View Full Version : HOLY CRAP! Tadao releases M7!

07-18-2005, 01:53 AM
holy crapzorz! this is insane!

this board is loaded to the max, and i cannot wait to grab one for my dmc.

Tadao Technologies is proud to announce the release of the THump, the Tyler Humphrey Signature DM4/5/C board.

The THump features the all new Musashi 7 software, providing outstanding performance with simple operation and a multitude of new features:
Fully functional in the Dye DM4, DM5, and DMC
Enhanced power switching hardware for the solenoid is capable of pushing 10 amps, more than 3 times the capability of the stock board.\
Includes twelve (12) fire modes:
uncapped semi-auto
capped semi-auto
PSP auto-response
PSP mild ramping
PSP max ramping
PSP z-burst
NXL full-automatic
mild ramping
max ramping
Asynchronously monitors the trigger switch using an interrupt based scan at 2 million times per second, faster than any other aftermarket board or chip for the DM4/5/C
Breakout setting allows 3 different options for every fire mode, giving 36 different breakout modes
Adjustable ABS programming prevents first shot drop-off
AMB and CPF algorithms help to eliminate mechanical bounce and switch bounce
Power efficient software and hardware lengthens battery life
Programming mode allows changes to debounce, dwell, loader delay, AMB, ABS dwell, fire mode, fire mode max rate of fire, eye mode, CPF, ramp start, breakout mode, and LED colors
All settings are stored in non-volatile memory so they are not lost when battery is disconnected
One-touch startup enables the marker to fire instantly
Automatic 15-minute idle power down saves batteries
Three eye modes:
forced with force shot
test mode with rate of fire indicator
Fully adjustable color schemes
Low battery indicator hardware and software shows battery level each time the marker is turned on
BMR (bad membrane recognition) allows the user to keep playing when the eye button fails on the membrane pad

i mean, thats insane

i had been wondering why m5 was out for everything else, when tadao started off with the matrix, techs for trauma etc. now, we are presented with this, also rumors are custom board colors, and a new solenoid for the dm series of markers.

insane, i <3 will

for more info http://www.thematrixcenter.com/pc/viewPrd.asp?idcategory=0&idproduct=886

07-18-2005, 07:38 AM
Looks good, but I still prefer the TAG boards. How much does this thing cost? I know im blind, but I didnt see a price listed.

07-18-2005, 09:05 AM
IMO Tadao makes better boards that anyone out there as of now. IMO advpb made better boards than TAG, but since the PBN scam w/ advpb and thier lies and deception, I like Pred boards better than Advpb boards. But still not better than Tadao.

if its a chip. itll run about 65-70 bucks

If its a board it will likely be 100+ bucks.

07-18-2005, 09:06 AM
does it also make toast? it isn't a truly good board unless it also makes toast. :bounce:

007, my SFL makes toast... does yours? ohh yah, you sold yours......

07-18-2005, 11:03 AM
eh, im sure it could make toast if it so wanted to :)

speculated price will be 130, it cannot be loaded on to the current chips, because the program is so massive.

07-18-2005, 12:12 PM

ooo man ooo man

will it be coming out for vikings??

please say they are :D

07-18-2005, 02:25 PM
Oh well, it was just a matter of time before Will (who always took the 'high road' and condemned cheater guns) produced a real cheater board.


07-18-2005, 02:42 PM
Just giving us more options... Now if we could adjust everything, that would add to the fun :)

07-18-2005, 02:53 PM
Oh well, it was just a matter of time before Will (who always took the 'high road' and condemned cheater guns) produced a real cheater board.


Yeah, well, IMO tadao is close enough to ramping anyway IMO,just got it in my viking last week, had it in my trix, have used it in teammates alias and dm5's, on all of em, you just bump up the AMB, drop the debounce, and it will start bouncing/adding shots only once you start walking at a decent speed on all of them, has the same effect as ramping, and, cant really be caught without a robot. Not that the bord cant be set up legally, but, it is very easy to set it up illegally without getting caught.

Anyway, assuming tyler/the rest of trauma has M7 already, ill try and snag one of their markers at practice tomorrow and try it out.

