought the thing was great. It gave me an edge I needed when trying to duck my 6ft 290lb frame behind those little sup'air bunkers.

With the 12v mod the Warp fed as fast as I needed it to. I couldnt have been happier, although I still have to mess with the breech thing a bit.

Maybe im too old skool, but I love being able to see over the top of the gun.

I dont know how I lived without this thing for so long.

07-10-2005, 07:43 PM
What day last week were you at ruckus? I was there too last week, but didn't see an x-mag

And the reason the sub-air course was so small was they never changed it after the pump tourny.

07-10-2005, 07:48 PM
Last Sunday, with Dave A's guys

I had my Xmag, my Etac and Angel LED out.

07-10-2005, 07:51 PM
Missed you by a day. I was there last saturday. And was there yesterday. Going to be there next saturday too.

07-10-2005, 08:45 PM
I definitely need a warp for my mag. It just doesn't look right with a hopper on the top and I know what you mean about wanting to see over the top of your gun, that annoyes me sometimes.

trains are bad
07-10-2005, 09:05 PM
I pretty much can't play without a warp. Use good paint, always intellifeed, and use rechargeable batteries.

07-10-2005, 10:20 PM
i dont like the warp

07-11-2005, 01:16 AM
I'll never get rid of my Warp, I've been using it for 3 years.

07-11-2005, 03:11 AM
Big Evil, I've been using my warp for three years on both my X-mag and my Mini with X-Valve. I can't play anymore with a hopper on top, like you I love to see over the marker for engagements and surveying the field so I don't get blindsided. I'm currently in Iraq but when I get back I'll take some pictures of how I hooked my warp up to the 18 volt battery of the x-mag. It's pretty simple and all parts are at radio shack. I'll try to find the instructions that I used from Rob at PEV's paintball in VA. With the warp intellifed and the power fromthe main battery I find the marker a bit lighter and more reliable for the day (no batteries to die). You'll be able to use your 12 volt mod in the process or you can build anew harness so you can go back to the batteries is you need. Again, welcome to the Darkside and enjoy your warp....you'll be able to mow opposition that never knew you could shoot them. V/R Jerry Perkins, SF :D

07-11-2005, 05:11 AM
THe hopper on top is just, well, I hate it. I love you compact the warp feels. I love it, when you are looking over top of that dorito while 5 - 10 balls are flying past you, and you just pick one shot at get the guy...they always say "you were just looking at me, and then like, a ball came out of no where"...

Creative Mayhem
07-11-2005, 06:47 AM
Glad to hear that your warp has been working somewhat. If I may make some suggestions, from one warped X shoort to another, turn off the ACE, and add the elbow.

- Turn off ACE

I have had my ACE on ONCE since I bought my xmag, I have found that it's not needed, with the warp/halo. I have ZERO problems with my warp not feeding, unless i forget to turn it or my halo on... lol

- Add an elbow

I am using a modded warp elbow to creat a 90*ish setup with the hose. My warphose is practically straight down with a slight bend to accomodate the halo. As for the mod portion, you need to mark the breeches contours on the stock warp elbow, then dremmel it to fit those contours on the breech. This will make a nice tight to the breech fit, and give the balls a nice straight shot into the breech. If you don't dremmel, you can have feeding problems.

Hope this helps, if you need pics or any other questions answered, just post or hit me up with a PM(provided AO is actually up)

07-11-2005, 08:35 AM
YAY Another Warp user!!! :clap: . Welcome to the club. I love my warp. I'll never get rid of it. All I need is a ULE body and I'm set. Enjoy it!

07-11-2005, 09:35 AM
Glad to hear that your warp has been working somewhat. If I may make some suggestions, from one warped X shoort to another, turn off the ACE, and add the elbow.

- Turn off ACE

I have had my ACE on ONCE since I bought my xmag, I have found that it's not needed, with the warp/halo. I have ZERO problems with my warp not feeding, unless i forget to turn it or my halo on... lol

- Add an elbow

I am using a modded warp elbow to creat a 90*ish setup with the hose. My warphose is practically straight down with a slight bend to accomodate the halo. As for the mod portion, you need to mark the breeches contours on the stock warp elbow, then dremmel it to fit those contours on the breech. This will make a nice tight to the breech fit, and give the balls a nice straight shot into the breech. If you don't dremmel, you can have feeding problems.

Hope this helps, if you need pics or any other questions answered, just post or hit me up with a PM(provided AO is actually up)

Thanks for the advice. However, I dont seem to be having problems getting the balls to feed into the gun.. im having probelms with them fitting in the breech. Once they are past the feed tube and into the breech, they are very tight. They are difficult to even push them out of the module with my finger. (RP Menace paint, btw)

I took the small oring off of the detent and added the thicker one. That seemed to help out. I am going to try an old Angel detent that I have laying around. Its nice and broken in, and a little smaller than the AGD one. (Which is why I use the AGD one on my Angel w/my Halo)

BTW - it was 95* and humid. Im wondering if this is just a case of swollen balls? :rofl:

07-11-2005, 09:50 AM
When it works I LOVE the Warp. Unfortunatly it stopped feding once too many times during an important game so I had to take it off.

07-11-2005, 10:10 AM
as long as u maintain it and use good paint, you really shouldnt have any problems, I havent

now that i have a gun that has an intellifeed port, is it possible to intellifeed both the halo and warp at same time?

07-12-2005, 07:56 AM
as long as u maintain it and use good paint, you really shouldnt have any problems, I havent

now that i have a gun that has an intellifeed port, is it possible to intellifeed both the halo and warp at same time?
I have the intellifeed link to the emag board and it works with no problem. As far as my issues go im sure once i get over the learning curve I will be ok.

07-12-2005, 08:32 AM
Until your drive o-ring wears out and it stops feeding durring a tournament game :eek: ;)

07-12-2005, 10:31 AM
Until your drive o-ring wears out and it stops feeding durring a tournament game :eek: ;)

NICE. :eek:

I guess I should keep a bag of spares for this thing. Although, I really wont be doing any tournies anytime soon.

07-12-2005, 10:36 AM
Yah, it's a really cheap fix just a pain in the neck when it happes. I got 3-4 for like $1.50 or something.

07-12-2005, 11:07 PM
Any way to tell when my warp's about to give out? I like the thing, but I don't want my batteries/o-rings/whatever to go out in the middle of a tourny game. I'd feel much better about it if AGD included a low battery light or something.

07-13-2005, 08:08 AM
AS SOON as you notice that's it's not feeding balls as well as it should replace the battery/batteries. Two 12v's generaly lasted me about a case.

Basicly the way you tell if your o-ring is tired is if replacing the batteries doesn't help with feeding issues. There are some other reasons you may have feeding problems but they tend to be easy fixes.

07-13-2005, 08:49 PM
I love using the warp feed in a rec game, but find it too unweildy in more competative play. The advantage I gain in profile, and visibility is lost in mobility and the flexability to shoot with the other hand if need be. It gets too heavy to tote around, and its impossible to run and gun with.