View Full Version : Element Ion Update

07-17-2005, 08:32 PM
Pics are here!! yes, the color is shopped, but everything is still in raw form. he just threw this together to give us an idea of whats its going to look like. rather sexy if you ask me




Head knight of Ni
07-17-2005, 08:34 PM

07-17-2005, 08:39 PM

could you elaborate just a bit as to why you dont like it? or you just saying that simply becasue its an Ion?

07-17-2005, 08:42 PM
wow.. that's the only Ion I would consider owning (pending I didn't know it was an ion).

looks great! doesn't have that crappy plastic look of ions. looks actually like a well built gun

07-17-2005, 08:43 PM
I don't like it either. I can't pick just one thing, it just doesn't flow at all.

07-17-2005, 08:45 PM
well grips, regs, and feedneck is still left up to you to decide what you want on there. personally, im putting Nicad's Foehn body on this frame

07-17-2005, 08:49 PM
can you say FUBAR???

EDIT: whats the talon on the back for? I KNOW thats not a snatchgrip. More like a defense mechanism. "Crap, Im out of paint"(Turns gun around, and begins to stab ppl with the snatchgrip

EDIT 2: Maybe, maybe, maybe id change my mind if the color wasnt shopped....no, its still FUBAR, i liked the stock body better. I even like the DMC milling better

paint magnet
07-17-2005, 08:49 PM
Wow, that's beyond ugly. Not like one of those things that's so ugly it's cool, it's just plain ugly. Looks sort of like an incest-bred cross between a Shocker and a Freestyle that wants to grow up and be a Devil Mag :p

And yeah, it does literally look like it was thrown together.

*edit* Maybe if you took the Evil parts off of there?

07-17-2005, 08:54 PM
i think it looks cool. ppl who are saying it looks bad just say that b/c its not a mag, they can keep humping AGD's leg. i bet they say DMc's, 4's 5's and different kinds of timmys look bad also :rolleyes:

paint magnet
07-17-2005, 08:57 PM
i think it looks cool. ppl who are saying it looks bad just say that b/c its not a mag, they can keep humping AGD's leg. i bet they say DMc's, 4's 5's and different kinds of timmys look bad also :rolleyes:

Ok, post it up on some other boards and see what kind of reactions it gets.

07-17-2005, 08:57 PM

07-17-2005, 08:58 PM
Perhaps a better photo would help. Photoshop doesn't always give the best impression of a product, but hey, I guess that means some people like it enough to spend time messing with it.


Btw. yes I am element paintball. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

07-17-2005, 08:58 PM
Wow, that's beyond ugly. Not like one of those things that's so ugly it's cool, it's just plain ugly. Looks sort of like an incest-bred cross between a Shocker and a Freestyle that wants to grow up and be a Devil Mag

Doesn't look that bad at all. I say function before fashion. . . .

07-17-2005, 09:01 PM
sorry Sithos. I should of posted a better pic

but yea, its not a mag so it automatically sucks here. but seriously guys, just wait. people like Sithos & Nicad are going to take this gun to new heights

07-17-2005, 09:02 PM
those are hideous. the trigger guard is so big you could smuggle im imigrants in it. then it looks way to thrown together. it just dosnt look right.

EDIT - i know what dosnt look right, its the vert frame, i really think i would like this, if it had a 45 frame.

07-17-2005, 09:05 PM
it looks like a mag, so I dont know why everyone is complaining about it.

07-17-2005, 09:10 PM
This is what someone gets for trying to help out the paintball world...

07-17-2005, 09:11 PM
it looks like a mag, so I dont know why everyone is complaining about it.

exactly. but its not a mag so it automatically gets this response.

ignorance really must be bliss.

07-17-2005, 09:14 PM
The trigger frame is to thin, from front to back. It's like taking a hot girl and having her go anorexic for a few months. I think that is turning some users away. Also, everything on it is designed small and thin, but there is a huge trigger guard, which throws people off a bit.

07-17-2005, 09:14 PM
Hey, its alright if not everyone likes it. I've already got $17,000 worth of preorders, any more of them and I'd be going insane. :tard:

Oh. and about it being "thin" well. its lighter than the stock ion, and its metal, rather than plastic and cast alum.

3.0oz for the body
7.1oz for the frame

I need to get a total marker weight, but the post office might be upset if i brought an assembled marker inside to borrow their digital scale.

07-17-2005, 09:15 PM
The "need" to show off the black tube underneath kills the flow of that marker... cover it it might look better, but there are other issues. That to me though is the stand out issue, what is with the obsession to show that the only purpose of that body is to hold in detents...

07-17-2005, 09:31 PM
Whenever someone doesnt like ion bodies onhere or whatever, you guys (jimmybeam, yakatori, etc.) accuse them of disliking it because "it isnt AGD." Most people in here dont like it because they think it is ugly, so stop playing that stupid card. If we dont hump the ion's leg, you accuse us of humping AGD's leg.

