View Full Version : Complaint about co-worker.

07-13-2005, 05:24 AM
So in back in march I earned a few vacation days. At the beginning of May I decided what I wanted to do with them. I wrote up on the calander like I am supposed to that I will be taking next week off. I even left the boss a note describing the days off I wanted. Let me repeat this was at the beginning of MAY.

Boss says "That's fine we will have the sometimes cover person take care of your days for you."
I work four days a week so with my vacation time and my normal days off I will end up with eleven days off.

The co-worker I have a complaint about gets her stupid arse arrested a month ago for possession. So she is trying to camping as many weekends as possible on her vacation time before she "cleans up"

So she is *****ing at me that I am taking all these days off (only one is a day off that isnt vacation) and she can't go camping if I don't work atleast the next weekend.
I tell her "To bad, your getting arrested isn't my problem and I am not changing my time off because of this. I asked for the time off two months ago. WITH A FREAKIN LETTER :mad: "

She actually tells me" You shouldn't ask for time off like that. Things happen in two months time. You can't have 11 days off."

When does she think I should ask for that much time off. The week before?

As far as I was raised you gave as much notice as possible about time you were taking away from work. I just couldn't believe what I heard when I walked through the door today. Manager said it was ok, Assistant was a little frazeled by it because the manager didn't contact the cover person(Got the time covered anyways). But because I wouldn't bend to her whim I am an *** :mad: .

Yes this person is the baby of her family and acts it every time she gets a chance.

07-13-2005, 07:07 AM
eh, I wouldn't give it much thought. If you do, think of her while having a beer on your vacation ;)

07-13-2005, 07:24 AM
I would remind her, politely or not, that she is not in charge of hiring / firing / or vacation day allotment and the appropriate person to address with her concerns is not you but your boss.

I often have to remind the guys here that there job titles do not involve managerial roles and I will handle the problems / issues... You two fighting over it is not going to make the boss happy - just direct her to the proper person and if she continues to annoy you about it, go see that person yourself with your concerns.

Enraged Monk
07-13-2005, 09:00 AM
She probably has rabies, which means we will have to kill her.
You know what to do? Thought so.

/me hands over a .45 govt issue

07-13-2005, 09:57 AM
Sounds like something you need to post over here: http://www.iworkwithfools.com/ :D

07-13-2005, 01:01 PM
Be sure to send her a postcard... :D

07-13-2005, 02:50 PM
eh, I wouldn't give it much thought. If you do, think of her while having a beer on your vacation ;)

Precisely what I told her I would do. We both get along real great with each other.
But I got home last night and thought " Ya know, Im pissed"

07-13-2005, 04:10 PM
Why concern yourself with what a druggie says or thinks about you and your well-earned vacation?

07-13-2005, 11:23 PM
drink a cold one for her while you're soaking up the vacation

ps; Where ya goin?

Target Practice
07-13-2005, 11:33 PM
I asked for a 10 days to go to Hawai'i a month before I went, and I had only been there a week. I told them that they could give it to me or not, but I wasn't going to skip Hawai'i. I just wouldn't come in to work.

They gave it to me.

07-14-2005, 03:32 AM
Eh it's all frivilous now. I'M ON FREAKING VACATION.
Do I plan on doing anything? Yes, shooting some paintball, drinking some beer, and wasting my time.