View Full Version : Battlestar Galactica

07-12-2005, 05:11 PM
Man... I've never seen the show until this weekend, but its good. I had no draw to watch it. I gave up on the 'sci-fi' series of shows after TNG ended. I'm just not a big 'sci-TV' person.

I mean... I LOVE 'the 4400' but thats more of a modern day sci-fi style show, but nothing else like Stargate or anything appealed to me.

Well... I switched out the entertainment center on my TV on Sunday because I had issues w/ how high it was and I wanted a more neutral 'bench' style stand so that the TV blended more w/ the simplicity look of the room and I turned on a random HD channel and they were playing a marathon. I sat down for 20mins to watch and make sure the TV height was okay and I got sucked in. I ended up recording all the episodes on my DVR and watched em all day Monday. Its a great show!

I'm anxiously looking forward to the new season on SCI-FI now (although not being in HIDEF will make me sad.

Its a great show... and it looked GREAT in High Definition.

Will Wood
07-12-2005, 05:14 PM
Great setup there! Love the SNES

Yea, I've been watching it whenever I catch it on TV and love it. I havn't really had the commitment to sit down and watch it so I've missed some off the episodes, and have watched most of them out of order. But it's a great show. I'm going to try to watch all this new season.

07-12-2005, 05:21 PM
The original Mario owns...

07-12-2005, 05:26 PM
Mario on a 50" DLP is great...lol. Its actually REALLY hard to play cause Mario is so large it just doesn't 'flow' right and I keep over jumping things. It was the wifes idea... she loves 'SUPER MARIO WORLD' to death. I personally was a 'MARIO KART' person... or an original NES person (ikari warriors, legendary wings and of course... 720)

07-12-2005, 05:29 PM
In mario kart single player, why is bowser so fast.

07-12-2005, 05:30 PM
Its all a balance issue... Bowser is the fastest, but his steering/control sucks.

Yoshi is the fastest accelerating... but his top speed is just average.

I always used KOOPA TROOPA myself.

Will Wood
07-12-2005, 05:44 PM
Man it's been too long since I've played Mario Kart....

07-12-2005, 06:18 PM
Its still a blast... even in its pixelated big screen version.

I'd still rather play MARIO KART than half the 'current generation' videogames on my XBOX or PS2.

Personal favorite... playing 2 player on the GHOST HOUSE 1 level w/ that lil ramp you can feather, or boost, jump over to.

07-12-2005, 07:26 PM
I was on the fence with that show for a while ... I wasn't quite sure if I liked it or not until that episode where they had to blow up the Cylon base and it ended with Baltar beleiving he was the Hand of God. That was the first time the show made me go "damn!".

07-13-2005, 12:56 AM
yeah, the show is good. also check out the mini series that was on last year. sci-if put out the mini series to see if it could get enough backing behind battlestar before they made it into a show. sci-if had a lot of flops at that point. and a lot of really good shows that didn't last (farscape? really good. not enough funding to continue). also, check out stargate seasons 1-4. those are the best. 5 was moderate, 6 down hill a bit. 7 sucks, 8 udder poop. 9, i'm scared cause they are bringing ben browder (lead character from farscape) to be a lead role :nono: . also had the actress who was Aron Soon(sp?) guest star in 8 and i think she is going to be a recurring character. anyways, watch battlestar. it's good stuff. check out mini series. also good. :headbang:

all my friends are occupied all of friday night for stargate sg-1 season 9 premeir, stargate atlantis season two premier. battlestar gallactica season 2 premier.
side note, any1 watch the old "battlestar 198-" something? i heard it was crap but they didn't know too much about the story line.

07-13-2005, 10:23 AM
I'm a big fan of the new BSG. It's very well done. The characters are a lot more interesting than in the 1978 movie & show, and the storyline is dark and gritty, the way I like it. I'm a little worried about whjere they are going in season two with the mysticism, though.

Bonus: the chicks are hot! :clap:

07-15-2005, 09:41 PM
I just finished watching the new season premier and alls I can say is "daaaaaaaamn!"

07-15-2005, 09:47 PM
Dont say a word... DONT SAY A WORD!