I just reread the posts again Where does anyone make any mention of not liking it because its not AGD? Let them express their opinion instead of chewing them out for not sharing yours

07-17-2005, 09:36 PM
ok now. atleast be civil about it. I'm not mad that some people don't like it. I had to make a LOT of changes from the original design, because 5th axis is just too darn expensive.

07-17-2005, 09:39 PM
That looks awsome, but hey, its still an ion....

07-17-2005, 09:41 PM
Whenever someone doesnt like ion bodies onhere or whatever, you guys (jimmybeam, yakatori, etc.) accuse them of disliking it because "it isnt AGD." Most people in here dont like it because they think it is ugly, so stop playing that stupid card. If we dont hump the ion's leg, you accuse us of humping AGD's leg.

I just reread the posts again Where does anyone make any mention of not liking it because its not AGD? Let them express their opinion instead of chewing them out for not sharing yours

I don't know.. I'm hearing about 17K of preorders for a prototype that is still changing... are these paid pre orders or 17K of expressed online interest. Because I'm betting with no prototype, no access to those machine facilities, that I could get that. Didn't we learn the lesson online interest means little to nothing for sales

07-17-2005, 09:46 PM
I don't know.. I'm hearing about 17K of preorders for a prototype that is still changing... are these paid pre orders or 17K of expressed online interest. Because I'm betting with no prototype, no access to those machine facilities, that I could get that. Didn't we learn the lesson online interest means little to nothing for sales
you confused me just now by quoting me. :tard:

07-17-2005, 09:46 PM
damn man, if it wasn't an ion I would be all over it. you guys need to make stuff for other guns that cool!

07-17-2005, 09:50 PM
you confused me just now by quoting me. :tard:

I'm good at that :P I was agreeing with you, but the comment was made on here that your wrong.. because he has "17,000 dollars in preorders" as if thats some great indication that this new thing is great and it doesn't matter the comments here.

People.. if you cant take honest criticism, don't post here... AO likes to criticize, but telling you that thing is ugly as its presented now is not due to love of AGD or a hatred of SP (I like SP) its because.. well that thing is ugly

07-17-2005, 09:57 PM
I'm good at that :P I was agreeing with you, but the comment was made on here that your wrong.. because he has "17,000 dollars in preorders" as if thats some great indication that this new thing is great and it doesn't matter the comments here.

People.. if you cant take honest criticism, don't post here... AO likes to criticize, but telling you that thing is ugly as its presented now is not due to love of AGD or a hatred of SP (I like SP) its because.. well that thing is ugly
Yeah i had to delete a post I made in response because I interpereted your post completely wrong. Theres something about a lack of sleep and sarcasm that just doesnt mix well

07-17-2005, 09:58 PM

07-17-2005, 10:09 PM
the $17,000 is for comfirmed preorders, but I do not accept cash before the items are ready to ship. Yes, I know that this means there will be people who do not follow through with their preorder, but its still a good indication of interest.

If you don't like the body, thats not a problem, I sell them seperate, and as a combo.
If you don't like the frame, see above.
If you don't like either one, well, there are other people who make things for the ion, and I'm sure one of them can make you happy.

What I have for sale is the result of a 3 months of research on the pbnation ion forum, and other ion forums as to what actual ion owners want.

07-17-2005, 10:12 PM
Ok... for saying this I'm probably going to get hammered too, but, oh well! I think it's sexy! I think it's probably look great with a gloss black frame and body, but make the inside thingy matte blue (ok, I love blue/black markers, I admit it). I'd probably buy one if it weren't an Ion. Not that Ions are bad, it just seems like all of a sudden EVERYONE has one, and that's a MAJOR turn off for me. As for SP, I don't like the company very much, or Impulses (I hate Impulses), but I sure do LOVE the Freak!

(Ok, you can all bash me now...)

07-17-2005, 10:17 PM
I'd probably buy one if it weren't an Ion. Not that Ions are bad, it just seems like all of a sudden EVERYONE has one,
(Ok, you can all bash me now...)

well yea everyone does have one. but, other than fully bone stock Ions, how many upped Ions are exactly the same? you build it with exactly what you want on it.

*cough* mag owners should appreciate that

07-17-2005, 10:31 PM
well yea everyone does have one. but, other than fully bone stock Ions, how many upped Ions are exactly the same? you build it with exactly what you want on it.

*cough* mag owners should appreciate that

reguardless..ions are mass produced, rather cheaply built and in my opinion are throw-away guns. why would mag owners appreciate that?

07-17-2005, 10:40 PM
reguardless..ions are mass produced, rather cheaply built and in my opinion are throw-away guns. why would mag owners appreciate that?

He was refering to the customizablity ...other words you can make them your own since there are so many upgrades to change the appearence..sorta like.....hrmmmm o yea mags.

as far as the frame and body go body is alright i like the frame sicne its metal not plastic..just seems sturdier.

