View Full Version : Are you Magger?

07-17-2005, 04:44 PM
How long have you owned a Mag? How many Mags have you owned? Choose two, Years, # of Mags.

If you want post pics of you guns.

07-17-2005, 04:48 PM
I've owned a mag since christmas of 2k1.
I owned a classic mag, then changed it so much it was practicly a whole nother mag besides the valve, so I would say that counts as 2. Then I sold it and bought a micro e-mag. Then I sold that and bought a ULE RT which I now still have and have had for about 2 years :)

07-17-2005, 04:56 PM
I have played with mags for 3 or 4 years off and on. Owned several classics, one of which I still own, my custom RTP, another Warped RT, and The Emag that I currently use.

07-17-2005, 05:10 PM
about 2 years pushing 3

07-17-2005, 05:17 PM
Started out with a ule rt pro, and I recently picked up an x-mag. I'm thinking about putting togther a really nice mech mag, something with a dallara. I love mags, not sure why.

07-17-2005, 05:24 PM
Got my first Mag the same year Kingman released the spyder have had classic mags on and off since then.. After owning all types of guns I still keep coming back to the mag and now I am older they make much more sense as far as operation and repair.When I was younger newer was better and I always had issues with the newest aftermarket crap!!

07-17-2005, 06:41 PM
I've owned one mag.. then switched to AKA because of the lack of a good electro frame. Thanks for Logic Paintball I'll be going back to mags again.. for a long time.

07-17-2005, 06:48 PM
Down to a mini/classic (made w/ parts of both) and an EMAG.

07-17-2005, 06:50 PM
I'm looking at negative one year. In one year I should own a good ole mag. Until then I will have to keep going on with my P/C.

07-17-2005, 07:00 PM
Although I have played about 17 years, I have only owned my one 'Mag for less than a year. I expect my Automag to be going strong when I have played another 17 years!


07-17-2005, 08:26 PM
mags for 3 years (k, 2 1/2), first in christmas of '02, built it up so much i had enough to make the original back again, now have a vert ULE custom and a 68 classic.

07-17-2005, 08:27 PM
I got my first mag from Paintball Games of Dallas almost ten years ago. I was the happiest kid in the world. Hey whatever happen to PGD anyway?

50 cal
07-17-2005, 08:35 PM
I've owned Mags since they first came out. Wow, it's been since about '88 or '89. I thought the RT classic was the cats meow when I first got one.
I still have a classic I bought a bunch of years ago when my first Mag was stolen at The Masters in Nashville TN around '93. I gave a friend of mine a Lvl7 classic to play with, he still has it.

07-17-2005, 10:54 PM
I have about 1 and a half mags. I have a classic all nicely put together, and then I have all the stuff for another, just no valve. I plan on building a third around the Dallara (that thing is so nice!).

Oh, and I got my forum name from the half one. I call it Lenny 'cause it's not all there. (Sorry, I'm a bookworm and Of Mice and Men is one of my all time favorites).

07-18-2005, 10:06 PM
[QUOTE=Lenny]I have about 1 and a half mags. I have a classic all nicely put together, and then I have all the stuff for another, just no valve. I plan on building a third around the Dallara (that thing is so nice!).

Dallars are really nice.

07-18-2005, 10:30 PM
Of mice and men is a good book. I have been using a mag for about a year, and i own two of them. I have a 68 classic, and i also have a pro classic.

07-18-2005, 11:21 PM
Let's see, I bought my first one in 1995... Just sold it this year after putting in a Level 10.
Then I put together one and bought an X-Mag last year. And bought another X-Mag this year. Man, they are addictive.

07-18-2005, 11:26 PM
-I buy my first Minimag off Ebay, it had an intelliframe.
-I join AO :rolleyes:
-I sell the minimag and buy an RT-Pro, xvalve, ule body, etc..

-I sell my rt-pro, all but the ULE body.
-I buy a classic mag, sell it to a good friend, for a very low price.
-I buy an emag, and use my ule body.

Coming soon..
-I have another classic mag on the way!
-I plan on pre-ordering the TAG board sometime this month, and having Luke mill up my gun.

AGD Forever. :headbang:

07-18-2005, 11:49 PM
sweet, got to put in 5 or more for both.

its been pretty much exactly 5 years since i bought my classic RT, since then ive owned 2 completely custom RT's, Emag, SFL Emag, And a Sydarm, plus i have a devilmag that im waiting on the frame for

b&r automag
07-18-2005, 11:53 PM
4 years. I currently own 2 and been thru about 8 of them- warp, mini, micro, ule, classic, NO electronic one though. I just got a shocker and was about to give up on the mags but now that Mr. COOLHAND is coming out with the e frame for the mag....glad I didn't sell my mags!!!!!!

