View Full Version : Playing "theories" gun battling and the sort.

07-15-2005, 01:06 PM
would you say you are an agressive gun fighter/battle?

do you like gunbattling to begin with? or do you prefer to be sneaky?

Do you prefer to keep the "up" or do you tend to yield and find another shooting lane?

What is you comfort zone? How many guys do you tend to gun battle at one time?

do you win most of your gun battles (eliminating the otehr guy)?

I used to enjoy gun battling, not that i hate it now, it just that i realize gunbattling is not the most efficient way play a bunker. For the most part, if im battling 3 shooters I'll try to fake snap with them, just show em enough face and for them to stay on me. As far as it goes, my survival probability is pretty high when im battling up to three guns. A fourth shooter tends bring my survival to less than 50%.

I suppose the ultimatel goal is to know when to gun battle or not and tune that agression. anywa just wondering.

07-15-2005, 01:16 PM
would you say you are an agressive gun fighter/battle?

do you like gunbattling to begin with? or do you prefer to be sneaky?

Do you prefer to keep the "up" or do you tend to yield and find another shooting lane?

What is you comfort zone? How many guys do you tend to gun battle at one time?

do you win most of your gun battles (eliminating the otehr guy)?

I used to enjoy gun battling, not that i hate it now, it just that i realize gunbattling is not the most efficient way play a bunker. For the most part, if im battling 3 shooters I'll try to fake snap with them, just show em enough face and for them to stay on me. As far as it goes, my survival probability is pretty high when im battling up to three guns. A fourth shooter tends bring my survival to less than 50%.

I suppose the ultimatel goal is to know when to gun battle or not and tune that agression. anywa just wondering.

I like battleing them because it keeps their eyes on me while my team moves up. I always like to be agressave. I genuarly take on 2-3 at one time

Slimm Jimm
07-15-2005, 01:22 PM
i have a habit of moving so far up field so fast that i wind up with me against the other team. staying alive long enough for help to get to me is not fun, well, maybe it is...just a little. :eek:

07-15-2005, 01:24 PM
I tend to be a very agressive player, however I would say my survival rate is less than 50%in any game. I always get a few of them out before i go so i try to help out my team by eliminating a few people right away and swing the odds is our favor. Im happy as long as my team comes out ahead. :shooting:

07-15-2005, 01:34 PM
i tend to play the snake or forward bunkers so im usually just drawing fire from the back guys and sometimes trying to pop up to get the cross field angles as well, but thats usually when i go out. I will try for those cross field shots and the guy on tha same side tape usually head shots me. the snake at my local field has little cover from the same side tape unless your compleatly on your stomach....maybe i should stop going in there since im 6'3" but i cant stand just lobbing cases of paint from the back hoping for a splatter hit or something of the sorts.

Sabotage Inc.
07-15-2005, 01:38 PM
I dont gun battle i shoot *****es out

07-15-2005, 01:55 PM
I hate getting stuck in a position of snap shooting - ironically I often win it. Normally I will force a move when I am forced into a snap-shooting contest... it works exceptionally well and the look on someones face when you come around from a bunker far away after they were snap shooting with you in front of them is one of the greatest things :)

07-15-2005, 02:13 PM
Yea i dont really like gun battles....id rather be sneaky and shoot em when i see them but they dun see me...other day i was gun battleing with a much more expierenced player and i pop out and get gogged with my mouth open ..ye that sucked i about threw up...but id rather not have to snap shoot just find a better angle on the person and get em out.

07-15-2005, 02:43 PM
I like gunfighting, because, i usually win gunfights, but, im rather agressive/impatient, if i dont snap you out in probably 5 or less snapshots, ill probably either just put the guy in, and go bunker him, or move to another player, or move to another bunker to get a better angle.

07-15-2005, 05:11 PM
i try to occupy two or three players at a time to let the younger faster more talented kids/people move on them. if i get one or two of them, then so be it.
i do ok i guess.