07-17-2005, 10:56 PM
reguardless..ions are mass produced, rather cheaply built and in my opinion are throw-away guns. why would mag owners appreciate that?

throw away. ok, ill be the first to say the stock, run of the mill SP Ion wasnt made to you guys's higher standards. well hey, guess what. once you finish building your Ion, theres nothing SP left on the gun except for the innertube(which will most likely be replaced by someone elses company tube). and the new Oarnge HE bolt is going to allow for 1600+ shots of a 68/45

you guys are running out of negative things to say about it, so you turn to....."omg *pukes*" as responses. you think your emag is a pretty gun? nope, stock, ugliest thing ever. but like the ion you can make it into whatever you want. i would choose the Ion over the Emag regardless, and Im sure most of you would rather quit playing paintball than shoot an ion. but like I said before, your starting to tun out of things to complain about, especially with more and more upgrades coming out every month to replace "the crappy parts"

~50 cases not a snigle problem or chop. results speak for themselves

07-17-2005, 10:59 PM
throw away. ok, ill be the first to say the stock, run of the mill SP Ion wasnt made to you guys's higher standards. well hey, guess what. once you finish building your Ion, theres nothing SP left on the gun except for the innertube(which will most likely be replaced by someone elses company tube). and the new Oarnge HE bolt is going to allow for 1600+ shots of a 68/45

you guys are running out of negative things to say about it, so you turn to....."omg *pukes*" as responses. you think your emag is a pretty gun? nope, stock, ugliest thing ever. but like the ion you can make it into whatever you want. i would choose the Ion over the Emag regardless, and Im sure most of you would rather quit playing paintball than shoot an ion. but like I said before, your starting to tun out of things to complain about, especially with more and more upgrades coming out every month to replace "the crappy parts"

~50 cases not a snigle problem or chop. results speak for themselves

Great post. :)

07-17-2005, 11:08 PM
throw away. ok, ill be the first to say the stock, run of the mill SP Ion wasnt made to you guys's higher standards. well hey, guess what. once you finish building your Ion, theres nothing SP left on the gun except for the innertube(which will most likely be replaced by someone elses company tube). and the new Oarnge HE bolt is going to allow for 1600+ shots of a 68/45

you guys are running out of negative things to say about it, so you turn to....."omg *pukes*" as responses. you think your emag is a pretty gun? nope, stock, ugliest thing ever. but like the ion you can make it into whatever you want. i would choose the Ion over the Emag regardless, and Im sure most of you would rather quit playing paintball than shoot an ion. but like I said before, your starting to tun out of things to complain about, especially with more and more upgrades coming out every month to replace "the crappy parts"

~50 cases not a snigle problem or chop. results speak for themselves

I think I was rather explicit in why I did not care for this. As to me caring in the least about who made it... well I happen to like SP so cant go there. And what "Crappy" parts? The trigger sucked and was easily broken, but everything else in my ion functioned as it was meant to.

I find it funny that all of the upgrades (trigger and detents not included) that are "oh so great" do nothing to change performance...

07-17-2005, 11:17 PM
I think I was rather explicit in why I did not care for this. As to me caring in the least about who made it... well I happen to like SP so cant go there. And what "Crappy" parts? The trigger sucked and was easily broken, but everything else in my ion functioned as it was meant to.

ok as much as you may think it does, when someone refers to something that someone said, it doesnt neccesarily mean that they were talking about you. the world does not revolve around lohman. ;) i actually quoted MadPS if you care to scroll up.

07-17-2005, 11:20 PM
ok as much as you may think it does, when someone refers to something that someone said, it doesnt neccesarily mean that they were talking about you. the world does not revolve around lohman. ;) i actually quoted MadPS if you care to scroll up.

Does too.. :D actually this is the part that catches me the "you guys" so often implies all of AO... I just think it important to point out that there are many (I would argue the majority) of us that are not cultist in nature

07-17-2005, 11:28 PM
Does too.. :D actually this is the part that catches me the "you guys" so often implies all of AO... I just think it important to point out that there are many (I would argue the majority) of us that are not cultist in nature

ok......you're 100% correct. you guys is to much of a generaization of the entire community here. i apologize.

but for the rest of the you guys....yea you know who you are ....try not to be so ignorant and a little more open minded to change and new things


07-17-2005, 11:29 PM
throw away. ok, ill be the first to say the stock, run of the mill SP Ion wasnt made to you guys's higher standards. well hey, guess what. once you finish building your Ion, theres nothing SP left on the gun except for the innertube(which will most likely be replaced by someone elses company tube). and the new Oarnge HE bolt is going to allow for 1600+ shots of a 68/45

you guys are running out of negative things to say about it, so you turn to....."omg *pukes*" as responses. you think your emag is a pretty gun? nope, stock, ugliest thing ever. but like the ion you can make it into whatever you want. i would choose the Ion over the Emag regardless, and Im sure most of you would rather quit playing paintball than shoot an ion. but like I said before, your starting to tun out of things to complain about, especially with more and more upgrades coming out every month to replace "the crappy parts"

~50 cases not a snigle problem or chop. results speak for themselves

If you hate mags so much, why the hell are you on a mag board. Get the hell out if all you think of AO is that we are "AGD Drones".

07-17-2005, 11:35 PM
And I'll add this.