Anyway, almost everything i play now uses PSP shooting rules, so, i dont really see the advantage of M5 or M7 over M3. Shure, battery lvl indicator, test mode, NXL mode, gangster mode, all fun, but, as far as functionality, if its got semi, and PSP mode, then, im good.

07-18-2005, 02:59 PM
why are you people so hyped up.. it won't improve your game at all. the only thing you'll truly notice is possibly better battery life.

i think it's sick how guns need to have all these firing modes.. soon paintball players won't have to do much for themselves..

i can't wait until they release a hockey stick with 3 firing modes, slap, wrist and backhand. should be amazing.. :tard:

07-18-2005, 03:51 PM
Eh I just got m5, my connector pin was bent and Will fixed it for free.

07-18-2005, 03:51 PM
why are you people so hyped up.. it won't improve your game at all. the only thing you'll truly notice is possibly better battery life.

i think it's sick how guns need to have all these firing modes.. soon paintball players won't have to do much for themselves..

i can't wait until they release a hockey stick with 3 firing modes, slap, wrist and backhand. should be amazing.. :tard:
No worries people, it's just that guy that doesn't really know what he's talking about, or have a valid opinion.

07-18-2005, 04:26 PM
does it also make toast? it isn't a truly good board unless it also makes toast. :bounce:

007, my SFL makes toast... does yours? ohh yah, you sold yours......

lol, I bet it doesnt tell time though. Who cares about toast during a paintball game, but time. That would be good. Nope, it doesnt, but my Timex board on my mech mag does. Even has custom cut dye grips to match so I can read it.

If anyone didnt get the Timex joke, i'm just gonna quit now

07-18-2005, 04:39 PM
No worries people, it's just that guy that doesn't really know what he's talking about, or have a valid opinion.

Actually he came up with a really good analogy, and you guys just can't get past your ramping to actually see he's right. I once heard a guy say,"anyone can do 17 bps sitting at the chrono, but its harder to do it ingame. Ramping just makes it easier to do 17 off the break or while running to your position. It takes some of the stress off so you're more concentrated" Honestly, if you can't keep the same game all around, your just not good enough. There's always going to be stress, and if you can't handle it, thats why pros get paid. Ramping is just making this a sport for everyone. Put a 50 buck ramping board in an ion and even Preston from Jackass can play paintball, not well, but thats what everyones been lowering themselves to. Im sorry, but ramping is the reason I went back to my mag and mech cocker. Sure, i'm getting an angel, but it'll be 2k2 lcd and i wont change the board for a while.
I think that since CFOA changed their rules, maybe everyone should. Honestly, it would really prove what kind of game you have if the bps max is 10. Accuracy would be a valuable part of practice, not cheating and Ramping. It would solve the problem of "He bonus-balled me" Now the only other problem to solve would be cheating ingame, but hey, maybe its a problem with the # of refs per game. And if # of refs=more money spent, well, since ppl will be spending less on paint, im sure they will be willing to pay more for the entrance fee.

But then theres that problem with the paint suppliers. Because this all boils down to them. If you havent noticed, by making it easier to shoot more paint, the only company that wins are the companies that make paint. ramping=more paint shot=empire's "Get richER quick" scheme

But hey, thats my $0.02
By all means, tear me apart on this argument, b/c obviously, this disagrees with a lot of ppl

07-18-2005, 04:42 PM
No worries people, it's just that guy that doesn't really know what he's talking about, or have a valid opinion.

well mobsterboy already tore your post a new one, but while you're here would you like to back-up your post.. for the first time ever? It's easy to come into a thread and call someone brainless... it's a whole new story to actually bring up some sort of evidence to back up your theory.

i'm listening.

all eyes on you sonny boy.

07-18-2005, 04:47 PM
well mobsterboy already tore your post a new one, but while you're here would you like to back-up your post.. for the first time ever? It's easy to come into a thread and call someone brainless... it's a whole new story to actually bring up some sort of evidence to back up your theory.

i'm listening.

all eyes on you sonny boy.
I'm not even going to read his reply. Why? Because I wasn't arguing for or against the board, just letting everyone who DOESN'T already know, that you ARE in fact brainless.

