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12-01-2001, 03:39 PM
What would be the maxium ROF I could achieve on Full Auto Mode with a Mako LCD on a stock mag valve? (I know about the 10-13 ball per sec limit on the drop off)

I guess the reason im asking is cause I [was] debating between buying a New Mako LCD frame and a Retro Valve. There are pro and cons to both

I know that most people would say "Get the Retro its such a better investment!"

And I see where you guys are coming from. I do understand that with a Retro Valve you can achieve a higher ROF. But Im not that intersested in shooting any more then 10-13 BPS at a max. Any more in my opinon is just spray and pray and wastes too much paint. What I do want to do is eliminate my short stroking problems which the Mako Electric frame would do a better job at then the Retro.

I heard that the Boo-Yeah frames are extremly poor when it comes to asembly and compatability but the new modified frames that are made by Mako have been getting really good reviews.

The modes of firing are just a bonus which I think would be pretty fun. Either upgrade would cost about the same, about $200. But I dont want to have to trade in my current valve and dish out $200 to get a Retro from AGD cause my valve has 3 stars still on it and I would lose them if I got the retro

kinda got off topic but with damn AT&T cable internet going down since Excite went bankrupt I have to do this stuff form the local library

what do you guys think? (don't forget the origianl question plz! :D

12-01-2001, 03:45 PM
well since ya wanna eliminate shortstroking, go for the elecd frame, the new macko frames are much better, and even w/ the stock vavle ya can still shoot fast, yeah ya might get a lil' dropoff, but it isn't that bad at all.

12-01-2001, 08:05 PM
does mako have a website? I have a retro and these frames look cool.

12-01-2001, 08:18 PM
hey man i have been debating overthe same prob. I am goin to buy a mako frame. Well i think i am gettin it for xmas. They look very cool and r supposed to b abetter versio than the booyahs. I know it is the same company. I am gettin mine on pbgear. i will tell u how it is once i get it. I have shot booyahs on spyders and feel in love with the feel and want an electro mag

12-03-2001, 12:10 PM
Are there any replies to the question?

12-03-2001, 12:17 PM

12-03-2001, 12:18 PM