View Full Version : Yet another dating question

Lakeview Bulldog
07-12-2005, 10:08 PM
I am an average looking male who is not very expirienced in the adult dating scene. What I want to know is if it is considered appropriate for me to ask out a young lady that works at the local grocery store. I dont know her at all. I go there about three times a week and whenever her line is available I go there. We usually chit chat for a litlle bit, but since I am usually only buying one or two things we dont get much past " Hi, how are you?" She always seems happy to see me though. So, should I just ask her out without knowing her at all? Or should I start buying a lot more groceries to try to get to know her better? Let me know what you guys think. I do hate asking these kinds of questions, but almost all of my friends are still with their Highschool girlfriends so they have no expirience out in the wild. Let me know. Thanks.

07-12-2005, 10:21 PM
Um, ask her out before you start stalking her. That would be a good idea. Its lame to stalk someone. Get confident, stupid!

Lakeview Bulldog
07-12-2005, 10:27 PM
I had no intention of stalking her. I just wanted to know if I should at least try to become on a first name basis with her or just go for it. Thanks.

07-12-2005, 10:32 PM
ask her the worst that can happen is she'll say no. kosmo is right no stalking. dating is used to get to know someone. by the way look at her when u ask and don't ask for a full blown date, ask to take her to lunch.

and yes i think i am qualified to give dating advice, Im 17 and have had the same girl for 2 years. ;)

bam wannabe
07-12-2005, 10:32 PM
that would be great if after all this, shes not single. :rofl:

and dont buy more groceries, save your mula for the date :D

07-12-2005, 10:34 PM
I had no intention of stalking her. I just wanted to know if I should at least try to become on a first name basis with her or just go for it. Thanks.

well to me it would seem odd to go and buy some things an then after she gives you the receipt say "would you like to have dinner or somthing"

i would be clever and ask one of her co workers for a favor and try to surprise her.

Lakeview Bulldog
07-12-2005, 10:36 PM
That is my luck that after I spend twenty minutes psyching myself up in the store and go to ask her that she would have a boyfriend. I know that the worst that can happen is for her to say "no" But why does that feel like youve been gutkicked? The getting creative thing is tricky. I dont really know anyone that works there so asking for a favor from one of the other people would be just as awkward as asking her out. It also doesnt help that I am not very smooth and that whenever I stop there I am always in my work clothes. But hey, if she liked me enough to say yes in my work clothes I should blow her away when I get cleaned up. Any other advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

07-12-2005, 10:59 PM
Next time you go grocery shopping, purchase the following items, and only the following items:

Two plastic cups
One box o' wine, of the finest available vintage
Two candles
One box of condoms
One spray can of whip cream
One package of Ramen
One home enema kit

When you get to the checkout line, ask her if she'd like to join you for "a romantic dinner at home" after her shift.

You will definitely make an impression.

07-12-2005, 11:03 PM
Next time you go grocery shopping, purchase the following items, and only the following items:

Two plastic cups
One box o' wine, of the finest available vintage
Two candles
One box of condoms
One spray can of whip cream
One package of Ramen
One home enema kit

When you get to the checkout line, ask her if she'd like to join you for "a romantic dinner at home" after her shift.

You will definitely make an impression.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

i think that the enema kit will scare her a bit :D

not to highjack this thread but i have a dateing problem as well

i would like to ask a girl i have known now for a year or soo out but shes 2 years younger than me??

07-12-2005, 11:11 PM
answer to both yours guys problems.. while she's checking you out... haha get it? works both ways... anyway...

just ask.. hey i was wondering if you'd like to grab some lunch with me... or dinner... whatever... or the famous.. want to hang out sometime line..
always works for me...

and the 2 year things... 2 years is nothing i guess.... as long as she's only 3 years and 8 months younger it's alright... that's law... 3 years 8 months and 1 day younger.. and your big doo doo.. unless of course she's 18+...

07-12-2005, 11:14 PM
answer to both yours guys problems.. while she's checking you out... haha get it? works both ways... anyway...

just ask.. hey i was wondering if you'd like to grab some lunch with me... or dinner... whatever... or the famous.. want to hang out sometime line..
always works for me...

and the 2 year things... 2 years is nothing i guess.... as long as she's only 3 years and 8 months younger it's alright... that's law... 3 years 8 months and 1 day younger.. and your big doo doo.. unless of course she's 18+...

see thats the thing im 15 shes 13 i was born in dec of 89 she was in march of 92??

i think that its kinda weired but i really like her and we know each other for a year and she acts and looks like shes a short 16 year old.

