View Full Version : Do you own a cell phone?

12-02-2001, 08:51 AM
I am interested in knowing how many peple have cell phones. Actually how many people dont (which i guess will be a smaller number). Its weird how this technology has exploded.

12-02-2001, 10:16 AM
I got one, and I hate it...

12-02-2001, 10:51 AM
i dont :(

12-02-2001, 11:13 AM
I do, I have 2.. heh

12-02-2001, 12:54 PM
i have one, but its not attached to my ear

12-02-2001, 01:03 PM
I had one, lost it. Never replaced it because I didn't miss it.

Mega Man
12-02-2001, 01:24 PM
I don't have one.......yet. But i'm getting one for Christmas! my cell phone and (hopefully if it comes out) the extreme body upgrade are my main presents!

12-02-2001, 06:57 PM
I dont have one, and I'm never gonna get one either. I hate those stupid things.

12-02-2001, 08:43 PM
I've got one. It's one of those things where once you have one you can't live without it, no matter how big a pain in the rear it is.....kinda like women :D My recomendation is, if you don't need one-dont get one....the phone that is ;)


12-03-2001, 12:22 AM
Where I'm from _everyone_ has one. And if the phone bothers you, get an answering service, put it in silent mode or use the power switch. It really is that easy ;)

Do you have SMSs yet in the USA? (short text messages) How do they work and in what kind of networks? I'm interested in this from a professional point of view, I work between computer and phone networks.

12-03-2001, 12:27 AM
i have one and i dont think i could live without it
im in college and really the ONLY want to get ahold of me is by my cell, cause im never home
so its great
and i have like the 6 billion minute plan from sprint:)

12-03-2001, 06:11 AM
america is just coming around to the SMS stuff. I have it but never use it. with nation wide free long distance it's pointless. I had my E-mail set up to auto forward my E-mails to my phone so I could check for important E-mails before I got home. Also I used the E-mail to send grocery lists to the phone, beats carrying around a piecee of paper at walmart ;)
My provider uses a tri band system. analog-900-1800 I believe. I'm really not shure since I haven't had to mess with it in a while. I'm pretty shure it doesnt work in Europe but won't find out till this may. ONe this I have to say, Europeans SUCK when it comes to cellphones, the fools all have the ringer so loud you can hear it accrost hte airport and then they talk into the thing even louder. No matter where you go there's constantly and I MEAN CONSTANTLY a cell phone going off. It's like they never heard of a vibrating phone. I can't live with the screeching going on all the time.
I'm home less then 8 hours a day, and that's mostly for sleep so I don;t even have a homephone. I have a line but no phone plugged in. I found that alot of places will not accept you're cell as a valid number to reach you and I also found out that telemarketers can't get ahold of you're cell too easy. Which they were the main reason for me to get rid of my homephone. When you can't sleep for longer then 2 hours without a telemarketer calling you have to resort to drastic meashures. I am booked for 1500 minutes a month and have yet to use them all up.

What's really kewl though is all the SMS features. You can even send SMS"s through ICQ AND reply to the SMS back to the ICQ user. So you can ICQ over you're phone on the road to grandmas house! When the WAP phone hit the states I'll be the first to get a hold of one :D

12-03-2001, 08:17 AM
I hope WAP does better in the US than it did on this side of the Atlantic. There were way too big expectations for it, the pricing and services just weren't on par with those at the time it was introduced. There is a great potential in WAP if the right services and user groups meet.

The SMS will change the way you use a phone in the US too, if the companies just don't overprice it. SMS delivery costs next to nothing after all.

12-03-2001, 10:49 AM
All my older brothers have one but we don't get one until we get a car :)

2 more years....

12-03-2001, 04:35 PM
If someone wants to get me a christmass give you can get me a cell phone :)
For $40 a month, ill go find another phone :)

12-04-2001, 10:47 PM
i don't have my phone connected to the internet, but i can recieve text messages. really pointless though since i hardly use text messging or my insane amount of free minutes i have with my plan. i LOVE my free long distance though, i got shafted out the wahoo on roaming charges with my old service provider.

12-05-2001, 08:09 AM
Originally posted by graycie
i LOVE my free long distance though, i got shafted out the wahoo on roaming charges with my old service provider.

No no no! Wasn't me. Couldn't be me. Quit blaming me. I usually insist on dinner and a movie first!!!!

12-06-2001, 08:23 PM
i i've got one, let me reach my parents when i wrapped my 91 explorer around a telephone pole coming home fron my girlfriends house the day after thanksgiving. yea o couldn't live without it,i'm never home now that i'm in college. great plan w/ AT&T 200 anytime minutes and free nites and weekends. good stuff

12-07-2001, 02:04 AM
only 200 minutes?? with my old carrier i had 225 minutes, and paid the same amount i do now but have 2500 minutes.

12-07-2001, 11:47 PM
I don't like cell phones at all... but more then that, I don't like cell phone companies.

Remember the whole thing about cell phones giving you brain cancer? Funny how that disappeared so fast due to a phone company funded test program.

And I don't know if this happened in your city/town but here they raised all of the prives of payphones to $.50, which had everyone saying "gee, I should just get a cell phone if its that much."

And then you look at the side of the phone booth and it says GTE or Pacific Bell or something. Its all just a scam to sell more cell phones.

I pay $1.99 a month for a pager and its good enough for me.

12-08-2001, 08:38 AM
200 weekday umlimited nites and weekends graycie. along with internet access, text messaging and other crap i dont use $30 a month AT&T

12-09-2001, 08:40 AM
I have 1 & my wife has 1. I love the conievence of it. Especially since I drive a truck, it also makes me some $$ by finding loads.:D

12-10-2001, 12:00 AM
I was issued one for work when I was on call. It was a cool nextel (motorla I think actually makes the physical phones), and has a sytem wide intercom on it. Good way to adress everyone at once if people were inthe feild or at diffrent Co-lo's. Bad when there was the phantom moo'r. You would be talking to a client, and next thing you know there are farm animal nosies comming through your phone.

I threw my personal one out never did anything good for me. Anytime someone had to get a hold of me when I wasn't at home, 99% it was badnews

12-10-2001, 03:12 PM
at the very least you can find someone is walmart when you both have a phone

12-11-2001, 09:11 PM
Nokia 3360, love it!, basic package, 100 daytime minutes, unlimited evening and weekends. Great now that i'm in college and always on the go, don't know how i managed without one

12-12-2001, 10:31 AM
Own? No. Have? Yes. I have a NEXTEL i1000+ bought and paid for by my job. I am required to carry it with me 24/7, but I get to use it for all the personal business I want as well as for work.

12-12-2001, 11:09 AM
I've got one because it's actually cheaper due to the massive amount of long distance calls I make. That and it can come with me when I travel.

12-12-2001, 11:34 AM
used to have one ...voicestream. but I got tired of it and now its my travel alarm clock.