View Full Version : Well, I’d always thought everyone was carrying on about nothing…

07-19-2005, 10:46 AM
I was at the field on Sunday and my gun stopped working properly during a game. After a little snooping I figured out that it was the loader that was causing the problem. After even more inspection, sure enough the spring tab on the drive cone of my Reloader B had broken off.

I've seen other people complain about this but I've always been surprised that it supposedly happened enough that three different aftermarket drive cones were available.

Let’s just say that I'm no longer a skeptic and I'll be ordering one before the next time I got to play.

07-19-2005, 10:48 AM
I have a delrin cone on mine and love it. I've been through 3 cones over the last 6 months.

07-19-2005, 11:03 AM
I'm planning on getting the derlin one with the SS spring post.

Eatem Alive
07-19-2005, 11:09 AM
when mine broke, i cut a brad and put it in it worked great and never broke again. unfortunately, the tabs in my tray broke...all of them...in one game. the zenitram tray is an awesome replacement.

07-19-2005, 11:10 AM
Funny, same thing happen to me. The loader wasn't feeding, so Me and one of the refs took it apart, discovered the cone drive has broke.
Since it was the beginning of the day and i really wanyed to play, we ghetto rigged a new little thing that catches the spring. It worked great.

07-19-2005, 11:25 AM
You can drill a hole through the drive cone tab (where it was) and use a small metal screw for a ghetto fix.

07-19-2005, 11:59 AM
Ive been thinking about getting one of those replacement cones... which one do you guys recoment? The delrin or aluminum? Where can I get the delrin ones?

Eatem Alive
07-19-2005, 12:04 PM
i like the zenitram one. your better off getting them from your local store so you don't have to pay shipping but if your store don't have them compulsive (http://www.compulsivepaintball.com/items.asp?Mc=Zenitram) does. they ship fast and have great customer service

07-19-2005, 12:09 PM
Ive been thinking about getting one of those replacement cones... which one do you guys recoment? The delrin or aluminum? Where can I get the delrin ones?

Ive heard the aluminum was heavy..maybe they were not talkign about an aluminum one..casue its usually pretty light...but a guy was telling me his friend had a metal cone.(guess aluminum) and he drilled hoels in it to reduce the weight....so i would say get the delrin.Ive heard nothing but good about the zenitram cones.

07-19-2005, 12:22 PM
Ive been thinking about getting one of those replacement cones... which one do you guys recoment? The delrin or aluminum? Where can I get the delrin ones?

This is the one I'm getting:


Captain Canuck
07-19-2005, 08:31 PM
I hear yah Tramp... I didnt believe till one of the guys I played with last time had it happen to him. I am going to get a replcement at IAO then I wont have to worry about mine breaking.

07-19-2005, 09:05 PM
And people want to rant on how Eggs are cheap. At least they aren't $100+

07-19-2005, 09:12 PM
Man who ever said that the aluminum cone was heavy :eek: better go work out. The lightest cone is still the stock cone then the derlin cone then the aluminum cone. But you are talking about fractions of an ounce. Nothing more. Really now ppl. there is no big difference betwwen the cones except the matrial used.

07-19-2005, 09:45 PM
dude go w/ the critical delrin drive cone. Its got the SS tab, and it comes w/ a lifetime warranty and it comes w/ a Delrin Spring cup housing too. Oh ya, and some schnazzy stickers. :D Its more expensive I know, but you will never have another problem. You can do a screw mod for now. I had the same thing happen to me w/ my halo last week. I just put a small screw in place of the tab, and works great for now.

and actually the aluminum ones are slower because they are heavy. Not because ppl cant lift the damn thing. :rolleyes: When I got my critical one I weighed the stock one vs the delrin one on some scales.

Stock = 12.6 g
delrin = 16.0 g

so only 3.4 g difference. I think the zenitram is a bit heaver and has an adjustable screw and no delrin spring housing.

I bought the critical one back before they came w/ the spring housing. One day I came home and to my suprise they had mailed me the delrin spring housing and some more stickers free of charge. They did that to all ppl that had bought one before they came w/ the spring housing.

07-19-2005, 10:53 PM
I have a shocktech aluminum one (got it before the delrin ones came out). I have been happy, but if I needed another one, I would get one of the delrin models.

07-19-2005, 10:59 PM
http://www.blazestorm.net/ninja.jpg but it doesn't look as sweet as mine :)

07-20-2005, 08:06 AM
mine does. Itll look even better when my carbon fiber gets here and I make myself a red/black CF backplate w/ rubber button. :p

07-20-2005, 08:25 AM
dude go w/ the critical delrin drive cone. Its got the SS tab, and it comes w/ a lifetime warranty and it comes w/ a Delrin Spring cup housing too. Oh ya, and some schnazzy stickers.

Isn't that what this one is?


EDIT: Oh, now I see the one you're talking about.

07-20-2005, 08:43 AM
Isn't that what this one is?


EDIT: Oh, now I see the one you're talking about.

I think thats the zenitram one. Its 20 bucks and doesnt come w/ the delrin spring housing. The critical one is 35, but comes w/ the spring housing, and is lighter than the zenitram one by a few grams.

Either one is fine and way better than the stock drive cone, its just if you think about it, the stock spring housing is made of the same plastic as the drive cone and you are using it to stop a delrin drive cone w/ a stainless pin. Eventually that will be the next part that breaks. Thats why I like the critical one.

No more drive cone problems. I think both have a lifetime warranty though. The Zenitram and the Critical one that is.

here is the critical one. You can see the delrin spring housing in the pic too. http://www.criticalpaintball.com/product_info.php/products_id/401

07-20-2005, 08:48 AM
I just ordered a Shocktech aluminum one... something about that white delrin I dont care for ...

I'll let you all know what I think of it when I get it. Ive had my original cone for over 2 years now. Its the only part other than that motor that I havent broken yet, so I figure its due any day now.

07-20-2005, 08:59 AM
... something about that white delrin I dont care for ...

My plan is to dye it some funky color.

07-20-2005, 09:05 AM
I have the Critical one in mine, too. It's worked like a charm.

07-20-2005, 12:15 PM
I bought the critical one back before they came w/ the spring housing. One day I came home and to my suprise they had mailed me the delrin spring housing and some more stickers free of charge. They did that to all ppl that had bought one before they came w/ the spring housing.
same thing happened to me, but I got two. I haven't actually installed mine, since I was too lazy to tear the things apart again.

07-20-2005, 02:33 PM
ya, the delrin ones can be dyed too. They are superior to the aluminum drive cones.