View Full Version : RT-pro ULE

07-13-2005, 10:31 AM
Hi i just signed up and am wondering on the website about the RT-pro ULE. By just purchasing the rt-pro is the threads for the barrel the twist-lock, autococker, or angel threads? I am a little confused. If i bought what was on the web would i be able to use my smart parts barrel that i have for my 68 classic.

07-13-2005, 10:35 AM
I was also wondering what everyone thinks about either purchasing a stock rt-pro ule or upgrading my 68 classic to an x-valve and level 10 bolt. I would also have to purchase parts for a drop forward and quick disconnects for my 68 as well. What would be the cheaper and better way? Thanks

07-13-2005, 11:24 AM
If you purchase it with the ULE body, the barrels are cocker threaded. (Feed neck & detents are angel threaded.)

As for what's cheaper- that's up to you.

What do you have on the gun now?

The Xvalve/level 10 is $225 with a valve trade in.