07-19-2005, 12:03 AM
had two mags then sold both and bought Emag. now im starting an Xmag project.
Emags rock my sox :headbang:

07-19-2005, 06:13 PM
4 years. I currently own 2 and been thru about 8 of them- warp, mini, micro, ule, classic, NO electronic one though. I just got a shocker and was about to give up on the mags but now that Mr. COOLHAND is coming out with the e frame for the mag....glad I didn't sell my mags!!!!!!

Umm... you know Devils Den Paintball has been selling e-frames for a while (devilsden.tv). They're pretty cool. You can either buy a gun with it already installed, or you can send in your marker and get it bolted on and get eyes installed, or you can even just have him send you a bolt on. I'm really anxious to see how COOLHAND's turnout.

Also, just a random note: I hate the RT rails. They're way too long for my likings. I like the small compactness (especially with a good drop forward) of a Classic Mag. Any one else feel this way? It sounds like for the most part you all prefer any Mag, RT or Classic.

07-19-2005, 06:48 PM
1 mag
Less than a year.

Its gone now.

07-19-2005, 06:49 PM
I've used my Mag extensively while it was in the possession of my cousins. I finally bought it last June. It's a Classsic standard feed Mag. No upgrades, although, I am considering replacing the stainless body with a ULE.

07-19-2005, 07:55 PM
well, hmm, no, hmmm, ummm

'gets out calculator'
'throws away calculator because its only been a little while'

Id say around a year, but i've owned like 3 mags. Mags just kinda flow into my posession with no regard for the original owner. Got a ule logic classic for 225. Parted out the ule and logic for 175, got 100 for the classic valve(it had lvl x), and sold the ule rail for 35. just didnt seem right to let the mag rot with TheActionFigure/Gideon. Lol, and umm, building a hypermag, supanice. I wonder if AGD would sell me a blank valve thats kindof a remake of a emag valve, so i can get my own design engraved and make it hellasweet

11 Bravo
07-25-2005, 10:49 PM
I bought my lvl 7 classic in '92 or '93 (still have it) and just recently purchased a EMAG (waiting on Predator). :shooting: Update: I now have added two Xmags and two Hypermags.

07-25-2005, 11:04 PM
bought a used classic, sold it.. bought another one a year or so later but have not had a chance to use it yet.

07-25-2005, 11:08 PM
just got my first mag an emag, love it, havnt gotten to play with it, but am goin to this weekend

07-25-2005, 11:21 PM
technically it is only one mag but now that i think about it i guess that i did have two working mags at one time.

i bought my first mag on ebay. it was an ss classic with an original AIR valve and level ten.

then i picked up a tac one with a pre-installed ULT.

i kept the x valve and ult and sold/traded what was left of the tac one in the classifieds forums.

i picked up a ule body, ccm feedneck, sticky 3's, an evil pipe kit, a vert asa and a cp gas thru front grip in the class. forums as well.

i self ule'd my rail on a mill.

so now the only original part is the heavily modified am/mm rail.

with the addition of a splinter trigger my mag will be complete.

and i couldn't be happier with it's performance.

Creative Mayhem
07-26-2005, 12:09 AM
I have had a mag since 91, and it works just like the day i got it. I then got an Xmag, and various other versions, and project mags in the works. I love mags, and I'm not ashamed to admit it :p

07-26-2005, 12:25 AM
so far i have owned only 1 mag, which was a micromag. i had it for about a year and a half.
oh and do i miss that thing......i hope to own a couple of more mags so then i could call myself a pro magger :p

07-26-2005, 12:31 AM
I believe that it was in 93 when I got my first mag. Damn things are like boomerangs :D they just keep coming back to me . Most mags in my possesion at one time was four. Currently have two & 1/3 ( complete valve).

Recon by Fire
07-26-2005, 11:46 AM
Two fisted Magger here; had my X-mag since 2003 and will be burried with it; I got a Tac-One just this last year. Love it too!

