View Full Version : Owned by a Grenade

07-15-2005, 12:54 PM
This is one of the best eliminations I've ever seen and I just had to share it with people who might appreciate it ...

This week some friends and I went to a local field to play. Now, we're all woodsballers, but as luck would have it the field was running a "summer camp" for kids 10-16. Great. So here we are, a handful of old timers playing against speedball kids with $2000 worth or stuff. First off, the kids were GREAT players. I get to play 3 times a year maybe but these kids must play every weekend, and were playing all week as it was. That wouldn't have been that bad, but they cheated like crazy. You name it, they did it. I'm sorry, I know when my gun is shooting 280 fps and when I can't reach someone, but they can still shoot a guy 10 yards behind me something's up.

At any rate there was this one punk who liked to shoot people in the goggles *as they were walking off the field*. I mean, you called yourself out, put your bright yellow barrel sock on, the ref yells "he's out, let him out!", you're holding your gun over your head and then you get goggled.

This kid was doing this all day, and apparently from talking to the other kids he was doing it all week. Well, he got his. My friend had a Tippmann grenade and during one game he just ran up to the fort the kid was in and threw the grenade right at him. It was sweet, the kid got completely covered. The best part was how he was yelling about it in the high pitched way only pre pubescent 15 year olds can. "That's not fair! That's not how you play!!!" Of course, after in the staging area the kid was sitting there steaming mad cleaning all that paint off his mask and all you could hear was people saying "did you see that! That was awesome!"

I started off the day hating it because of all the cheating, but I walked off the field that day feeling pretty darn good (c:

07-15-2005, 01:03 PM
Quite a few years ago I saw the best use of a paint grenade. It was 1994 Skimish World Record game. At the time there was a "city" (Circle City) in the middle of the power line trailed made out of old cut up fiber glass tanks. A few were standing on end with the tops cut out so you could climb in them. There were about 8 people in one when an opposing team player ran from the tree line and dropped two grenades in the top of this thing. All 8 people came out dripping with paint. It was the most covered I had ever seen players.

07-15-2005, 01:37 PM
I never really knew how much paint was in one of those things until I saw one that was unleashed in a hallway back in college. I remember walking in and seeing blue paint on the floor, the walls, and then I look up to the ceiling and it's there too. LOTS of paint in those...

If they'd only explode the first time you throw them. I remember tossing one back and forth like 4 times before it exploded. In the driveway with cars & their open doors... Figures... :wow:

07-15-2005, 02:48 PM
the only time i have ever seen a grenade used was, some kid was having his birthday party at the field (i think he was turning 12?) and, someone gave him agrenade, the whole party was standing around (probably 10 of em) excited to see th egrenade work, none of them knew how it worked, all of a sudden, the birthday boy, pulls the pin, and drops it in the middle of the circle, covered all of em, probably one of the funniest things i have seen at the field

07-15-2005, 03:14 PM
Saw a couple of good uses for grenades....

One was the 2nd or 3rd Michigan Monster Game, we rolled up in Ole' Painless on a tin bunker in the field. A friend of mine hopped up and threw the grenade into the bunker and it looked like a pinball machine as that thing went flying around and covered everyone in paint.

Another time sounded like something similar to your joy of grenades. We had a covered trench between 2 buildings, and a guy cheating like mad shooting from a hole he had punched through the plywood. A Friend of mine ran up and meant to just throw the grenade in the window pf the trench. He wrist hit the side of the window. The angle the grenade took caused it to actually smack the guy in the side of the head HARD!, knocked him over, then proceeded to spin and bounce all over him.... that bluish paint is nasty too.....


07-15-2005, 04:10 PM
one of the best times-

We were at a scenario game, and all days the refs where doing nothing (found out later a few couldn't pass a drug test). so it gets down to the final battle, and a team mate is takeing 5 people on a hill by him self and gets them all (with ref standing there), then the guys start saying 2 of them are medics (medics don't count in final battle), so the ref either doesn't care, or didn't read or listen to the rules. well my friend remembered he had a grenade, and tosses it as hard as he can (100-110ft toss).... the thing hits the ref on the head and covers both him and the players.