Am I a jerk? Sure. But it's better than being an idiot.

07-18-2005, 05:01 PM
I'm not even going to read his reply. Why? Because I wasn't arguing for or against the board, just letting everyone who DOESN'T already know, that you ARE in fact brainless.

Am I a jerk? Sure. But it's better than being an idiot.

"Hey kettle.. this is pot. You're black"

07-18-2005, 05:21 PM
"Hey kettle.. this is pot. You're black"

:spit_take :cheers:

07-18-2005, 05:42 PM
why are you people so hyped up.. it won't improve your game at all. the only thing you'll truly notice is possibly better battery life.

i think it's sick how guns need to have all these firing modes.. soon paintball players won't have to do much for themselves..

i can't wait until they release a hockey stick with 3 firing modes, slap, wrist and backhand. should be amazing.. :tard:

Thanks for trying to troll crapface, but in reality, you are completely wrong. The board will improve your ingame performance, through closer consistency by supercharging the solenoid. Apparently you suck at reading and missed the part that the board can handle more power, send more to the solenoid, so that there arent any power fluctuations.

SO, plese, stop trolling, get over your limpwristed self, and quit trying to sound all hoity toighty, because all you are doing, both here and the nation, is making your self look like a real dumbass

07-18-2005, 05:54 PM
well mobsterboy already tore your post a new one, but while you're here would you like to back-up your post.. for the first time ever? It's easy to come into a thread and call someone brainless... it's a whole new story to actually bring up some sort of evidence to back up your theory.

i'm listening.

all eyes on you sonny boy.

Im with squid i see you in these ramping threads making usless post about how ramping sux...blah blah....ehh now im making a useless post

anyway ramping can help your performance if the series you play allows it why not use it,especially when 95 percent of your opponents are using it..

07-18-2005, 06:06 PM
One thing i've noticed here is 90% of the members refuse to believe ramping is now part of the game. In their minds its cheating, plain and simple. Well those people need to realize its legal in most tournaments now, so its not always cheating. Not every board with alternate firing modes is a cheater board. Either get over it or stick to tournaments where it isn't legal, just stop the pointless arguments in every thread that mentions ramping

07-18-2005, 06:23 PM
i wont even be using it for ramping, i play nppl, and nppl style tournaments, as i like that format, and i despise the psp. thats besides the point tho, it will be an awesome semi board as well

07-18-2005, 07:10 PM
excuse my ignorance, but what's "PSP with z-burst" and "z-burst?"

and I thought PSP was capped at 15bps, not 10?

07-18-2005, 07:13 PM
excuse my ignorance, but what's "PSP with z-burst" and "z-burst?"

and I thought PSP was capped at 15bps, not 10?

10 for people who feel bad about shooting 15 effortlessly and find comfort in only shooting 10 effortlessly.

it's like amnesty for lazy paintballers.

07-18-2005, 08:01 PM
10 for people who feel bad about shooting 15 effortlessly and find comfort in only shooting 10 effortlessly.

it's like amnesty for lazy paintballers.

Not making yourself look better here.

07-18-2005, 08:03 PM
Not making yourself look better here.

what? it's true. what other purpose does it serve?

oh yeah, ramping w/ 15bps is so uncontrollable that paint will come out faster than you want.. so at 10bps you can lazy spray without using more paint than you like.

another alternative.. SEMI AUTO.. what you pull is what you shoot, no paint management problems.

have I missed anything?

07-18-2005, 08:48 PM
ok, madpsience, shutup, your true jackass colors are showing
I wasnt trying to tear anyones post a new one, i was just letting all you rampers alike know why they came out with this board, and if you'll see it, the FIRST FIRING MODE is Uncapped BPS....hmmm, maybe i was right, the board programmers and the paint companies are conspiring. Also, Im pretty sure that if the human hand can only pull/walk/fan the trigger at a max of 17, why get the 130 board when a 50 board or a 15 board or the STOCK board will do just fine. I see no reason to shoot a M7 in NPPL when you cap at 17 anyway. Im talking fullfledged 17 no bounce, no cheating, like, i go out to my impulse with its 40 buck ecs program flash, visioned, slap my halo with paint and air it up, i can hit 17. Not I get my m7'ed matrix, paint in, air it up, swing it around 3 times while chanting,"I wish my fingers can pull faster" and hope to the devil that debounce will save me.