07-15-2005, 05:22 PM
I try to let what ever tactical situation Im In dictate how I play. If Im up aggenst a more agresive player or players I will tend to fall back and try to throw him/them off balence. If up aggenst a player who is reluctant to move up I flank agresively or if working with a partner get in my opponents face and destract them untill my buddy moves up there flank. Its all relitive to the way the game plays out.
As to how many players I will take on at once, it depends on how many are on the field, and how large the field is. On big woods fields I will take on groups as large as 15 or 20. I will get into a good position shoot and then book it to another position and do it agan. Its a fun way to play. Works even better when you have a partner, you can shoot and then run, leading the guys chasing you right in to your partner, basicly leapfroging backwards.
When I play speedball (rarely) or small woods games I tend to directly confront groups of no more then 3 players at a time. Usualy Its 50\50 when this happens. Its more related to how on point Im feeling on a given day then anyting else.

07-15-2005, 05:31 PM
Normally I will force a move when I am forced into a snap-shooting contest... it works exceptionally well and the look on someones face when you come around from a bunker far away after they were snap shooting with you in front of them is one of the greatest things

i know exactly what you mean. We've been practicing a lot of those in-your-face short range type drill. I like the idea of putting your opponent out of their comfort zone by reducing yours, that is getting up in their grill.

07-15-2005, 05:45 PM
Admittedly this theory isn't my own, it's one that's been adopted by Jacked and was given to us by Trainwreck and Chris Dazzi (Oakland Assasins).

The general principle is not to gun fight when ever possible because of the inherently unpredictable nature of the snap shooting contest. Instead the objective is either to put someone in their bunker when the enguagement begins or completely drop the enguagement and look out the other side of the bunker while the bunker we're in gets pounded.

This seems to work, though it's rather defensive in nature. The problem we're having with this style is that once in place, we don't move too much and if you've seen any of our games that's rather obvious even when we are doing well.

Personally I enjoy gunfighting though this style we're using now has increased my survivablility significantly which is a good thing I suppose.

In my own nature I'm not a very agressive player, I know that being more agressive would undoubtedly improve my personal game, some of the best moves I've made were when I was forced into a situation.


07-15-2005, 05:55 PM
Personally, I like to be the guy on the feild that no one see's and isn't wasting 15 ballls a second... Unfortunatly, people always see you, and you do have to shoot fast sometimes. I just feel so much better about eliminating someone, when they say "I couldn't even see your gun (warp feed :)) and I wasn't even sure if you were there" comparing to each of us snap shooting, and eventually wasting 15-30 balls and one of us getting a relitively lucky shot.

07-15-2005, 06:48 PM
Fenix. our team is still trying to find the equillibrium between of aggressive and defensive play.

At times we find it is very ok to play the shoot-shoot-shoot-keep-a-head-in, move-repeat.
Other times we'll play game where we have this unbreakable crossup between the backs and mids while we have a small amount of movement.

Almost always though we find we are more succesful when we are agressive.

i dunno, suppose we are all just looking for the "smart game"

07-16-2005, 03:40 AM
There's a saying that's used by the SAS "Who Dares, Wins" and in paintball it's true to a point. Another problem that we have is the inconsistancy of our play time together, I think there have been maybe 4 certified team practices where everyone who was playing has been there. Hopefully when the winter sets in and there aren't any tournaments for us to hit (aka the off season lol) we'll have some time to get together and really play some ball with eachother. I've been playing paintball with only one of these people for any reasonable ammount of time and I haven't really been able to learn his habbits.

There isn't a whole lotta meshin going on and I think much of the time we end up fighting eachother more than the other teams. I dunno, we'll figure it out.

So will we be seeing you guys in Vacaville?

07-16-2005, 07:07 AM
Fenix. our team is still trying to find the equillibrium between of aggressive and defensive play.

At times we find it is very ok to play the shoot-shoot-shoot-keep-a-head-in, move-repeat.
Other times we'll play game where we have this unbreakable crossup between the backs and mids while we have a small amount of movement.

