View Full Version : Pixel Car Art

07-19-2005, 09:51 PM
Theres a site that i help run called PCF.. www.pixelcars.com and you make cars in MSPaint. It takes a lot of skill to do. Its really hard to explain how the whole thing works, but ill try.

-First.. you take a base car made by someone else. Then, you edit it in MSPaint/photoshop.. etc and make it look cool.
-Then.. you can go get some parts like rims, and spoilers, etc. and put them on your car.
-Finally.. you post up your car art.. and credit the people who you used parts from.

Heres some of my art-

Its very hard to do.. and takes a lot of time. There really is no point to it, but its fun and a good hobby. I figured i would share this with everyone, im not trying to advertise though.

Ive been making these for over a year.. and it takes a lot of practice to get good. Lots of people on the forum have been doing it for as longer if not longer than me so not everyone will be happy about your first creations or ideas. My name is mugen on it btw.. FYI..

Waste of time? or very neat?

07-20-2005, 09:57 AM
that's cool. reminds me of the old nintendo graphics. good job on them.

07-20-2005, 11:04 PM
Those are pretty sweet.

I like the 8th one. I'm definently into the street scene, but I like my clean. I absolutely hate decals, underglow, chrome wheels, etc.

Nice work!