Do I like Smart Parts? No
Do I own an Ion? No
Would I ever own an Ion? No
Do I think this kit is ugly? Yes
Is it becuase it's for an Ion? No
Would I buy one even if it was for a Mag? No

07-17-2005, 11:36 PM
If you hate mags so much, why the hell are you on a mag board. Get the hell out if all you think of AO is that we are "AGD Drones".

exactly. nothing to say about the Ion, so you fall back in a defensive mode, and claim i hate mags. i dont hate mage, i loved mine until the day i sold it. we're trying to have a conversation here about Ions, if your going to throw a fit and start accusing me that im a mag hater....look dude, at least try and stay up on topic with us k?

telll you what, everyone has a style of play and the gun to best suit them for it. this gun is just another choice in the market right now. and its shocking alot of people who never expected the ion to make it. Gun of the year IMO. its brought alot of people to the sport, and proved that you dont need a 1k gun to compete. not to mention over 30k sold in 4-5 months

07-18-2005, 12:12 AM
could you elaborate just a bit as to why you dont like it? or you just saying that simply becasue its an Ion?

You don't understand this is where it turned into a X vs Ion thread do you? he posted "pukes" before this because it is ugly - in many of our opinions. You cannot jump into "you don't like it because its an Ion" mode every time someone says they don't like something on an Ion. That thing would be ugly on a mag / Shocker / Ion / Colt 1911 / Angelina Jolie (ok, maybe not there, but you get what I mean)....

Relax... this turned into "about Ion" thread because you made it turn into about Ion, rather than ending with a good start "Could you elaborate just a bit as to why you don't like it?" you had to go on and add "or you just saying that simply because its an Ion" turning this into yet another "Ion VS XX" thread which... you turned it into. Thats what gets old about it

To reiterate - its ugly because its ugly, who cares what marker it is on. Some of us even went into further explanations as to why we thought it was ugly...

07-18-2005, 12:28 AM
but yea, its not a mag so it automatically sucks here.

we're trying to have a conversation here about Ions, if your going to throw a fit and start accusing me that im a mag hater....look dude, at least try and stay up on topic with us k?

That first line doesn't really have anything to do with Ions... Hmmm...

It's brought alot of people to the sport, and proved that you dont need a 1k gun to compete.

So has Brass Eagle but very few people get upset when people bash them. Only when Smart Parts and Dye get bashed do people really seem to react... At least in my experience, but I am willing to admit I may be wrong on this point.

I don't like the flow of the body. I don't like the cut out part of the body and I personally dislike the looks of Vert Frames, but that is me.

Rant Mode:

Now, my other comment is this:

I find it very offensive when people assume that no one here can appreciate anything other than an Automag. Now I think that many people on this forum like Automags for some reason or another but that is just a hunch.

Now here is what really gets me. As soon as someone posts a negative comment about a gun that is not an Automag it is automatically assumed they don't like it because it is not an Automag. Personal preferance is rarely taken into account. Then ultimately someone insults Automags about their looks, effeciency, or something else. Then someone else says, "Go somewhere else if you don't like mags!"

Now apparrently this is a "Defensive mode"... So what the heck is it when you assume that we are a bunch of blind and stupid sheep and discount the thought that we might possess an opinion? Or when you automatically attack a marker we like because we don't like one that you do? I am not some dumb wool headed animal who blissfully grazes in the AGD Automag pasture!

Am I the only one who finds this hypocritical and almost arrogant?

I think most Automags are ugly (With the exception of my X-mag and Kartas), but I love them, and it is possible for me to think your marker is ugly but still like it. I know that sounds like a horrible thought but it can happen. Heck, my Nasty has got to be one of the Ugliest markers I have ever held but I love it to death. Just holding it gives me a good feeling inside.

/Rant Mode

07-18-2005, 12:51 AM
point taken.

but how can you say one is ugly but think the other one is a sexy gun



sure, they operate completely diferent, but are very look very close at the same time

07-18-2005, 04:58 AM
point taken.

but how can you say one is ugly but think the other one is a sexy gun



sure, they operate completely diferent, but are very look very close at the same time

Did I say I like that Devil Mag? No, I don't think I did, because I don't. There are quite a few things I do not like about some of the parts that are coming out for the Mag. The fact that people think the foregrip needs to be 4" from the front of the trigger guard. The fact that for some reason people think you need to have a trigger guard large enough to drive a truck through it. The fact that many of the mag parts to not flow right. Take that Devil mag, toss on a DW body and rail, make the vert frame a tad shorter, shrink the trigger guard a bit.

I think insulting AO was where you crossed the line. Just because I am on AO and just because I don't like SP or the ION you automatically think that I like everything AGD/Mag and hate everything SP. Well you are right on the later. But that has nothing to do with the fact that it is ugly as all hell.

07-18-2005, 05:03 AM
I don't like the flow of the body. I don't like the cut out part of the body and I personally dislike the looks of Vert Frames, but that is me.

Rant Mode:

Now, my other comment is this:

I find it very offensive when people assume that no one here can appreciate anything other than an Automag. Now I think that many people on this forum like Automags for some reason or another but that is just a hunch.

