View Full Version : interested in building pumpmag

07-23-2005, 01:07 AM
hey can any one help me in building a pumpmag? like how and where to mill things out and a parts list? i have resorted to trying to do this by scratch cuz agd doesnt make pumpkits anymore. so i really need some help in doing this. thank you. :)

07-23-2005, 01:13 AM
yeha i can help you. I built mine. so let me know what you need. like measurements. I would tell you some right now, but i just got off work and am tired. so catch me in the morning

hey if you have msn, my email is [email protected], i think that was it :confused:

07-23-2005, 08:00 AM
Hell No.

07-23-2005, 09:59 AM
thanks gortman i mailed you.
no thanks to darkmag

07-23-2005, 11:03 AM
no prob

but thats my msn account, my bad. if you want to email me use [email protected]. Sorry about that. well i will see if i remember that password

07-23-2005, 11:13 AM
ok now i mailed you. thanks again :)

07-23-2005, 01:02 PM

there is one already built on ebay...

07-23-2005, 01:23 PM
you will have a better chance buying one off of someone then trying to build it your self. you have to get the rail and body milled and try to find a pump kit which will be very hard. i am thinking about selling/trading mine so check out the B/S/T forum in a few days ;)

07-23-2005, 01:37 PM
alright , i got pretty much all the basic measure meants, and took a grip of pics. they are downloading onto comp right now. i will post them, but i gotta go to work right now. so will tonight. sorry bro. till tonight, dont blow a head gasket on your truck like i did. now i dont have any more pb money. danget :mad:

07-23-2005, 03:00 PM
I have a nice Euro body in B/S/T with a pump slot cut.

07-23-2005, 06:52 PM
hey warped i will definately keep that body in mind but i wont get paid until the end of next week. so if its still there ill take it. and yeah i did see that auction on ebay but i donr feel like coughing up that much cash for it, it is pretty sweet though. thanks gort i will be waiting for those specs. :)

07-23-2005, 07:00 PM
I didn't know what this was, someone told me it was a pump slot.

07-23-2005, 08:49 PM
yes warped1 that is a pump slot. the hardest part will be finding the pump kit with wave spring and pump arm

07-23-2005, 08:52 PM
This body was in the same box as my Benchmark rail.

07-24-2005, 09:34 AM
hey warped1 did that benchmark rail that u have, have a slot in it for the pump rod?

07-24-2005, 12:42 PM
I've never built a pump mag, is this a pump slot?

07-24-2005, 01:11 PM
i dont see one. but that pic is hard to see, so it might be there but i cant see it

it sould be on the left hand side of the sear slot, and it runs all the way to the front. if you are looking from the back

07-24-2005, 01:20 PM
Oh, you mean like a slot on the side for a pump arm? No, none of thast, I thought maybe the hollowed out section behind where the body framr screw screws in, theres that cut out part. I thought that for some pump kit or something.