07-15-2005, 04:17 PM
Center of field ther was a stack of tractor tires.

Well, one player learned that they weren't the best think to hie in when your opponents have a grenade. :rofl:

But it's difficult to use them effectively. Glad the punk in the first post got his comeuppance.

Mr. Mouse
07-15-2005, 04:50 PM
The best part was how he was yelling about it in the high pitched way only pre pubescent 15 year olds can. "That's not fair! That's not how you play!!!" Of course, after in the staging area the kid was sitting there steaming mad cleaning all that paint off his mask and all you could hear was people saying "did you see that! That was awesome!"

rofl, if i were there id go up to thats kid face and point and laugh, sounds like a punk

07-15-2005, 05:04 PM
I got a funny story with a grenade.

I was watching a game on the air ball field with a buddy and one of the refs.
Some kid on the field decided to throw a grenade, he through it like a girl, and it didn't break. So I told the ref that we were with to go get it. He runs on the field, grabs it, and throws it really high, and right next to the kid that threw it, it explodes.

07-16-2005, 05:32 PM
Best nades are atomic ordance. Go off every time. Well i was playing a fort game and one kid runing into the fort spikes the grenade and gets out 5 people but got lit up in the process

07-16-2005, 06:58 PM
years ago, me and a buddy were in a fort surrounded by thick palmettos. some guy about 30-40 feet away stands up, yells "grenade" and raises his hand to throw it at us.
my buddy snapped one shot, hit the guys wrist causing him to drop it.
my buddy yelled back: "thanks for the warning."

about 2 years ago, i was playing in a fort type structure that was exposed to a trench in back of it.
a guy had crept along it, throws a grenade which literally landed right next to me...like one foot away. i didn't even know it had happened until a ref checked me over and told me why he was checking me.
i didn't get a single drop on me.

paint magnet
07-16-2005, 09:02 PM
Center of field ther was a stack of tractor tires.

Well, one player learned that they weren't the best think to hie in when your opponents have a grenade. :rofl:

But it's difficult to use them effectively. Glad the punk in the first post got his comeuppance.

Bonus points for using "comeuppance" in a sentence :D

You can easily modify the Tippmann grenades so that they'll go off when they hit the ground (even lightly). Just pull the pin, take off the cap (while holding the grenade together just in case the webbing slips) and squeeze the end of each tube until a few drops of blue paint come out each end. Then, fold the tubes back over, put the cap on, and stick the pin back in.

And as for grenade stories...I heard a ref talk about one time where he saw a woodbsball player chuck a grenade as hard as he could toward the opposing team...and it hit a tree branch 5 feet from his head and showered everyone around him :p

07-16-2005, 11:42 PM
You were playing "good" players on a field with a fort....

07-17-2005, 01:17 PM
My favorite time with a grenade was at AG in Leesburg. My brother threw a grenade at me. It hit me and did not go off. I picked it up, pulled the oin and threw it back! Went off that time!

07-17-2005, 01:40 PM
I got a free one in a "pick a pod from the box" contest. There was a no-bunkering rule on the field that day and I ended up about 8 feet from a semi-short bunker just up and to my right. I took out the grenade (first time I'd used one, didn't know how it worked) and pulled the pin and took off the cap. The little tubes popped up and nothing happened. I wasn't thinking just real clearly and didn't think anything of it, so I tossed it about 8 feet in front of me, where of course it didn't go off. I shot it a ton, hoping to make it go off next to the guy in front of me. It didn't, so I played a little while more. I finally decided to shoot it a few more times, and it went off and got the guy! To say the least, I was excited :D Now I won't be buying one anytime soon, but it was funny to actually see one get used.

07-18-2005, 04:24 PM
I had one of those Tippmann grenades in my gear bag, and one of my ferrets opened up the bag and chewed a hole in the grenade. It was almost worth having every piece of gear covered in blue paint for how bad she got it too ;) Shoulda seen it!