07-12-2005, 11:55 PM
well when i hit 16 17 years old she will be 14 15 thats kinda ehhhh ya know

and it jest seems weired to me going into 10th grade and dating an 8th grader

Geezus, I feel old.

07-13-2005, 12:27 AM
Geezus, I feel old.

YOU ARE OLD! :) :ninja:

07-13-2005, 12:32 AM
Just a thought from a girl..
She works check out counter.. Next time you are chekcing out her boobs how about taking a look at her name tag ::duhhh:: :rolleyes:
Use her name when you talk to her, if she seems surprised that you used her name pull a a cute little tag that says "hello my name is".. Now you can use this trick twice.. after you do the one with your name and sick it on you. if you get a good reaction from her pull out another one that says "hello my name is, your date for tommorrow night".. If that doesn't get her nothing will..
ps: it honelsty works.. I have a purse that has a tag on it that says "hello my name is, Your future wife". I can not tell you how many times i have gotten comments on it from guys and gals.. My guys actually says it was the cleancher that reeled him in :clap:

07-13-2005, 12:34 AM
We usually chit chat for a litlle bit, but since I am usually only buying one or two things we dont get much past " Hi, how are you?" She always seems happy to see me though.

dude, i REALLY hate to break it to you. i work in a grocery store. we are supposed to do that. smile. greet the customer. "how are you? find everthing ok?" does that mean i'm hitting on the 80 year old dude who is on oxygen who comes up to the customer service desk to return cereal? no. it's just part of the scheme of getting customers to come back cause this store has better customer service and friendlier people than the other store. i hear it all the time being at the desk. "oh that jonny/suzie checker is so great. always so friendly. more stores need people like that."
once again dude, sorry to break your bubble, i'm just trying to save you from a really hard letdown.

07-13-2005, 12:40 AM
I'd look at the girl first as an expense. Figure out a ballpark monthly fee and then see if she'll fit in your budget. You'll also have to add the total of the amount of groceries you'll have to buy, which you really don't need, but do need to create a conversation of an acceptable length.

Okay, so that's the perspective I have anymore when it comes to women. I guess to help you out I'd say avoid at all costs the "Want to go out for lunch, coffee, etc" approach. I think these types of dates are full of nothing but superficial BS. You're sitting there with someone you've had a few instances of small talk and now sitting face to face trying to get to "know each other." You're both trying to impress each other and it's just a poor way of learning more about someone.

Gather from your conversation with her things in which she's interested. Say jogging, hiking, flying kites, etc. If you're interested in the same thing and don't think it will be too akward of something to do with someone you know little about, go for it.

I highly recommend only going about this approach with someone you can, at your leisure, seize to ever see again. Not recommended for the girl that works down the hall and you see in passing 3-4 times a day.

07-13-2005, 12:44 AM
dude, i REALLY hate to break it to you. i work in a grocery store. we are supposed to do that. smile. greet the customer. "how are you? find everthing ok?" does that mean i'm hitting on the 80 year old dude who is on oxygen who comes up to the customer service desk to return cereal? no. it's just part of the scheme of getting customers to come back cause this store has better customer service and friendlier people than the other store. i hear it all the time being at the desk. "oh that jonny/suzie checker is so great. always so friendly. more stores need people like that."
once again dude, sorry to break your bubble, i'm just trying to save you from a really hard letdown.
Does that go for waiters/waitresses/and bartenders too?? If so I have been getting it all wrong all these years... Here I thought all those freinds I made were really and true. sigh.. :p

Enraged Monk
07-13-2005, 09:45 AM
I know how ya felt, I asked out a girl who works at the sub-base here as a manager of the grocery store (shes 17, Im 16)...

So heres how i would go about this situation...
1) I do not suggest becoming her friend.
2) dont think of anything else when you ask her out, you may end up stuttering
3) When she says yes, crack a smile but not too big, name the place and find out when she gets lunch.

when you ask her out, do it first thing when you go to her checkout...say something like "Well I was gonna use this stuff to make lunch, but I actually wanna go out for something. Wanna come with me? I would really like that?" (this will only work if you have food in your cart, thats if you wanna be serious, but if you wanna make her laugh, put like soap, shampoo, face wash whatever!)


