View Full Version : Am I choking my gun

12-01-2001, 10:09 PM
right now I have micro line connecting my tank to my gun. Does micro line constrict air flow. (The length is really long that is why I have not used macro line.) I was told I should get different line or braided line, by some guys at one of the fields I play at . I have never had problems with my gun up to this point

Thanks for the comments :D

12-01-2001, 10:11 PM
I hear it is not to reliable. I use braided hose myself, that is tough stuff.


12-01-2001, 10:22 PM
stainless steel braided hose is the only way to go:D

tough as nails and good air flow

12-01-2001, 11:06 PM
It's probably constricting it a little, but it shouldn't be a problem. I used to have them on my mag and I never had any shootdown or anything like that. You do, however, have to replace them every once in a while. They wear out. If you get the steel braided hoses then they're good for years as long as they don't rust.

12-01-2001, 11:08 PM
its fine, but investing in a macroline kit is always good....17$?

12-01-2001, 11:49 PM
I use mAcroline on my e-mag, never had a problem. My friend uses microline on his impulse though and he really never seemed to have a problem either.

12-02-2001, 12:08 AM
what more can I add except I use S.S.....did have problems with micro lines.