View Full Version : cool game idea.

07-17-2005, 09:56 PM
Ok while playing paintball saturday at paintball charleston here in S.C. the owner/head ref comes out and is liek who would like to play a game in the shade..seeing how it was prolly 92+ everyone was up for it.SO he begins to explain this idea for a game he has....there is about a 20 yard road that leads to the start of one of the fields its not used for playing just an acces road..well this became the location for this new game..the road is built up so there is a ridge on both sides one team was on one side the other team on the opposite side and in the middle of the road there was a tic-tac toe board drawn in the dirt...yea incase you didnt catch that we played tic-tac toe paintball style...basically one team is X;s other O's who ever had the most of thier teams symbol on the board at the end of the game won...or if no one got any marks it was total elimination.Yea it was an interesting expierence..next time you have a good bit of people and a decent field give it a try its a nice change..near impossible to put marks up but there are the few ballsie ones that jump up in the middle of a 60 person gun fight to put an x or o up...yea im bored so thought i would share my little story.