View Full Version : pretourney routine

07-18-2005, 08:09 PM
I have noticed that some I sometimes play better when I drink a beer or two before a tourney or league. I was wondering if this is because I get relaxed and take my mind off of paintball or something else? What do you guys do to get ready for a tourny?

07-18-2005, 09:48 PM
Typical pre-tourney "routing"

Wake-up with time to allow for "becoming human" and traveling which will place us at the gate shortly before the field opens.

Go through all the gear, make sure stuff's working, have some breakfast at the field, when the tables open up grab the forms/paint/etc. finish dressing and stretching, fill packs with pods loaded by "Mom" (this person changes from event to event but they're in charge of keeping us in food/water/paint/tools/etc. through the day) and his/her helpers.

Captain's meeting -> Chrono -> Last walk around the fields (order changes depending on how time's progressing) -> Head out to our first field for some visualisations.

Breathe... Breathe... Breathe... Push Play >>> :shooting:

07-18-2005, 10:19 PM
otehr than the ususal pregame routine.

a shave before leaving for the tourney.

no washing my paintball pants, you gotta have a bit of practice mojo in the pants before you play ya now.

a nice steak dinner the night before, for practical reasons.

a heffewiezen or two the night before

07-18-2005, 10:31 PM
b4 tourney, everyone gets togethere at some team members house, we go over all the guns, make shure all equipment is in order, then just mess around/watch a movie/play poker/basketball, whatever untill about 3am, wake up at 7 or 8, depending on toureny/where we have to drive, realize were late....again, make up time on the road, show up, win

07-18-2005, 10:36 PM
"no washing my paintball pants, you gotta have a bit of practice mojo in the pants before you play ya now.

a nice steak dinner the night before, for practical reasons.

a heffewiezen or two the night before"--Carbon

....well said, especially the not washing your pants. I only hose mine off after each day of play so as to keep the "stench of winning" in them. :rofl:

other han that, i might have one or two hits off of the "piece pipe" on my way to the field to aline myself with the gods and to calm the nirves. Im definaly a night befor type of preparer. I usually do all my gear checking at home and just show up the next day ready to play.....oh yeah and definatly some sun salutations(yoga) and alot of streching. skating intensly for 11 plus years has definatly taken its toll.

07-19-2005, 07:44 PM
a heffewiezen or two the night before

great choice

07-19-2005, 07:49 PM
well, umm, sleep? :D

07-19-2005, 08:11 PM
Get dressed, go play, win a couple, lose a couple, have a good day.

07-19-2005, 09:18 PM
Jeez.. i have a little personal thing i do. Say our Tourney is sunday night. I start on Monday.

-Good mile jog/sprint/jog..etc
-No soda, or crap food.

-Good run..
-I like to do things that you need to think fast when doing.. like video games actually, it gets me going.
-No soda, or crap food.

-Real practice, play like 3/3 and 1/1 and practice snap shooting.
-No junk food, or soda. (for the rest of the week.. im sick of repeating it.)

-Relax day.. sleep a lot, and then do a very long intense run at night so i dont die in the heat.

-Make game plans, and figure things out.. and make sure everything works.
-Sprinting, snap shooting... stretching.. all that.

-Have everyone come over and sleepover.. we do nothing but relax and make sure everything works a second time.
-We pack up, and sleep very early.

Sunday Morning-
-Good early run, to make sure we are awake..
-Relax.. stretch, and make sure im ready to go. As long as im not nervous, everything should go well.
-Game time.

Its not exactly like this, but for the futre.. this is how all members of our team will do things before a tournament. Running is important, and making sure everything is ready. No junk food ever..

Feel free to steal this for your team.

07-19-2005, 11:08 PM
I've kind a got this routine where I invite the same friends to show up we have a couple of cigars and beers. I swap out all my batteries, then repack and go to bed. I usually don't sleep more than 4-6 hrs. the night before. I'm trying to work on that, but I tweak on caffeene!! So it's not really a problem.

07-20-2005, 11:39 AM
Jeez.. i have a little personal thing i do. Say our Tourney is sunday night. I start on Monday.

-Good mile jog/sprint/jog..etc
-No soda, or crap food.

-Good run..
-I like to do things that you need to think fast when doing.. like video games actually, it gets me going.
-No soda, or crap food.

-Real practice, play like 3/3 and 1/1 and practice snap shooting.
-No junk food, or soda. (for the rest of the week.. im sick of repeating it.)

-Relax day.. sleep a lot, and then do a very long intense run at night so i dont die in the heat.

-Make game plans, and figure things out.. and make sure everything works.
-Sprinting, snap shooting... stretching.. all that.

-Have everyone come over and sleepover.. we do nothing but relax and make sure everything works a second time.
-We pack up, and sleep very early.

Sunday Morning-
-Good early run, to make sure we are awake..
-Relax.. stretch, and make sure im ready to go. As long as im not nervous, everything should go well.
-Game time.

Its not exactly like this, but for the futre.. this is how all members of our team will do things before a tournament. Running is important, and making sure everything is ready. No junk food ever..

Feel free to steal this for your team.

I think our team captain would be shot if he suggested that to our team :D

Normally its like this

Saturday - start the party at about 3PM - if its an away tournament I quit drinking at about 11PM to be sober to drive otherwise..

Sunday about 8AM - either have another drink or throw up... and then breakfast...


Dumbest move of the day (as voted by the team) buys dinner or covers whatever part our winnings do not. I have always been the one to buy dinner... wonder if that should tell me something??

Though, since some last minute "tuning" issues I have had my team captain normally confiscates my marker for the week before after he verify it works. It seems that I have had had problems in the past after "tuning" a marker to get ready for a tournament.

07-20-2005, 11:45 AM
Normally its like this

Saturday - start the party at about 3PM - if its an away tournament I quit drinking at about 11PM to be sober to drive otherwise..

Sunday about 8AM - either have another drink or throw up... and then breakfast...

Lohman446's got it right on

07-20-2005, 11:45 AM
I like your style, sir.