Now here is what really gets me. As soon as someone posts a negative comment about a gun that is not an Automag it is automatically assumed they don't like it because it is not an Automag. Personal preferance is rarely taken into account. Then ultimately someone insults Automags about their looks, effeciency, or something else. Then someone else says, "Go somewhere else if you don't like mags!"

Now apparrently this is a "Defensive mode"... So what the heck is it when you assume that we are a bunch of blind and stupid sheep and discount the thought that we might possess an opinion? Or when you automatically attack a marker we like because we don't like one that you do? I am not some dumb wool headed animal who blissfully grazes in the AGD Automag pasture!

Am I the only one who finds this hypocritical and almost arrogant?

I think most Automags are ugly (With the exception of my X-mag and Kartas), but I love them, and it is possible for me to think your marker is ugly but still like it. I know that sounds like a horrible thought but it can happen. Heck, my Nasty has got to be one of the Ugliest markers I have ever held but I love it to death. Just holding it gives me a good feeling inside.

/Rant Mode

Good post

07-18-2005, 06:00 AM
point taken.

but how can you say one is ugly but think the other one is a sexy gun

Simple... I already said that need to cut in and show the black tube below the aftermarket body kills the flow of the marker

07-18-2005, 06:02 AM
ok lets all calm down, have some coffee, and go kill some drifters.

I like the looks of the "body"/frame, ans think it would look nice on many guns, however i will never own one. This is not because i hate sp (ok maybe a little, but i like a few of the older products the "classics"), oh no there is a reason i have that maybe none of you have. It is because I HAVE TO WORK ON THEM. Replacing hoses, replacing hoses, explaining why the owners feedneck came off, why the gun is leaking, trying to revive stock reg, replacing hoses. I do enjoy talking to customers, i'm not an a**, and because of that i feel sorry for some of them because they had no idea that would happen to their new gun right outta the box.

Anyway, enjoy your day...

07-18-2005, 07:29 AM
I shoot mags, I will probably never switch cause I don't need too

But that is a very attractive gun, it is sleek and looks fast, that will appeal to 3/4 of the people out there.

I think the fact that the first reply to your thread was "puke" is both insulting and a very good indicator of the maturity level of sed poster.

those bodies will go far, in fact I think the fact that you can see the inner tube is a plus, good looking design guys, and good luck with it

07-18-2005, 07:43 AM
I like it. I like it all except for the frame. It's too skinny.

07-18-2005, 08:28 AM
Whenever someone doesnt like ion bodies onhere or whatever, you guys (jimmybeam, yakatori, etc.) accuse them of disliking it because "it isnt AGD." Most people in here dont like it because they think it is ugly, so stop playing that stupid card. If we dont hump the ion's leg, you accuse us of humping AGD's leg.

I just reread the posts again Where does anyone make any mention of not liking it because its not AGD? Let them express their opinion instead of chewing them out for not sharing yours

stop putting words in my mouth. I just said that it LOOKS like a mag. Does it? yes. I dont see why everyone is complainining about its looks.

But, since you insist that everyone is not humping its leg like its made by AGD, then it must be true. Why else would you make such a statement.

It still LOOKS like a mag. Only it shoots better. :D

07-18-2005, 08:30 AM
I shoot mags, I will probably never switch cause I don't need too

But that is a very attractive gun, it is sleek and looks fast, that will appeal to 3/4 of the people out there.

I think the fact that the first reply to your thread was "puke" is both insulting and a very good indicator of the maturity level of sed poster.

those bodies will go far, in fact I think the fact that you can see the inner tube is a plus, good looking design guys, and good luck with it

This is a good example of how most maggers are NOT. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and when you say "puke" JUST because its an Ion, it makes you look ignorant. Esp. when it resembles the guns that most maggers claim to be the BEST gun when there isnt one.

07-18-2005, 08:35 AM
Did I say I like that Devil Mag? No, I don't think I did, because I don't. There are quite a few things I do not like about some of the parts that are coming out for the Mag. The fact that people think the foregrip needs to be 4" from the front of the trigger guard. The fact that for some reason people think you need to have a trigger guard large enough to drive a truck through it. The fact that many of the mag parts to not flow right. Take that Devil mag, toss on a DW body and rail, make the vert frame a tad shorter, shrink the trigger guard a bit.

I think insulting AO was where you crossed the line. Just because I am on AO and just because I don't like SP or the ION you automatically think that I like everything AGD/Mag and hate everything SP. Well you are right on the later. But that has nothing to do with the fact that it is ugly as all hell.

get over it, the post was posted as a generalization. not a personal thread directed at you. let it go. there are other prople on this forum besides you.

07-18-2005, 08:50 AM
ignorance is bliss.

07-18-2005, 08:59 AM
Wow, that's beyond ugly. Not like one of those things that's so ugly it's cool, it's just plain ugly. Looks sort of like an incest-bred cross between a Shocker and a Freestyle that wants to grow up and be a Devil Mag :p

And yeah, it does literally look like it was thrown together.