Soopa Villain17
07-26-2005, 11:54 AM
been a magger since jan, first one was a tac one , then had a ule x valve mag , now ive got a mini mag

07-26-2005, 02:20 PM
When I started playing paintball in 99 I got a great deal on a classic mag, I played for 2 years and then paintball died around here, so it sat in my closet until the begining of this year. I then sold it and bought a package off of ebay with 2 powerfeed mags, one had a xvalve the other a classic valve. I sold the classic gun, and started upgrading my xvalved mag. After buying numerous other parts, I turned the xvalved mag into my warped piranha-mag, a minimag now with a classic valve, and will have the last parts to finish my new custom ule mag... So I have owned/do own/will own:
1 stock classic (all chrome) (sold)
1 powerfed classic (all black except the valve) (sold)
1 custom minimag (black and blue) (its sitting right beside me)
1 warped piranha-mag (red and black) (its sitting at the house)
1 custom ULE mag (blue and black) (body and trigger frame will be here friday thanks to rouge)

That will make 5 mags I have owned, and 3 that I will have. Mags are a wonderful thing! :D

07-26-2005, 03:33 PM
Over the years I have owned many mags.. right now only one though a ULE'ed classic..

But.. Pump mag , Classic RT black , Classic RT chrome , Sydarm , Mini-mag , Micro-mag Fixed barrel , Emagnum Emag ( id love that one back :) ) , ULE'ed classic

07-27-2005, 05:56 PM
My first mag...a L7 in 93. Never had the need to get another mag or another marker.
Finally got a Xmag about a year ago. Never owned anything else

12-18-2005, 08:07 PM
I am a fairly recent convert to the automag, but if the fact that I now own and consistantly play with 4 is any testament to their reliability and durability.....



12-18-2005, 09:23 PM
Mmm...let see...

The 68 came out in like '90 so I probably bought one in late 90' early 91' -ish.

If your talking "Mags" in all incarnations....I probably have 20 something easily, in various states of assembledge.

12-18-2005, 10:34 PM
ive had 4 mags total. still have 3 of them. a classic mag was the second gun i had. thats been sold. pumpmag was the third gun i had. wont get rid of it. the others are a custom minimag zgrip rt using a old rt rail. and the other is a eclipse kitted mag with a emag body. been using mags for 4 years so far and dont plan on stoping athough parts are hard to come by locally.

12-19-2005, 12:38 AM
I bought a classic about a year ago and haven't looked back since. I sold it within a couple months to buy an rt ule, and I'm getting a second classic soon for a loaner/backup. Mags rock :shooting:

The Action Figure
12-19-2005, 10:59 AM
I currently do not own a mag, but ive owned around 13 1st one was september 14 2003

few of my mags

12-19-2005, 05:21 PM
I've only had a mag since 01, but I'd wanted one since shortly after I started playing in 98.

12-19-2005, 05:36 PM
Bought my first classic 'mag new from the factory in 98. I used it exclusively for years and then took the better part of 2 years off from the game. I kept my original and then after getting back to playing, I bought another classic, made it pump, bought an RT and then my X-Mag. I love 'em all.

12-19-2005, 05:52 PM
hey whats up woth your warp..? where did you get it? Me and ramennoodles live near this place, this is where we play. have you been there? or did you buy it off of someone?(isaac maybe?)

12-19-2005, 05:54 PM
The Action Figure, that warp used to belong to me. I a POS halo for it to a friend of mine. He was the one who put the Route 66 sticker on there. Weird.

12-19-2005, 06:01 PM
-I sell my rt-pro, all but the ULE body.
-I buy a classic mag, sell it to a good friend, for a very low price.
-I buy an emag, and use my ule body.

AGD Forever. :headbang:
i <3 my emag.

The Action Figure
12-19-2005, 11:15 PM
i bought that gun a year or 2 ago from some kid with really curly hair in a fro, i didnt buy the warp thats his pic

12-21-2005, 04:03 PM
I bought my first mag, a used Micromag, somewhere near the end of 1996. Then, I bought my Classic R/T, they weren't called Classic at the time, in early 1998 and received a Team R/T, later that year. Our team was sponsored by AGD at the time. I still have those two and I built a ghettomag mostly from extra parts that I had laying around. I parted that one out to build my X-valved RT/Pro with a Hyperframe in 2003.

So, I guess that I have actually owned 5, I answered 4 on the poll question...opps.

12-22-2005, 02:58 PM
since 1995 6 mags owned many sold
:clap: one is an emag now :) ule baby :dance:

12-22-2005, 06:05 PM
<a href="http://www.jayloo.com/photo_gallery/show_pic.html?pIMAGE_ID=33033"> <img width=90 heigth=90 src="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/33000/mags1_tn.jpg"> </img></a>

My name is Kayle and I am a magaholic. I have owned mags for 15 years and have no reason to stop now....