Almost always though we find we are more succesful when we are agressive.

i dunno, suppose we are all just looking for the "smart game"

My five man team has a pretty good balance - its because the back players frankly are a lot better than the front players. On the break we take two back players, two front players, and a mid to fill in. The mid normally trails the snake player and helps them in, before turning towards the center of the field. The other front player is responsible for his own tape. The backplayers are responsible for defense. It gives us a pretty good balance.

I would like to think the three man I played with the other day had a great balance. We were breaking one player forward on the left tape, one to the back stand that controlled the right tape, and the third was a fill in player. This player broke left to fill create a defensive cross, or move forward if the situation dictated in the event the snake player was taken out or take the back right side if the backplayer got taken out. Once the snake player was secure in his position this player moved laterally to the right side of the field (lateral moves are easier than you think) depending on the situation to either play forward, or back up the now advancing backplayer on the right side. The tactic worked wonderfully, and had the added benefit of throwing the other teams count off on at least three occassions. As our team plays more together and gets used to it (and one point when I was playing filler and we lost the right tape and I moved over. I was halfway up the right tape when our snake player made a desperation move that paid off and took out the other team... he had lost me on the field, as had they. As we get better at just knowing each other, I think we will become very very competetive

07-16-2005, 08:39 AM
would you say you are an agressive gun fighter/battle?
I prefere to only be aggressive when I am held down in a bunker. If not I like to be more just shoot when nessasary.

do you like gunbattling to begin with? or do you prefer to be sneaky?
I really like to be sneaky. I will get in bushes(yes woodsball) and crawl through them so I can sneak up on an unsuspecting enemy. That way if I miss the shots I take on them I won't be out in the open for them or one of their teammates to get me.

What is you comfort zone? How many guys do you tend to gun battle at one time?
After about 2 guys I like to have another team mate helping me pound them. That way we can cover each other on reloads and such. Or if the other team makes a move we can hit them from multiple angles.

do you win most of your gun battles (eliminating the otehr guy)?
I believe that with only one person against me I win if I see him first and the other way around. If I get off the first shot I usually win the battle unless they have a good bunker and I'm to far out in the open.

07-17-2005, 12:17 AM
Fenix, yes we will be in Vacaville. I was there last time as a pod botch/gear tech/video

07-17-2005, 01:03 AM
Well, I doubt many people will come in here and say that they usually lose gunfighting battles. The best approach to gunfighting is to walk the field thoroughly with your team before the games start. Everyone has a zone of responsibility and a job to do, and you've gotta do whatever you can to accomplish your objective - whether it's keeping control of your tape line so that the snake guy can move, or fighting your way into the next dorito so that you can pinch out a key corner. If you have to gunfight with someone, then go ahead - but the best way to score eliminations is to move up the field and take advantage of the new angles that you get.

captian pinky
07-17-2005, 11:48 AM
hey guys great thread .i usually play pump and rec ball and i do usually loose the gun fights mainly cuz i get lanned from 3 people.but im not a huge fan of being smeaky i just push really hard off the break and then give them hell usually with one balls got to love that pump mag.

07-18-2005, 07:50 AM
I tell my guys, never engage in a one on one battle. Its 50/50 whether you win or lose. Always look for a tactacal advantage. Try to combine more than one gun on a given bunker to hold a player in and move one of your players to a better bunker, or to pinch a player. There will be bunkers that the other team occupies, which aren't really important, especially at the start of a game. We ignore them for the most part ( we will fire a few balls at them once in a while to keep them on there toes), knowing that they can't do any real damage from there anyway. Our main objective throughout the game is to flood any bunker we want to eliminate.

07-18-2005, 07:30 PM
i usually pick out the biggest threat to my team (usually in a back corner taking out my teams front players) and i fight with him so he can't move or shoot anyone unless he takes me out first and that usually gives my front men time to take control of the field before i run out of paint, run out of air, or get shot

07-19-2005, 09:09 AM
I am an aggressive person. I like the gun battles. Its more of an adrenaline rush for me. I will always snap shoot some and if i dont get them out then i will usually get them pinned down and then i will make my move and bunker them. I know im not professional or anything but i rarely lose gun battles.