*edit* Maybe if you took the Evil parts off of there?

In a fanboy voice *I dont see why everyone accuses us of hating something because its not AGD. I dont know WHERE in the WORLD someone got that Idea.?* :tard:

read the first few posts and you will see. Nobody said your name specifically, but yet you feel the need to defend yourself when some other AOer makes such statements.

AH the irony. It is BEYOND ugly, but it wants to grow up to be a devil mag? Does that mean the devil mag is BEYOND the ion ugly? Or does it mean the Devil mag is ugly? or does it mean that the Ion looks like the devil mag? hmmm. points to ponder. :rolleyes:

07-18-2005, 09:11 AM
This is a good example of how most maggers are NOT. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and when you say "puke" JUST because its an Ion, it makes you look ignorant. Esp. when it resembles the guns that most maggers claim to be the BEST gun when there isnt one.

You are good at reading into things... you take "puke" to mean he said it just because its an Ion. Maybe he said it because overall that thing is ugly. Is the devilmag ugly? I don't think so, but to some no doubt it is.... that body is ugly to me at least because of the cut out to show the tube below it. This idea that he said puke just because it is an Ion is some wonderful mind reading on your part... or a wild and defensive guess.

Do you think I (again, you may not be addressing me, I use me as an example) beleive its ugly only because its an Ion - funny, I find myself often defending the Ion, but this was not about the Ion persey, it was about that body / frame which happens to be for an Ion.

07-18-2005, 09:22 AM
get over it, the post was posted as a generalization. not a personal thread directed at you. let it go. there are other prople on this forum besides you.

Yeah, and I am sure they took it as an insult too. Why don't you just get the hell out.

07-18-2005, 09:35 AM

Don't let this thread get you down, Just because some of us do not like it does not mean that it is not a good design and that it won’t sell lots. But I would take a closer look at the people that promote your items and their reading comprehension abilities and ability to insult those that do not think the same way they do.

07-18-2005, 09:37 AM
or you just saying that simply becasue its an Ion?

wow.. that's the only Ion I would consider owning (pending I didn't know it was an ion).

looks great! doesn't have that crappy plastic look of ions. looks actually like a well built gun

but yea, its not a mag so it automatically sucks here.

but its not a mag so it automatically gets this response.

ignorance really must be bliss.

That looks awsome, but hey, its still an ion....

Thats the first page... care to guess who turned this inot "you don't like it because its not a mag" fest... Get over it, just because we realize there are flaws to something does not mean we don't appreciate what they are. If you think this is a place where you are going to get slammed only because of what you (and I'll keep you vague) shot or show - and you started this being "about the Ion" go away.... seriously - no bash of the marker, the body (which I don't like), or SP.. this one is all about you and the attitude.

And I think.. without that cut, that marker may end up looking decent... I just really do not like the cut to show off the tube. Maybe Im off, I'm not the prospective market, you asked for opinions you got them, mine is surely not "its an Ion it sucks"/

Spartan X
07-18-2005, 09:39 AM
At last SP had made a Disposibale gun! LoL...

I guess a Kit like this is if you plan to keep it..heh.

07-18-2005, 09:52 AM
Thats the first page... care to guess who turned this inot "you don't like it because its not a mag" fest... Get over it, just because we realize there are flaws to something does not mean we don't appreciate what they are. If you think this is a place where you are going to get slammed only because of what you (and I'll keep you vague) shot or show - and you started this being "about the Ion" go away.... seriously - no bash of the marker, the body (which I don't like), or SP.. this one is all about you and the attitude.

And I think.. without that cut, that marker may end up looking decent... I just really do not like the cut to show off the tube. Maybe Im off, I'm not the prospective market, you asked for opinions you got them, mine is surely not "its an Ion it sucks"/

me and my attitude? hmm.....well if thats all your worried about then this looks like its the end of discussion here.

07-18-2005, 09:59 AM
me and my attitude? hmm.....well if thats all your worried about then this looks like its the end of discussion here.

Its the OMG you don't like it.... you must be bigoted against it because its not a mag. Most of us on here can like / dislike things regardless of what it is. Honestly most opinions against this markers cosmetics (I'm no mind reader so I assume) have nothing to do with it being an Ion or non-mag.

I think that this trying to give the idea if someone doesn't like something that was not AGDhey must be bigoted and... thats simply not true. I can not like it because I do not think it flows aesthetically.... And many other people don't like it for reasons that have nothing to do with who made it.

07-18-2005, 10:04 AM
Its the OMG you don't like it.... you must be bigoted against it because its not a mag. Most of us on here can like / dislike things regardless of what it is. Honestly most opinions against this markers cosmetics (I'm no mind reader so I assume) have nothing to do with it being an Ion or non-mag.

I think that this trying to give the idea if someone doesn't like something that was not AGDhey must be bigoted and... thats simply not true. I can not like it because I do not think it flows aesthetically.... And many other people don't like it for reasons that have nothing to do with who made it.

omg youre as bad as my wife when it comes to trying to get the final word in. ok tell you what.......go ahead and have the last word doesnt make any diference to me.and be sure to take this personally, im not going to loose any sleep over any offense you may think i directed specifically towards you.


