View Full Version : Bush's Anti Piracy

07-22-2005, 04:47 PM
U.S. High Level Anti-Piracy Post Created
United States
Posted by Zonk on Friday July 22, @03:31PM
from the keeping-the-bread-buttered dept.
Vicissidude wrote to mention a CNN/Money article, announcing that President Bush has created a new senior-level position to fight global intellectual-property piracy From the article: "Bush has tapped Chris Israel, currently deputy chief of staff for Gutierrez, to head up the administration's anti-piracy efforts. China -- where 90 percent of music and movies are pirate copies -- will be a chief priority, Gutierrez said."
"Frankly, our goal is to reduce (China's piracy levels) to zero," Gutierrez said. He declined to specify a timetable, but acknowledged it could be a lengthy effort.

Gutierrez got a personal glimpse of rampant piracy in China during a visit earlier this month, when he was offered the chance to buy a pirated copy of the newest Star Wars movie for $1 dollar, an aide said.

wait a minute is it just me or does this seem like the typical america, always playing the role of big brother. now were gonna police china for piracy? :tard: i mean wth

07-22-2005, 05:03 PM
I doubt Mr. "new kler" will hire anyone with half as much cleverness as most of the pirates. There is a little war going on and so far the pirates are ahead and I see some pretty sophisticate circumvention techniques on the horizon.

Anyway, until the "entertainment" industry stops putting out garbage and stops charging an arm and a leg for it piracy will keep being a "problem".

You might want to check out some of the articles here as well:


Long live Sharereactor!

07-22-2005, 05:12 PM
Lower China's piracy levels to zero? HAHAHAHAHAHA :rofl: I doubt they will even be able to DENT China's piracy levels, let alone lower them that dramatically.

07-22-2005, 05:18 PM
It makes sense that we would want to combat this.

As the goods that are being pirated are generally American and thus American Companies would benefit from people buying their products and not pirated copies.

Will it work?

Probably not.

07-22-2005, 08:55 PM
alot of places never heard of copyright law and are doing just fine...

bush is a butt pirate when it comes to pushing values onto others

07-22-2005, 09:18 PM
bush is a butt pirate when it comes to pushing values onto others

Could be worse, he could be a commie.

07-23-2005, 09:28 AM
alot of places never heard of copyright law and are doing just fine...

bush is a butt pirate when it comes to pushing values onto others

Pushing values? Well, he's doing it so the american entertainment industry can rack in some more money from china. Also in the mean time china can collect some more taxes. This is completely money. He doesnt care about "Thou shall not steal"

07-23-2005, 09:35 AM
Maybe no one has noticed, but America's economy isn't exactly great right now. Bush is trying any way he can to pull more money in. Hell, we need every penny we can scrape up and the music/entertainment industry is a pretty big one in America.

On the other hand, I'm a pirate using Kazaa Lite. So I'd rather see the government try and stop outsourcing rather than crack down on us people sharing music files lol.

07-23-2005, 09:52 AM
On the other hand, I'm a pirate using Kazaa Lite. So I'd rather see the government try and stop outsourcing rather than crack down on us people sharing music files lol.

Ya got a point, but piracy is illegal where outsourcing is not.

07-23-2005, 11:36 AM
If you like the music enough to download it, and listen to it, you should be willing to buy it. There is no justification for pirating music, no matter how hard you try.

07-23-2005, 12:50 PM
If you like the music enough to download it, and listen to it, you should be willing to buy it. There is no justification for pirating music, no matter how hard you try.The majority of people who buy music are also the same ones who "pirate" music. We *do* buy CD's, and go to concerts, and buy the DVD's etc. A lot of times I hear about a band and decide to check them out by downloading a few MP3's.

I'll give you a great example concerning the most greedy bastards out there, Metallica. The first time I heard them was on a compilation tape someone copied for me. Then a girl I knew copied Kill 'em All for me and I was hooked. My first copy of Master of Puppets was a "pirated" copy, but I went to the concert when they played The Living Room in Providence that year, and then when the opened up for Ozzy, and then when they played Monsters of Rock in 88 ... and I bought Master of Puppets on cassette maybe 4 times and then on CD and I bought shirts, I bought Cliff 'em All etc. etc. etc. Still like old Metallica, but I HATE Metallica now and one of the biggest reasons is because of the whole Napster thing. The other reason is that their music sucks now but that's besides the point (c:

The software industry has grown up with piracy and they're successful. They don't sue their customers either. They don't like to admit it but quite often software piracy is good for them ... Microsoft is pirated like crazy all the way back to the beginning and Bill Gates still ended up the richest guy on earth.

On the other hand, I'm a pirate using Kazaa Lite.That's sooooo 3 years ago. Use eMule and download disk images instead lol.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
07-23-2005, 03:34 PM
i <3 emule

07-23-2005, 08:04 PM
well sorta relating to this.... has anyone ever used Tor?

07-23-2005, 09:20 PM
I dug up this little chestnut from an interview in Wired magazine:

"There's upholding the principle. And there's being the only knucklehead left who's upholding the principle."

Bram Cohen - Creator: Bit Torrent

07-25-2005, 04:34 PM
The thing you need to remember about the piracy is this. If you take away the ability of Hollywood / The Music Industry to make money then they won't put out new product. Sure, they probably do charge too much and sure they are a bunch of punks who don't deserve our money.

But if you want to hear new music or watch the next season of Law & Order or see a new Star Trek sequel we're going to need those guys.

I'd love for them to all go bust and have to work at McDonalds. But if that happened I couldn't go to the movies anymore, because there wouldn't be any.

07-26-2005, 03:53 AM
i was in thailand, and we went to some night markets. every few stands there would be ones of people selling CDs and DVDs that in some cases hadnt even been released yet (or were still in theatres.) no one gave a *NO SWEARING*, I even saw a police officer buying a copy of War of the Worlds. the US wont be able to do anything to stop piracy unless the countries involved want to stop it also, and most of them dont seem to care.


07-26-2005, 11:20 AM
Bush is just using this as a way to reward his faithful henchmen, once you say high level, it means "you don't have to do anything, just talk a little about the subject now and then, and we'll pay you a lot of money"

Its the type of job where you are expected to create a little buzz, and not actually accomplish anything