You could say something as you were leaving like "Actually you know what, theres been something bugging me, I think its that I have this urge to ask you out to lunch, but dont know how"

then again, you could get slapped with a no, or IM ENGAGED!!!!OMG111 and get slapped and ban from the place for sexual harassment

07-13-2005, 10:04 AM
Ok, well my advice to find out if she is single or not..... Have a friend someone you know..etc etc. That is a girl. Have her go get some groceries when chit chatting with the clerk have her complain about her boyfriend ... if the chick agrees and says "yeah my boyfriend is the same way or what not." then you will know for sure if all the hassle is worth it. Make sure the girl knows what to talk about to get this cashier to talk to.

07-13-2005, 10:41 AM
Brian is God. That is all.

/particularly with the older ladies :ninja:

07-13-2005, 11:02 AM
see thats the thing im 15 shes 13 i was born in dec of 89 she was in march of 92??

i think that its kinda weired but i really like her and we know each other for a year and she acts and looks like shes a short 16 year old.

Your 15....dating is just hanging out with friends. Dont get serious with anyone..your 15!

07-13-2005, 11:06 AM
just go up to her and take it slow and like the first time be like "Hey so you doing anything tonight?" and like take her to the movies as friends. then you know take her out a coupple more times then ask her out if she doesnt bring up she has a bf then your in the hole my man allelse fails just stick your arm out and grab her boob lol no i dont recomend that

07-13-2005, 11:26 AM
Your 15....dating is just hanging out with friends. Dont get serious with anyone..your 15!

Around my neighborhood, about a 3rd of the 15 year olds were pregnant. So 15 ain't as innocent as it was when I was growing up.

But then again I'm old and the neighborhood has gone down the drain (damn yuppies)

07-13-2005, 12:05 PM
Around my neighborhood, about a 3rd of the 15 year olds were pregnant. So 15 ain't as innocent as it was when I was growing up.

But then again I'm old and the neighborhood has gone down the drain (damn yuppies)

Me thinks that your schools and parents need to be doing a better job at teaching safe sex and birth control...
15 is wayyy to young to have a child, those babies will end up as "grandma's kids". wow I just can not imagine that, and I was a young mother at 17.

07-13-2005, 01:40 PM
Me thinks that your schools and parents need to be doing a better job at teaching safe sex and birth control...

Or some faith based abstinence pledges?


07-13-2005, 02:32 PM
how about some parental *** whopings...

that'll do the trick.

and yeah, when asking the chck out...keep in mind...even if you go 1 for 1000 in asking chicks out, you still got a date, right?

if ya go to the bar, and ask ten girls, all that mattesr is one says yes. anything over that is gravy.

07-13-2005, 02:44 PM
When the time is right, make sure to reference AO's most informative thread, "how to kiss." (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?p=862338&mode=linear#post862338) :cool: Just ignore the bickering the last few pages and the disgustingly annoying posting habits of some of us from more than two years ago.

e: oh god please ignore in reference to a 13-year old :eek:

07-13-2005, 02:51 PM
dont date a 13 yr old. i think thats messed up (my little sister is 13 and if i knew she was with a highschool guy id freak). but, you can date a 15 yr old when ur 17... so give it a few yrs.

07-13-2005, 03:52 PM
dont date a 13 yr old. i think thats messed up (my little sister is 13 and if i knew she was with a highschool guy id freak). but, you can date a 15 yr old when ur 17... so give it a few yrs.

ya thats what i was thinking

if she was 14 i wont mind

well ill jest be friends i guess.

07-13-2005, 09:18 PM
I'd look at the girl first as an expense. Figure out a ballpark monthly fee and then see if she'll fit in your budget. You'll also have to add the total of the amount of groceries you'll have to buy, which you really don't need, but do need to create a conversation of an acceptable length.

Okay, so that's the perspective I have anymore when it comes to women. I guess to help you out I'd say avoid at all costs the "Want to go out for lunch, coffee, etc" approach. I think these types of dates are full of nothing but superficial BS. You're sitting there with someone you've had a few instances of small talk and now sitting face to face trying to get to "know each other." You're both trying to impress each other and it's just a poor way of learning more about someone.