07-18-2005, 10:07 AM
omg youre as bad as my wife when it comes to trying to get the final word in. ok tell you what.......go ahead and have the last word doesnt make any diference to me.and be sure to take this personally, im not going to loose any sleep over any offense you may think i directed specifically towards you.


I win... E-cool points for me :clap: :clap: :clap:


You know... as much as you annoy me sometimes, I don't put you on the ignore list because you still have valuable contributions, if I have any right to judge :D

Lots of emoticons make it friendly right? ;) :dance:

07-18-2005, 11:29 AM
This thread went downhill fast, and the "pieces of advice" per "number of posts" ratio is dismal

I would suggest closing this thread and opening a new one for constructive criticism as opposed to personal sniping and syntax debates.

I don't care what kind of gun you like or how many bodies you've designed this place sounds like an elementary school.

Oh and, I still think it looks good...

07-18-2005, 11:48 AM
I win... E-cool points for me :clap: :clap: :clap:


You know... as much as you annoy me sometimes, I don't put you on the ignore list because you still have valuable contributions, if I have any right to judge :D

Lots of emoticons make it friendly right? ;) :dance:

of course. nothin but friendly conversation to make MOnday go by faster.

you werent like on the debate team back in school were you? like state champ or anything? youre pretty good at this stuff.

:cheers: actually AO all needs to get together and discuss PB in general over a few pints

07-18-2005, 01:07 PM
Looks great, and with how much you've cut out, it should be really light.

Just curious, how white is your white anno? Most I see are normally silver or something, as achieving a near-white color is supposedly tough.

Either way, good luck selling man. You have a good looking product, and for ion owners concerned with the quality of the stock ion's aluminum (and looks) this would be a good thing to get.

07-18-2005, 01:40 PM
While I like the body, I think the cuts intop it are a little too agressive, and I dont like the frame and vert ASA at all.
If I owned an ION, I've probably just buy the body.

While I dont like it as a whole, doesn't mean others wont. Good luck selling those things, guy.

07-18-2005, 04:20 PM
I think that even though JimmyBeam might be a little biased towards the "hatred", being an Emag(x2) and an ION owner, I have noticed it too. And then after Lohman446 goes through his little speal about JimmyBeam being too biased against the ION/SP Naysayers, then SpartanX comes in and pretty much proves JimmyBeam's point!!!! Or atleast, IMHO...

At last SP had made a Disposibale gun! LoL...

I guess a Kit like this is if you plan to keep it..heh.

BTW, I love the frame, but also feel that the cutout doesn't look as good in reality as it did in the CAD drawings...

paint magnet
07-18-2005, 06:10 PM
Doesn't look that bad at all. I say function before fashion. . . .

Well, you're entitled to your opinion...but why compromise when you can have both? :)

In a fanboy voice *I dont see why everyone accuses us of hating something because its not AGD. I dont know WHERE in the WORLD someone got that Idea.?* :tard:

read the first few posts and you will see. Nobody said your name specifically, but yet you feel the need to defend yourself when some other AOer makes such statements.

AH the irony. It is BEYOND ugly, but it wants to grow up to be a devil mag? Does that mean the devil mag is BEYOND the ion ugly? Or does it mean the Devil mag is ugly? or does it mean that the Ion looks like the devil mag? hmmm. points to ponder. :rolleyes:

Right, we hate everything that's not made by AGD. That's why we have an ANGEL forum on a board funded, run by, and about AirGun Designs products. :rolleyes:

Would you care to explain to me exactly what I am "trying" to "defend" myself from?

I said it was beyond ugly because in my opinion, it is. I said it looks like it wants to grow up and be a Devil Mag because it looks like someone's hack job impersonation of a Devil Mag, not because I think that Devil Mags are better.

point taken.

but how can you say one is ugly but think the other one is a sexy gun

sure, they operate completely diferent, but are very look very close at the same time

I think that's one of the main reasons...it looks so much like a Devil Mag but it's different, so that it looks like whoever designed it was trying to make an imitation...sort of like the Psycho Ballistics Lightning 'cocker clones and the Dye Reflex / Ultralites.

In any case, whether I like it or not doesn't really matter since I don't plan on buying an Ion anyway. The silver seems to look better though, perhaps it's the contrast between the silver and black. And it really does look better without the Evil parts on there, it just flows a lot better. I'm still not saying that I like it, but it is an improvement over the stock body.

*edit* - Didn't mean to post the pics again.

07-18-2005, 07:33 PM
Good post

Enjoy it while it lasts, it doesn't happen very often.

Now to contribute something helpful to the thread can we get a picture with a 45 frame on it? I didn't see one but I think it would help, and a different barrel. I don't mind Evil barrels, but that one doesn't match it well at all IMHO. Good luck at any rate. Thanks.

07-18-2005, 08:48 PM
vert frames anger me.