Honestly, if you bothered, you'd find out that being able to hit high rof without the crutch of ramping or some new board thing is a great feeling. And just for all the ppl who still dont understand why the new m7 board is "better" than the m5, its all about resale. Gotta know that their gun is worth a few dollars more, even at the cost of a benjamin or 2.

Squid, obviously you take for fact that you can be an ******* about things, and have your way, but so can madpsience. But MadPSIence, you really came off as the class nerd, im not taking your side or his, so stop acting childish and just realize this is new product, and no mattter what we say, its not gonna go away

07-19-2005, 01:20 AM
do you read? did you see what i said about the power out put?

07-19-2005, 01:20 AM
we get contacted all the time from paint companies that want us to create more modes that will force the players to shoot more paint. ;)

That M7 looks interesting......and familiar in a way.....LOL God what a business

07-19-2005, 01:23 AM
.....(who always took the 'high road' and condemned cheater guns).

So you are saying he is against cheater guns/code?

07-19-2005, 07:08 AM
do you read? did you see what i said about the power out put?

And that does what if you can only truly shoot 17 bps?

07-19-2005, 09:48 AM
for the love of pete let's get back on topic (save the ramping=cheat for the threads I ignore)

I'm getting seriously pissed about this constant update crap from tadao. I have three of his boards (timmy,shocker,dm5) and he just released M5, which will cost me $15 a pop to update my boards, which already had to be updated for the m3 not long after purchase. Now along comes m7 which forces me to replace my less than 1 year old chip to get the latest software, for another $100+.

07-19-2005, 09:51 AM
I love my Tadao board.


Is there even a need for these other modes of fire?

Not really.

It's a novelty, at best.

07-19-2005, 10:13 AM
So you are saying he is against cheater guns/code?

Well, he was opposed to cheater code... but there's no way that you can look at this new software as anything but a board that's designed to cheat. The m5 software already offers legal PSP, NXL, etc modes... this one adds on smooth ramping (at least that's what I'd guess mild ramping is) and 'breakout' modes. I'm disappointed to see this coming from Will.

07-19-2005, 10:15 AM
I'm getting seriously pissed about this constant update crap from tadao. I have three of his boards (timmy,shocker,dm5) and he just released M5, which will cost me $15 a pop to update my boards, which already had to be updated for the m3 not long after purchase. Now along comes m7 which forces me to replace my less than 1 year old chip to get the latest software, for another $100+.
no one has a gun to your head. Just stick with m3, its got what you need

07-19-2005, 10:31 AM
define opposed please 'cause I need to clear up a discussion we are having here at the shop.
I understand that there are multiple levels of opposition so I just need to understand at what level we are on.

07-19-2005, 10:35 AM
I'll see if I can dig up Will's old posts on PBN and Matrixowner... something about how Tadao board were not cheater boards, and how he would never make a board designed to cheat.

07-19-2005, 11:44 AM
Tag, i realize some of the modes are close to what you incorporate, but im sure you know that there just isnt that much that can be done in the way of different codes, they have pretty much all been thought of.

For the record, tadao doesnt create cheater boards, never have and never will.

All the modes, i couldnt give a rats arse about, im interested in the solenoid boost.

What does that matter if i cant shoot over 17 bps? it isnt for that you tool bag, ive explained this already, its for consistency, shot to shot, keeping things on par, keeping them level, with little to no variance or power fluctuations.

That is why i will be purchasing this board.

IF Tag has incorporated it, then well, i might have a moral dilemma, both are great programmers, i have just been shooting tadao since it was first released, im familiar with it, and i like his code.

