View Full Version : famous battles

07-23-2005, 03:34 AM
I am basicly asking here because google is not giving me what I am looking for, hope fully I can get something spicific to look up insted of the broad.

I am trying to think of famous battles of history that I can get alot of details about. like pearl harbor, dday, LZ X-ray, Black hawk down/ filusha. movies help me the best, but those are all I can think of and I need like 27 of these, can anyone think of other ones that would have info on the net or movie about them and they can span any conflict as long as it is not the line up and fire cind of battle like the civil war or american revolution. and it dosn't have to be a war, the LA bank robbery the get in the news a while ago or David Coresh incodent. anything like that?

07-23-2005, 03:49 AM
Sorry to be an ***, but I hate history. Wikipedia.org loves it, though. I wouldn't recommend citing the wiki as a source, just use it to get you started. Good luck, duder.

07-23-2005, 09:59 AM
Wounded Knee is one of my favorites. The Army was trying to disarm a bunch of Souix, one Souix who was deaf didn't understand, there was a struggle betwwen him and a soilder for his gun, the gun went off, and all hell broke loose. Just Google it.

07-23-2005, 11:04 AM
Rorke's Drift (movie, "Zulu").

Otherwise, google for "US battle history" will get you hits such as:


Check out the left side and pick your era.

07-23-2005, 11:18 AM
Thermopyplae (Spartans vs Persians)

Zama (Scipio vs. Hannibal)

Tours (Charles Martel vs. Muslims)

Mohi (Mongols vs Hungary)

Crecy (100yrs war)

Trafalgar (Nelson vs France)

Little Big Horn

Cambrai (WW1)

Battle of Britain (WW2)
Coral Sea
Leyte Gulf

Kapyong Valley (Korea)

Dien Bien Phu (French vs Viet Minh)

Khe Sanh (USMC vs Viet Cong)

Load SM5
07-23-2005, 12:09 PM
Battle of the Teutoburg Forest, A.D. 9. (Romans vs. Germanics, Romans lost)

Hastings 1066 (Anglo Saxons vs Normans for the Insland of Britian)

D-Day Normandy

Battle of the Bulge WW2 (pantsload of great movies on that)

Battle for Stalingrad WW2 (Enemy of the Gates is a decent movie for that)

07-23-2005, 01:26 PM
Zama (Scipio vs. Hannibal)

HANNIBAL?!?! How can you mention Hannibal without mentioning Cannae? That and Thermopyplae were probably the 2 greatest battles of the ancient world.

07-23-2005, 01:35 PM
There's always the Battle of Baden Hill.

07-23-2005, 03:12 PM
Battle of Bastogne had some interesting points in it and some that were just "nuts". ;)

07-23-2005, 03:15 PM
There's always the Battle of Baden Hill.

OMG, I can't believe I forgot Baden Hill. Accept that in reality, we really don't know much about Baden Hill. Just the year it took place, and that it was the climax to a very bloody war. That and one of the armys used a bear on it's flag, which is where the legend of Arthur came from. That having been said, RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY!

07-23-2005, 03:26 PM
Battle of Midway.

Iwo Jima

Tet Offensive


Battle of Britain.

I'm partial to the classic air battles, personally.

07-23-2005, 05:04 PM
Battle of Verdun. The whole German objective was to kill as many allied soldiers as they could, not take ground or create a breakthrough.

07-23-2005, 10:29 PM
HANNIBAL?!?! How can you mention Hannibal without mentioning Cannae? That and Thermopyplae were probably the 2 greatest battles of the ancient world.

I couldn't remember the name of it. :)

I'm partial to Marathon, myself, or Salamis.

07-23-2005, 10:36 PM
Battle of Verdun. The whole German objective was to kill as many allied soldiers as they could, not take ground or create a breakthrough.

Seriously? I really should take a history class.

Oh, and for a huge list of battles: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_battles

07-24-2005, 04:52 AM
How about the War between the States? The most costly in American lives than any other war and probably produced the best generals in American history. It also wasnt really all that long ago either.


Antietam (Sharpsburg)


Bull Run

Chattanooga (Chickamauga)

not Civil War but an interesting battle:

Battle of New Orleans (War of 1812)

07-24-2005, 10:12 AM
Hannibal and Canne. Destroyed something like 70,000 Romans. Single bloodiest day in warfare history.

Battle of Trafalgar.

Napoleonic Wars - Austerlitz and Waterloo.

Any battle in the American Civil War will have a ton of info.

Verdun. The German strategy was to win a war of attrition. The problem was they weren't counting on getting bled dry themselves. Just a messy messy, 10 month long ordeal

Head knight of Ni
07-24-2005, 04:33 PM
Operation Market Garden.

Operation Barbarossa(german invasion of Russia)

The invasion of Attu and Kiska is.

The whole history of the Flying Tigers.

The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

07-24-2005, 06:10 PM
mainly looking for battles with out the ligning up and shooting from civil war and battles like that. was looking for battles from ww1 and up but when I was looking it up on search engines I was having brain farts and couldn't, iguees get the right key words.

thanks for the ideas guys

07-24-2005, 06:41 PM
mainly looking for battles with out the ligning up and shooting from civil war and battles like that. was looking for battles from ww1 and up but when I was looking it up on search engines I was having brain farts and couldn't, iguees get the right key words.

thanks for the ideas guys

Why? Why not an ancient battle like Salamis or Canne?? No guns at all. And much of tactics used in modern battles were first used there. Ever hear of double envelopment?

07-25-2005, 05:19 AM
mainly looking for battles with out the ligning up and shooting from civil war and battles like that. was looking for battles from ww1 and up but when I was looking it up on search engines I was having brain farts and couldn't, iguees get the right key words.

thanks for the ideas guys

The Civil War may have started out with soldiers lined up in Napoleonic type formations, but it ended with trench warfare, rifled barrels, repeating small arms, cartridges, machine guns, ships with rotating turrets, submarines etc.

Anyways good luck in your search.