I'm at work and I cant watch it til I get home...lol. Plus our wedding reception is tomorrow (we did it a bit late due to time constraints) so I actually have to crash out early today cause I have to get up way early tomorrow).


Luckily its on my DVR... I just cant wait til USAHD gets picked up by my cable company (Cox) so I can watch it in HIDEF again.

07-17-2005, 07:55 AM
Two words....Boarding Party :ninja:

07-17-2005, 06:39 PM
well i got more than 2 words.

really cool. can't belive some of the stuff that happened. watch the show!!

07-18-2005, 09:35 AM
Season 2 already?!?

Captain Canuck
07-18-2005, 09:54 AM
Season 2 already?!?

Yup... it started up here too IIRC, I know my buddy is already foaming at the mouth over it. :rolleyes:

08-05-2005, 10:07 PM
Man, this show is just so frakkin' good (c:

When they can use "toaster" as a racial slur and make it believable that's impressive.

08-07-2005, 11:45 PM
man this show is cool. i also love the "toaster" slur. and to the people who watch the show, i have a question, for those who haven't seen the newest episode look away.

ok, for those watching the show. the dude that was with the cylon that shot the leader of the battlestar, (sorry, can't remember his name atm.) in the newest episode they did this cut of his blood hitting the floor, and then later is gf's blood hitting the floor. now she is a cylon and if they did the shot, it was either to show that he is one, or just to show how close the cylons were to replicating humans. what do you all think? i think he's a cylon.

08-08-2005, 12:57 AM
man this show is cool. i also love the "toaster" slur. and to the people who watch the show, i have a question, for those who haven't seen the newest episode look away.

ok, for those watching the show. the dude that was with the cylon that shot the leader of the battlestar, (sorry, can't remember his name atm.) in the newest episode they did this cut of his blood hitting the floor, and then later is gf's blood hitting the floor. now she is a cylon and if they did the shot, it was either to show that he is one, or just to show how close the cylons were to replicating humans. what do you all think? i think he's a cylon.SHE was the one who shot Commander Adama. She's definitely a Cylon, I doubt he is, but you never know.

Yeah, the slow motion drop of blood hitting the bulkhead was an awesome detail. I think you're right, it was to show that the Cylons and Humans arn't much different anymore.

You want a good spoiler, especially fans of the original? Scroll down:


08-08-2005, 01:19 PM
Greates sifi show. The first part of season 2 started slow but it picked up. I think they will actualy find earth and that people on earth created the cylons or mabye im just totaly wrong.

08-08-2005, 02:08 PM

Nice Link!

08-08-2005, 03:05 PM
We already know that 'they' created the Cylons but they gave them AI and they rebelled and attacked us. Thats the point of the show. We were already existing around the galaxy and we created the Cylons but they evolved and became independant and attacked us. Thats why the remaining humans are on the run looking for a new planet to start over on again... as well as for the 'believers' Earth itself.

You know they'll probably find Earth in the last episode of the season because in the previous episode *** DONT READ BELOW IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT ***

The President said she only has a few months to live. That normally implies (since a few days pass each episode) that it will be found this season because she, according to the scriptures, will find it but die just before they get there. So my guess is the season will end with her dying and then finding earth but obviously the Cylons pose a thread to ANYWHERE they go so they may not be able to actually go there yet, or they will still have to fight off the Cyclons when they get there.

The show has a lot of possibilities... I need to pick upt he UK version of the first season and rewatch everything.

08-08-2005, 04:12 PM
You know they'll probably find Earth in the last episode of the season because in the previous episode.But then they would have to re-imagine Galactica '80 and we ... just ... can't ... go ... there lol

08-08-2005, 04:38 PM
The President said she only has a few months to live. That normally implies (since a few days pass each episode) that it will be found this season because she, according to the scriptures, will find it but die just before they get there. So my guess is the season will end with her dying and then finding earth but obviously the Cylons pose a thread to ANYWHERE they go so they may not be able to actually go there yet, or they will still have to fight off the Cyclons when they get there.

u stole my guess :cry: . Jk but im glad some shares my guess.