Much love Bob you know im not hating on your products, and never would. You and your family helped keep me sane while in Chile, and i still appeciate that :)

07-19-2005, 11:47 AM
for the love of pete let's get back on topic (save the ramping=cheat for the threads I ignore)

I'm getting seriously pissed about this constant update crap from tadao. I have three of his boards (timmy,shocker,dm5) and he just released M5, which will cost me $15 a pop to update my boards, which already had to be updated for the m3 not long after purchase. Now along comes m7 which forces me to replace my less than 1 year old chip to get the latest software, for another $100+.

wyn, the m5 softwear will be out on chip form quite soon, m7 from what i can tell, was more of a backlash against advantage, saying, Yea *****es, you ticked me off, look what i can do. Thats the way im interpreting it.

Also, apparently there isnt much of a difference between m5 and m3, baisically you get shot buffering controll with m5, not something that is necessary, but it is another way to controll bounce.

07-19-2005, 11:52 AM
For the record, tadao doesnt create cheater boards, never have and never will.


07-19-2005, 12:00 PM
For the record im assuming = FTR

Tag, from what i have noticed, will does not create cheater boards, its a possiblity that he did make them for trauma, but that is all speculation, no one has truthfully ever come out and exposed him, there fore i am passing on the info. I have no clue what goes on off the record :)

Now, i have absolutely no problems with purchasing a tag board, actually i would love to, purchase both of them, and see which one fits me best, but like most ballers, im dirt poor. I would be willing to perform a double blind test on both of them, if you were to loan out one of your boards, and i will purchase the tadao board. which ever i decide on, will be the one i keep. For example, if i decided on the Tag board, and it would be the one which in most if not all aspects surpassed the tadao board, i would purchase the tag board, and sell off the tadao, etc etc.

Im up for it if you are :)

07-19-2005, 12:26 PM
no this is not about purchasing my products. We have a very specialized market and we make a point to keep our products diff. from anyone elses. Trust me when I say I would rather someones money go to Will instead of Mike any day. When we are at an event we always recommend people go visit Will when they ask for specific features that we do not offer. I make it a pint to fnd out where they are located and what itesm they have in stock and I never expect them to do the same. This is just how we do buisness. If you prefer tadao products then that is what you should buy.

07-19-2005, 01:06 PM
Bob, the way i read that was in a defeinsive tone, and i dont want you to be defensive, because in no way am i, or would i ever try to attack you :)

I realize this isnt about buying your products, to me, its about finding out what is best for me, and what might be better for most ballers in my situation.

I think that the fact that you are a stand up businessman, the fact that you actually go and tell your possible customers to go shop around, is a true statement of your, and tag sportz as a whole's integrity, and that fact alone would make me want to purchase your products.

I just put the whole testing part in there because in all honesty, im torn :)

I have been using tadao products since their start, which is the reason for the initial post, but there is no reason that something cant persuade me, or others to different products. As i said, the one feature, out of all the rest that stood out in my mind, was the power boost to the solenoid, even though that in its self is just a minute issue.

I think this thread is just proving, what a complex, and confusing ths whole business can be :)

07-19-2005, 02:34 PM
No wonder I quit playing, you need a flippn' PhD to figure out which mode you need to use.

07-19-2005, 04:18 PM
What does that matter if i cant shoot over 17 bps? it isnt for that you tool bag, ive explained this already, its for consistency, shot to shot, keeping things on par, keeping them level, with little to no variance or power fluctuations.

That is why i will be purchasing this board.

Hmm, well if the m5 could keep up with 17 bps, which most players max at when they have "true shots", and not have any fluxes, then why m7? I'll let you think about it and get back to me. (Hint: It's because the board is a crutch, and its gonna shoot more than 17, hence the reason why its "Apparently you suck at reading and missed the part that the board can handle more power, send more to the solenoid, so that there arent any power fluctuations."(by you magman007)

Why the sudden need for more power? something tells me that its all about showing off inbetween practices, and this board really isnt useful unless you change from psp, to ramping to nppl style, to rec, to woods, to cheating, to anything. And usually by the time you switch from one to the other, you already have other guns that do the changing for you.

07-19-2005, 04:19 PM
No wonder I quit playing, you need a flippn' PhD to figure out which mode you need to use.