07-18-2005, 11:19 PM
vert frames anger me.

heres a milled and annoed stock 45 frame. maybe someone could photoshop it onto the Element body


07-18-2005, 11:43 PM
I did just that, and it look LOADS better without the vert frame on it.
(In my opinion, at least)

07-18-2005, 11:46 PM
I did just that, and it look LOADS better without the vert frame on it.
(In my opinion, at least)

ooooo.....please say you're hosting as we speak

07-18-2005, 11:47 PM
ooooo.....please say you're hosting as we speak

My rendition was crappy, and not worth posting, but yeah, I'l work on it, and post:)

07-18-2005, 11:56 PM
Right, we hate everything that's not made by AGD. That's why we have an ANGEL forum on a board funded, run by, and about AirGun Designs products. :rolleyes:

Would you care to explain to me exactly what I am "trying" to "defend" myself from?

I said it was beyond ugly because in my opinion, it is. I said it looks like it wants to grow up and be a Devil Mag because it looks like someone's hack job impersonation of a Devil Mag, not because I think that Devil Mags are better.

Nice recovery. :p

07-18-2005, 11:59 PM
I like the look of it. If i were to get an Ion, this would be what I would want. Nice job man.

07-19-2005, 12:03 AM
ooooo.....please say you're hosting as we speak

Before anything, Im aware that this looks horrible.
It was a three minute hack job.


07-19-2005, 12:04 AM
looks good with the stock frame too. I didn't have a problem with the vert frame, but anyway, It really is a nice looking body for the Ion.

nice job derek. :cool:

07-19-2005, 12:54 AM
That looks really good. I would buy it if i had an ion.

Head knight of Ni
07-20-2005, 12:57 AM
could you elaborate just a bit as to why you dont like it? or you just saying that simply becasue its an Ion?

The frame is too skiny. Just doesn't flow for me. The body is nice though.

07-20-2005, 07:15 AM
i got to hold it. i have big hands. the gun i don't care for looks but it has to "feel good." it could look all it want but it has to be comfortable in your hands.

07-20-2005, 10:03 AM
Well i like the ion, so good job, but i do think that the trigger guard is a little big. :spit_take

07-20-2005, 10:04 AM
i got to hold it. i have big hands. the gun i don't care for looks but it has to "feel good." it could look all it want but it has to be comfortable in your hands.

oh really? hows that?

Sithos lives down in florida, you're in NY and it hasnt been released yet. So im just wondering how you got ahold of it?

07-20-2005, 10:06 AM
oh really? hows that? Sithos lives down in florida and it hasnt been released yet

You read that outside of how it was meant - ambiguos grammar. I got to hold it - not as he has held it, but he has to hold it in order to buy it.

And honest.. umm, I'm not just hunting down your posts to harass you.. honest :cheers:

07-20-2005, 10:08 AM
You read that outside of how it was meant - ambiguos grammar. I got to hold it - not as he has held it, but he has to hold it in order to by it.

And honest.. umm, I'm not just hunting down your posts to harass you.. honest :cheers:

looks at post.....

looks at clock.....

*rubs eyes* oh ok, 8:30 am.....im going back to bed

07-20-2005, 10:09 AM
oh really? hows that?

Sithos lives down in florida, you're in NY and it hasnt been released yet. So im just wondering how you got ahold of it?

Astral Projection, silly! Like right now, I'm projecting my self to the womens bathroom at the fair grounds! :D

09-29-2005, 06:51 PM
so how much are these bodies going for or gonna go for

09-30-2005, 04:07 PM
wow, a little more acid than i'm used to seeing from muzicman.

anyway, i agree with lohman, the cut looks bad. and so does the back end. someone need's to figure out what to do with the back end of an ion, and soon. my biggest problem with the body, (i think the frame looks fine), is that if you are going to make something custom, why make it look like a section of tube that you put in a notching machine instead of making something with a little more character? even changing the shape of the cutout would help. possibly taking some notes from dye by using some sharp pointies in there somewhere. then again, i make knives as a hobby so sharp pointies are my thing. the cutout, as lohman suggested doesn't even need to be there if you have some features on the side instead of making it all round and smooth. but hey, to each his own. i'm glad that someone likes it, but i know that i don't.

it is still nice to see someone making money selling aftermarket parts for production paintguns. it says to me that the sport is doing well and that people still apreciate design and ingenuity.


and as to why i personally like the pictured devilmag more than the pictured ion? well, the automag's defining feature has always been the single tube, which i think looks sleek and nice. but while looking at them i realized why i think it looks sleek and nice compared to the ion. the automag is longer, it may not be longer in reality (while holding one i noticed that the extra diameter of the ion's tube is somewhat decieving) but the body extends farther back past the gripframe giving it a sleek, long, lean look. the ion on the other hand is still small but it gives the impression of being more compact rather than sleek. like a tricked out import "crotch rocket" compared to a long, lean, custom chopper. i know it's a bad analogy but i was really just comparing shape.

and " how can you say one is ugly but think the other one is a sexy gun?" well, because i am an art student studying for automotive and product design and therefore i am conditioned to nitpick. :D