View Full Version : Resume Help

07-19-2005, 11:46 PM
Ok, I'm fresh out of high school, gonna goto college this fall, and I have no work experience. I'm looking for a job and I see some jobs, even jobs like cashier at a smoke shop, ask for resumes, so can anyone give me some advice on what to put on a resume when I have nothing to put on a resume lol?

07-20-2005, 12:37 AM
Ok, I'm fresh out of high school, gonna goto college this fall, and I have no work experience. I'm looking for a job and I see some jobs, even jobs like cashier at a smoke shop, ask for resumes, so can anyone give me some advice on what to put on a resume when I have nothing to put on a resume lol?

Put down stuff you've done at school... or anything you can think of that could be relevant.

07-20-2005, 12:46 AM
It depends on what the job is you're going after. I like to tailor every resume' to the job I'm applying for. It's not all about work experience, you can put things like hobbies in there as well, or school activities. If the job you're applying for is say, a factory job assembling jewelry put down that you like to make model airplanes, or when applying for a paperwork type job put down that you like to read, got an A in English and you like computers. I like to put things down that separate me from everyone else and also things that will stimulate conversation during the job interview. For example, I've owned a computer since 1982 so when I'm interviewing for a job that requires skills in a program I've never used ... but I'm sure I could figure out in 10 seconds ... I like to point that out and when interviewed I'll mention that I built a microprocessor from scratch and programmed it in hex when I was 15. You don't want to say "no, I've never used that program" and leave it at that.

You also have to know what *not* to put in a resume'. Some jobs I'll put down that I like to play paintball and go hunting but when I applied for a job in a very liberal city I never mentioned that. Months later when I was well established in the job the boss asked me to go with the shop to an anti-gun rally in D.C. and that's when I told her I was an N.R.A. life member. Her jaw hit the floor ... I guess she thought we would all have rebel flag tattoos or something (c:

Oh yeah, spell check and proof read it 5 times if you have to. Then have your Mom go over it too. Some places, especially when they have 100 people applying for 1 job, will just automatically throw out any resume's with mistakes.

07-20-2005, 12:57 AM
don't spill stuff on it, or eat over it... the throw out the greesy ones with dew stains.

anyway, good luck with the job hunt man. Try your local PB shop, fun work.