Exactly my point, and as i told a guy who I was talking to about a trade (After he told me his 2k2 angel had over 20 modes, and 5 programming settings)" I only use one mode, the firing mode :D "

07-19-2005, 04:44 PM
i can tell you 3 words can settle this all


07-19-2005, 09:07 PM
Hmm, well if the m5 could keep up with 17 bps, which most players max at when they have "true shots", and not have any fluxes, then why m7? I'll let you think about it and get back to me. (Hint: It's because the board is a crutch, and its gonna shoot more than 17, hence the reason why its "Apparently you suck at reading and missed the part that the board can handle more power, send more to the solenoid, so that there arent any power fluctuations."(by you magman007)

Why the sudden need for more power? something tells me that its all about showing off inbetween practices, and this board really isnt useful unless you change from psp, to ramping to nppl style, to rec, to woods, to cheating, to anything. And usually by the time you switch from one to the other, you already have other guns that do the changing for you.

you fool, its for shot to shot consistency, i explained this earlier, and yes, you do suck at reading. thanks.

07-19-2005, 09:18 PM
well who cares about shot to shot consistency...all the other boards get just as good shot to shot consistency. You just dont understand, this was made for high speeds, illegally high speeds

07-19-2005, 09:38 PM
no you fool, other boards do not have just as good shot to shot consistency, atleast, none of the other chip set boards, im not sure about the Pred board from tag tho.

That is why tadao is fixing it. to get the +/- down to the lowest it can go.

the board was not made for illegally high speed, as the board is made to be legal in all aspects. its up to the user whether he plays legally or not.

please, quit trolling


Who cares about shot to shot consistency? are you retarded? Consistency=accuracy, much more than paint to barrel match.

07-19-2005, 10:49 PM
Whatever happened to one pull one shot ?


07-19-2005, 11:37 PM
hey, its all i still use :)

07-20-2005, 09:52 PM
forget it, its not worth fighting with a 2 year old that cant understand. Whatever makes you think this is worth the 140 to get a WHOLE NEW BOARD, when your current board is just as good. AND OMFG, if you tell me I cant read one more time, I swear to you this will not be the last time i post on this specific thread.

07-20-2005, 10:01 PM
when "M9" comes out, you fanboys will jump around and bash all nay-sayers with fact-defunct counter argument again...

Tadao M9... now with more amps to the noid .. 11 more firing modes.. and.. a bigger led!! OMG!

now you can shoot another 3bps on top of the already supported 50! and now there's so many ramping modes you'll have a great day just picking one!

meanwhile you still can't pull more than 15 in semi and ramping is still capped at 15.. far less than even the M3 could support.. yet M5, and M7 are fantastically new to you all.

come on.. have some sense.

07-20-2005, 10:02 PM
I can pull 17 thx ;)

07-20-2005, 10:09 PM
when "M9" comes out, you fanboys will jump around and bash all nay-sayers with fact-defunct counter argument again...

Tadao M9... now with more amps to the noid .. 11 more firing modes.. and.. a bigger led!! OMG!

now you can shoot another 3bps on top of the already supported 50! and now there's so many ramping modes you'll have a great day just picking one!

meanwhile you still can't pull more than 15 in semi and ramping is still capped at 15.. far less than even the M3 could support.. yet M5, and M7 are fantastically new to you all.

come on.. have some sense.
I bet this guy sucks so hard at playing paintball.

07-20-2005, 10:14 PM
forget it, its not worth fighting with a 2 year old that cant understand. Whatever makes you think this is worth the 140 to get a WHOLE NEW BOARD, when your current board is just as good. AND OMFG, if you tell me I cant read one more time, I swear to you this will not be the last time i post on this specific thread.

well apparently you cant, as i stated that the board isnt good enough, it doesnt allow enough voltage to the solenoid. you are freekin dense.

Madpsience, i already stated, i dont care about firing modes.

let me guess, you are on the preorder for the predator board for e-mags arent you...

07-20-2005, 10:28 PM
well apparently you cant, as i stated that the board isnt good enough, it doesnt allow enough voltage to the solenoid. you are freekin dense.

Madpsience, i already stated, i dont care about firing modes.

let me guess, you are on the preorder for the predator board for e-mags arent you...

