View Full Version : Good Field Layout?

07-12-2005, 12:16 PM
Today a friend and I are putting up a semi permanent field at our spot as opposed to a temporary day-long field. I'm looking for ideas on a layout and fast, I'd like to get working on it within the hour. I'd have done a search but the feature isn't working so sorry if this is a repost.
This is a speedball course with plenty of open room.
Thanks for the ideas.

07-12-2005, 01:54 PM
What do you have to use for bunkers?

07-12-2005, 01:57 PM
ive used wood from construction sites for bunkers, as well as plastic barrels u can buy at home depot, id go online and look at some field layouts at field websites

07-12-2005, 02:09 PM
I built a good field just by winging it. Ive been playin on it for about 5 years now and am still really happy with it.

07-12-2005, 02:25 PM
Bunker material isn't really a concern. We've had problems in the past with setting up even/fair setups and this time it has to be perfect (it's going to be permanent). If you'll go into Paint or Bitmap image or something and paint an image of a fun and non-bias speedball field, I would appriciate it very much.

07-12-2005, 03:29 PM
Just set up one side to wear you think is really good....so you have osme places that are semi easy to get to and other places with better angles that are harder to get to and just mirror that on the other side...then if oyu have a snake try to put it equaldistants from each side..because generally the snake has the best angles...if you have a dorrito or dorrito like bunker it can be as useful as the snake when it comes to good angles so put it across form the snake like near the fifty...umm yea i dont know how many bunkers you have so thats all i can tell you..basically make one side and mirror that on the other.Good luck..sorry if im a lil late.

ill make an image of a field i help set up..with the input of some more expiernece players.

ahh well it wouldnt let me upload the picture ..tomorrow ill take a pic of the field al though it may be to late to help you any.

07-12-2005, 11:17 PM
That would be wonderful. We couldn't get to it today anyway. I'd love to see what you have in mind.

07-12-2005, 11:55 PM
Speaking from personal experience, two things will be your best friend; scrap paper, and the all MIGHTY 100' tape measure.

Use the paper to layout a rough idea of what you want your field to look like, you only have to make one side of the field since it'll be mirrorred. Though first you should consider how many people are going to be playing on this field, rough rule of thumb is you want to have around 3n+1 bunkers for your field (where n is the number of people on a side so a 5 man field would have 16 bunkers). From there you can sort of layout how you want the bunkers positioned and what kinds of bunkers they'll be. Always be sure to set-up good firing lanes both for the break and for various places around the field.

Aside from that try and make it a field that you'd enjoy playing on for weeks on end. If you see an obvious advantage to a certain spot on the field, make it a little tough to get to. Nothing can replace good-ol' fashioned play testing when it comes to field design.

About the only other thing, I'd say a good initial foot-print for upto a 10 man field would be an NPPL standard 180X100' field (longer than wide). If you're looking at making the field bigger than that scale up appropriately or simply adjust one of the field's dimensions to accomodate the extra bunkers.

Also, it's kinda nice to have a sort of basin profile to your field (tall at the ends and lower in the middle)

07-13-2005, 09:27 AM
Just make sure its symetrical to both sides and then its fair... even if both sides suck

07-13-2005, 11:34 AM
Just make sure its symetrical to both sides and then its fair... even if both sides suck

yea i should have just said that...

07-13-2005, 11:58 AM
Thanks for the imput. I think that will put us well on our way.

Eatem Alive
07-13-2005, 12:02 PM
the NXL (http://www.nxlpaintball.com/Field_Layouts/FieldLayout.html) has some pretty good ones. you can improvise on materials.

07-13-2005, 01:41 PM
You must have a snake! I'm sorry, I'm just a big fan of the snake. It's the most funnerest bunker in speedball-land!

07-13-2005, 03:35 PM
Make an X-Ball field layout

07-13-2005, 04:26 PM
the NXL (http://www.nxlpaintball.com/Field_Layouts/FieldLayout.html) has some pretty good ones. you can improvise on materials.

Just don't bother with the dumb X. A couple of standups will be the same. :p

But seriously:

Why are all fields just mirrored on the 50 line? It would seem to me that that just sets the field up for stand offs.

Wouldn't making the field symetrical diagonally opposite make for more movement?