Gather from your conversation with her things in which she's interested. Say jogging, hiking, flying kites, etc. If you're interested in the same thing and don't think it will be too akward of something to do with someone you know little about, go for it.

I highly recommend only going about this approach with someone you can, at your leisure, seize to ever see again. Not recommended for the girl that works down the hall and you see in passing 3-4 times a day.

Last I heard... BlackVCG can afford a 21 year old blonde hottie that likes to eat out a lot and get flowers weekly. Must be nice to be making the big bucks!

Target Practice
07-13-2005, 09:48 PM
Or some faith based abstinence pledges?


You're right.

07-13-2005, 09:58 PM
You're right.
The only problem with the faith based absinence is it is a known fact that every teenager goes through a rebellious stage. for a majority of them that rebellious stage will include sex. Sure tell them that it is best to abstain, but also have them prepared just incase it does happen.. All to often "good little chirsitain girls" play with fire and get burnt on thier first try around....

Lakeview Bulldog
07-13-2005, 11:34 PM
Id like to clear something up first. We have spoken more than just the usual "friendly greetings" and I am smart enough to have gotten her name off her name tag. That being said this whole thread is now moot for this situation. I was walking around at the fair and I saw her with someone who was obviously her boyfriend. I guess I avoided an awkward situation. But thanks for the advice.

07-13-2005, 11:39 PM
Id like to clear something up first. We have spoken more than just the usual "friendly greetings" and I am smart enough to have gotten her name off her name tag. That being said this whole thread is now moot for this situation. I was walking around at the fair and I saw her with someone who was obviously her boyfriend. I guess I avoided an awkward situation. But thanks for the advice.

ooo that sucks man

goodluck with your future store clurk sweeties :D

07-14-2005, 12:31 AM
Well I wouldn't go with a formal date per say.

Find out when she gets off. At about that time start browsing stuff. Exit the store around the time she does. Casually start a conversation and then maybe suggest ya'll get a quick bite to eat.

Or you could inviting her to a group get together. That way there's no real pressure since its a group thing.

07-14-2005, 01:12 AM
When you first telephone a lady, a great opener would be, "Are you alone?"


07-14-2005, 09:45 AM
I didn't read the whole thread, but I have some thoughts since I met the love of my life working in a convenience store (c:

First off, you have to realize that pretty girls in stores get hit on ALL THE TIME. Sure, they're nice to you but inside a lot of times they're thinking "damn guys always want just one thing". So, if you just ask her out like that you'll be one in a hundred and her first knee jerk reaction will be "jesh, not again".

Just be subtle. Don't be a dork and go "would you like to go to the movies?". Lame. Talk to her a bit, get to know her, what her interests are. I'm not talking about long conversations here, but more like "did you hear about that new exhibit at the museum?" type stuff. Look for oppertunities to get to talk to her outside of her work. If the conversation turns to computers and she says she always gets pop ups, tell her about spyware, and give her your IM screen name or e-mail so you can send her a link to download adaware. You get the idea.

Get sex out of your mind when you talk to her. Girls pick up on that. When I met that girl at the store, she looked 16 so even though she's a hottie I wasn't thinking about sex. I really don't have any interest in dating a 16 year old anymore ... however, by the time I found out she was 27 we were already friends and talking on-line and I saw her every day before work at the store. I got to know her because her uncle needed help with something and I gave her my hotmail e-mail to give to him. She thought that was really nice of me, and she came on instant messenger to thank me and the rest is history.

Let me put it another way. If it was a guy working there, and you thought he was cool and you wanted to hang out sometime you probably would do it without even thinking about it huh? You'ld just be like "hey you like paintball we got a game going this weekend ..." and not think twice. It's almost the same, except once you find out the girl isn't a total fruit bat and will kill you in your sleep or get you thrown in jail *then* you start thinking about how to pick her locks.

All this is probably wrong, but it works for me lol.

07-14-2005, 10:13 AM
Dude, what you think theres a huge amount of good looking girls out there without boyfriends? Youre insane. Till you see a ring on that finger, or the guy is right there with her and he could beat the pulp out of you, shes fair game. You just have to be a lot more persuasive, and hope to catch her after hes done something stupid to piss her off. :dance: