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View Full Version : Alternative to attachments...

07-15-2005, 11:17 PM
I was cruising around imageshack today when I came across some cool programs. They now have a program(or actually an integration into windows) where you can right click on a picture on your computer and go to upload photo to imageshack. That really makes it easy to do.

The above is not why I made this post, I was just commenting on something cool. Since image hosting is costly, why not have another company do it for us? Imageshack has something that integrates into a message board and is used for uploading pictures. I think it's new, and I think it's free(everything else of theirs is free). AO could save a lot of money, and we would still have easy image uploading at our fingertips. We could completely delete the attachment program and all of its uploads and save many many many gigs of bandwidth.

Check it out here (http://reg.imageshack.us/content.php?page=syndicate).