View Full Version : proud new owner of a mag needs a bit of help

Wc Keep
12-01-2001, 06:21 PM
hey guys i just got my tko automag in the mail 2 days ago. with it i got a lapco bigshot aluminum barrel. my problem was that when i tried to put the wire nubbin into the barrel the bolt kept hitting the nubbin and bent it all out of shape. dont ask how i managed that one. what i was wondering was if this happened to anyone else when they got their mag and if so what they did to fix it?
thanks and I LOVE MY MAG!!!

12-01-2001, 06:25 PM
is the nubbin shaped like a p or a v? you may wanna try a plastic nubbin or just take needle nose plyers and bend it in so the nubbin isnt so big

Wc Keep
12-01-2001, 06:30 PM
well the piece that goes into the barrel that is supposed to look like a v looks more like a q.

12-01-2001, 06:48 PM
The Q is the P style. Check to see how much is sticking out inside the barrel(take the barrel off to do this) and adjust from there. It might also be the paint. If the nubbin is to whacked up, you may have to get another, and then lightly adjust it upward so it doesn't stick in too far.

By the way, hold on to that Lapco barrel...its a great barrel for the mag with good paint match(PMI, Big Ball)


12-01-2001, 08:54 PM
Read this thread. It's pretty comprehensive.


12-01-2001, 08:57 PM
Hey Wc Keep welcome to the mag family, where do you live and what field you play at.