Nope. I own a 2004 AKA Excalibur, with the Pandora board. Why? Tadao offers nothing but QUICKER changing of settings. But, I have a V-Link... so Tadao is null and void.

I will be pre-ordering the new Logic E-M frame, because I want to build a mag. Frankly if it came with an old e-mag 3.2 board I'd still buy it.

At this point in technology... buying new boards is a waste of money in the end.

I almost quit believing the moment I heard companies talking about superior "eye logic"

07-20-2005, 10:29 PM
I bet this guy sucks so hard at playing paintball.

you've yet to reply to ANY posts with something more than snide remarks and weak insults. You do realize this makes you look like a stupid fan-boy, right?

07-20-2005, 10:37 PM
do you realize you make your self look like a fool?

get off your high horse

and quit being an annoying, ungreatful little forum troll

07-20-2005, 10:54 PM
you've yet to reply to ANY posts with something more than snide remarks and weak insults. You do realize this makes you look like a stupid fan-boy, right?
No it doesn't.

I don't even use Tadao. I just think you're retarded.

07-20-2005, 11:04 PM
why i got tadao-

for what i play, i have to change between PSP and semi fairly often, with my old board, i have to hook it up to a computor to change between those modes. Also, the PSP mode on my old board was inferior to that which tadao offers. So, got tadao.

I know for a fact that tadao is adding in shots in semi mode (Because, well, its notably faster than the marker was with the previous board and same trigger setup), and, thats its not enough to get caught. I havent used tadao enough to mess with all the settings and try and get it 100% legal, which, i assume you can. But, still, i would would be willing to bet that a majority of tadao owners are not shooting 100% legal setups by any means.

Also, i think updating to anything past M3 isnt needed at all, i have M5 because its the only version avaliable for vikings, but, no performance increases over my teammates M3's, just a few "ooh look at this" type of things on the board

07-21-2005, 02:26 AM
68, change your CPF and you will not see those added shots, its the cue'ing feature messing with you, none of the tadao chips i have used have had this issue of adding shots. Also, it does scan the trigger more often than pandora, and has better eye logic, hence the added speed, also i believe a lighter microswitch is included compared to pandora or was, there fore, that could attribute to your problems.

07-21-2005, 03:34 PM
ok, i'll admit, maybe it sends more voltage to your noid, but really, without ramping, could you really shoot 17 bps constant? Thats the only reason why, rampings out, and with ppl constanting keeping a high rof, voltage could go down, but not enough to notice.

MadPSIence, as much as I know that this board is a waste, shut up.

Squid, wow, your such a big man for putting down a 13 year old like madPSIence (straight out of PBNation). And honestly, other than saying that he's dumb or he sucks at paintball, you really haven't said anything worthwhile. At least I had a good arguement for why they created this board, and although ppl wont believe it, its for cheater setups. So really, say something worthwhile about the board or dont say anything at all, but your just spurring him on to say other crap and then this turns to flaming

Magman007, i might not agree with you, but everyones entitled to their own opinions. Im willing to be the bigger man and say im wrong

07-21-2005, 03:57 PM
*is now 13*

alright, reverse aging! I thought I'd never get those 6 years back

07-21-2005, 08:57 PM
Thanks for seeing the side of the issue i was raising mobster, i knew you werent retarded :)

the thing is, with some dm's the inconsistency is quite noticable shot to shot, most people wrote it off as a nub not knowing how to clean a reg, but after more people started complaining, then will realized it was a bit of a problem. I have never experienced this issue, but i believe it may be prevalent. You may remember the old Resistor mod on dye boards that people were doing to help correct some of this problem, but it ofcourse voided warrenties. now tadao took care of this.

Mad, you act 13, which is sad if you really are 19 you are the worst example of some one in my age group. Learn something, use deductive reasoning, then maybe you can chime in, but otherwise, please shut up. Also, i really am curious, are you getting a predator board? or do you have a devil mag? if so, i laugh at your hypocracy

07-21-2005, 10:58 PM
I am actually considering getting a pred board if they can put them on hyperframes. I'd like to say that I didnt mean to bash anyones product. Magman007, no hard feelings

07-22-2005, 01:35 AM
of course not, it just took a while to get my point across