View Full Version : "it" Ahhhhhhhh

12-01-2001, 08:05 PM
on ABC's good morning america we are supposed learn what "it" is. i guess its supposed to chnage the world and have a bigger economic and environmental impact than the internet.

IT is actually pissing me OFF because i want to know NOW

12-01-2001, 08:10 PM
LOL If "IT" was as World Altering as what the HYPE says it is, I am sure the Government would have taken it over. ;)

Also, I saw interviews with people who have already seen it, and they said they laughed..... that does not inspire great confidence in me, as it being something that societies will be built around. I am sure it is interesting, but other than that..... it is a marketing game, nothing more. :D

12-01-2001, 09:05 PM
but with people like ceo's of apple and 3COM saying it will change the world it makes you wonder

12-02-2001, 01:49 AM
I didnt even hear about it, i wonder what it is....Wait let me guess, a living computer...I'm sorry, I cannot let u do that dave...

12-02-2001, 08:22 AM
Actually it was those SAME people who openly stated it made them laugh. You forget that these "important" people put on their pants just like normal folks. And if you look at some of their histories (or that of their companies) their shining images become tarnished with reality.

I too am interested in seeing what it is, but still think if they laughed about it, it may not be as "important" as the HYPE. And if it was so darn important, why the long process of releasing it? PUBLICITY :D:D:D

After all, the cuetip changed the world as well... but I would not call it that influential in the grand design of things. ;)

12-02-2001, 08:46 AM
everything that i have read said the ceo of amazon.com laughed his butt off, but everyone else seemed pretty impressed. yes we all wear pants. but i guess we'll find out monday anyways.

12-02-2001, 10:18 AM
You know the hover-skateboard Micheal J. Fox used in Back to the Future?

...That's IT.

Shhh... Don't tell anyone.

12-02-2001, 11:06 AM
Flamebo; from the glimpse I saw on Tech TV, it looks like you were rather close, if anyone remembers the 'it' from a couple years ago, that ended up being a stair-climbing wheelchiar, I think its going to be simular, but in scooter form. From the CGI animations they displayed, referring to 'IT' it looks like a bulkyier scooter with one of those try-wheel stair climbing setups... I cant say I actually laughed, but it does look rather rediculious. Who knows, it could have been a hoax that they played to get people wondering, but I somehow doubt it.

Mega Man
12-02-2001, 01:53 PM
LOL! I thought you were reffering to the book/movie with the clown. But getting back into the subject it does fill one with much antisipation.

12-03-2001, 05:20 AM
LOL I got up this morning and the Local Radio Station was talking about "It" and it is a scooter... Like most of us thought it was. It is suppose to be faster and more efficient than normal ones, but is is STILL a SCOOTER. Nothing "revolutionary" there. Sorry.

They are suppose to be testing it here in N.H. and the Postal System will supposedly be trying it with local deliveries (you know the ones normally done by walking). Personally I think people are getting out of shape enough without giving them MORE excuses to NOT walk.

But scooters have been around for far too long to call any innovation involving them revolutionary or World Altering. And since in the bigger Cities, people ALREADY ride them.... LOL Marketing HYPE.

Hey, seems I have already said that. ;)

12-03-2001, 06:21 AM
Yup... just saw it. Pretty interesting. Great work... but FAR from being something that I think will change the world in itself. I think being a wheeled vehicle it will have all the other limitations seen by all others like it.

And having two wheels side by side it has even more problems... such as going over obstacles in a stable manner. I can see it used in Shopping malls in special lanes, but for every day use outdoors..... I will love watching the Mail Carriers crash into things, fall off because it can not negotiate curbs or narrow spaces, etc.

However, what I think WILL help change the world is the technology he USED to make it... but not the actual scooter.

Thumbs up for the technology.... all the rest (as in the scooter itself) is all hype. :D I am sure he is glad he does not NEED money from the sale of this scooter, because I see it as a novelty item, but not a mainstream product. But like I said, I think he will make more money off the Technology he used to create it, NOT from the scooter itself.

But we will see. ;)

12-03-2001, 06:38 AM
LOL I just saw the demonstration of them going over "controlled" obstacles.. very impressive. They will be doing tests to see if it will increase productivity.... I see it in limited uses.

The thing that kind of bothers me though is envisioning a whole city filled with these things. People will become fatter, lazier, and people in general will suffer. BUT it would be wonderful for the elderly..... maybe. I know they tend to drive me crazy behind the wheel of cars, and in the grocery store in their motorized carts.... maybe brain function diminishes along with leg function? ;) (Note: That is a JOKE.. sort of.) Would this really help them then? :D:D:D

But in all seriousness, I see them being a big help in Industrial applications, large plants, mall environments, mail delivery where speed can increase the efficiency of delivery, etc... but for the common person, I don't see it... and I would never own one. It would clash with my mountain bike. :D

Can you see the day when WALKING will be the thing being sold to the public? How about RUNNING? You mean it is a GOOD thing to have to do something YOURSELF? It is HEALTHY? WOW! :D:D:D

Will these be allowed on a Paintball Field? ;)

12-03-2001, 12:38 PM
I think the Segway (which is what IT's real name is) will be a mid-level hit...eventually. Remember, when home/office PCs first were coming out, they cost thousands of bucks and the large majority of the public wasn't sure what they'd need them for. It took time and experience to *accept* the PC as an everyday appliance, and now it's almost inconceivable to most of us to NOT have one. And in that time, society adapted itself to take advantage of what a PC could offer.

The Segway *could* have a similar impact on society by providing an intermediate type of vehicle. Faster than walking, so you can go either the same distance in 1/3 of the time or three times the distance in the same time (I imagine there are tens of thousands of commuters in the DC Metro area alone that are thinking "what if?" right now), MUCH cheaper than a car, especially if you just need to zip a few blocks to the bank or the store or to work, and it takes up less room and is more maneuverable than a bike. I'd love this thing just for getting to our local shopping center...you can hardly drive through the parking lot on some days.

If it follows the market trail of the PC (i.e., improving in function and decreasing in cost), then more and more people will find more and more reasons to own one. And THAT will lead to our society adapting itself to the Segway, by building paved paths, bike/Segway-only thoroughfares, and so forth. I really hope this succeeds (and I hope the Solotrek person VTOL airframe comes to life, too).

12-03-2001, 12:40 PM
Just another excuse for americans to get fatter. "WOW! I dont have to WALK through a mall! YAY! Let me go to Cinnabon and buy a whole box and eat it whilst I ride my magic machine!"

Stupid people, why not turn those resources toward something useful, like finding a renewable power source that dosent pollute or what have you. People who dream up stuff like this "It" make me sick.

12-03-2001, 02:04 PM
Ripoff! I want my hoverboard!

12-03-2001, 03:45 PM
somebody wanna post some pics?
ive read this a few time and still have NO clue what it is that you guys are talking about


12-03-2001, 04:08 PM
Better than just pictures... here is a link to another thread about it and it has a link to their site on it. :D
