View Full Version : I got robbed...

07-23-2005, 03:59 AM
Ok, this is a venting post. I got robbed. The DAY before I go on vacation I got robbed. I pulled into a gas station in Detroit (yes I know thats the dumbest thing to do in the world, however I have done this for over a year without any sort of incident). I just finish capping off a 5 gallon tank, a guy offers me drugs. I say no thanks and just sort of ignore him. He doesn't go away and asks again. I say no and continue with my thing. Then " Give me your ****" and pulls a rather crappy old revolver. I'm like 'Dude, please man, I'm leaving for out of the country tomorrow, please don't", he repeats "Give me your ****." One revolver is bad enough, and someone puts a barrel to my back and says give him your ****." So they freely dive into my pockets, and take my wallet (Which had everything. Drivers lisense, social security card, credit card, everything. So I'm still ******** pissed. In my 2001 truck, that I've owned for 3 months, it had every cd I own, a stuffed tiger my girlfriend gave me. My swiss army knife that was given to me that was Mom's (she passed away in '98), a buck knife my Dad had engraved with my initials. My house keys, work keys, truck key, etc. I also had $260 on me, it was my vacation money. I'm extremly pissed off, and I hope I didn't break any rules on the forum, if I am I'm really sorry. I swear to God, if I find those two I'll rip their throats out. I don't care about the truck, it had coverage, I'm just mad I saved up for two weeks for that money, and planned on putting about $100 towards a wedding ring. Anyway, enough emo-ness. Sorry about this post, I really needed to vent.


07-23-2005, 05:01 AM
Dang man. My Condolences. That really sucks. I hope they catch those two.

07-23-2005, 05:43 AM
Well, I guess I'm not filling up in detroit again...It'd be kinda nice, if when that sorta thing happened a turret would pop out of the ground, and someone would just have to put their gun down or they'd get gunned down...

07-23-2005, 05:51 AM
Could have been worse I spose. I just wish I was old enough to have a CCW permit and pull a Doc holliday or something... then again I'd prolly be in the hospital right now if I did that. Worst part is, I drive through there nearly every night to drop off my girlfriend and haven't ever had a problem. Oh yeah, I found out another thing taken. On my 5 gallon tank i fiulled up, they ended up running off with the cap... How evil is that? Along with my unopened Arizona iced tea... Least it wasn't loaded with my vacation stuff yet... I don;t know what i'd do if I lost all my paintball equipment... least that can be sold to help cover damages if need be.


P.S. Thanks for the replies, it helps :)

07-23-2005, 06:07 AM
vent away bro, thats a crappy thing to have happen to an honest working man.

think of it this way: those creeps will spend thier earnings on dope and eventually, thier miserable insignificant little lives will either end violently, they will go to jail for something, or they'll die a miserable poverty and disease ridden death.

hope that cheers you up!

seriously though, better your goods than you. glad your safe.

07-23-2005, 06:14 AM
true true, thats a good point. Darwins theory does work. What I wouldn't give for a self destruct button though...


07-23-2005, 07:22 AM
I had several friends get robbed when I was going to UDM... most ended up in worse shape than you... my roommate (now) got pistol whipped which broke his nose.

There are rules for engagement that I followed which I think kept me free and clear: Don't go to gas stations south of 8 mile, east of Middlebelt. Period. Unless you're with a really big guy in broad daylight... and don't stop for red lights at night.

I'm sorry to hear it happened, but I'm glad you got out of it with only your stuff gone... they could have taken a lot more.


07-23-2005, 06:18 PM
Well, I don't know the area, and it sucks anyway you turn it, but it sounds like you lost spacial awareness. To get jumped by one guy is one thing, but for 2 guys from oposite sides to get you, sounds like you got sloppy. This is why I minimize going anywhere without being armed in some fashion or another. Not that that would have helped much with someone on either side of you. In the future, be constantly on alert.

07-23-2005, 06:28 PM
That sucks. I hate crime and criminals, and the thought of those losers enjoying your posessions upsets me too.

Learn from the experience. The world is a crappy place, and if some scumbag approaches you and offers you drugs, it should be "Red alert, shields up!" Especially at a Detroit gas station. Whenever you are in a potentially vulnerable position, be aware of those around you, and evaluate the risk each person poses. If the spidey sense tingles even a little, get the hell out of Dodge. In a world full of wolves, don't be a sheep, be a sheepdog.

07-23-2005, 06:43 PM
Good thing your ok.

A frined of mine had something similar happen-

He was at some gas station at night to get some drinks, food, and pee. He was walking back to te car, and someone offered him something drug related, and when the guy reached for his pocket, my friend went "Yea sure, let me get some more money". so he walks back into the store, and tell the guy behind the counter to call the cops. A car showed up in 3 mins, and my frined got back to his truck and was ok.

07-23-2005, 07:22 PM
holy crap man. glad to see that you are safe though. Hopefully you've already filed a police report and all that stuff. It does suck that you had so much personal stuff inside the truck though :(

take care

07-25-2005, 09:19 AM
Well, I don't know the area, and it sucks anyway you turn it, but it sounds like you lost spacial awareness. To get jumped by one guy is one thing, but for 2 guys from oposite sides to get you, sounds like you got sloppy. This is why I minimize going anywhere without being armed in some fashion or another. Not that that would have helped much with someone on either side of you. In the future, be constantly on alert.

the guy learned a hard leason, you don't have to be a jerk on top of it.

its a shame that you had finished filling up, could have sprayed the guy with gas....bet that would have gotten rid of him.

07-25-2005, 09:22 AM
the guy learned a hard leason, you don't have to be a jerk on top of it.

its a shame that you had finished filling up, could have sprayed the guy with gas....bet that would have gotten rid of him.

You know, I know a person that did that very thing. Guy had already shot him twice, but he had the presence of mind to use the one available weapon, the gas pump in his hand. Thats the will to live at work there.

07-25-2005, 11:47 AM
Sorry to hear about you misfortunes, but like everyone said, it could have been much worse.

07-25-2005, 12:45 PM
Could have been worse I spose. I just wish I was old enough to have a CCW permit and pull a Doc holliday or something... then again I'd prolly be in the hospital right now if I did that. Worst part is, I drive through there nearly every night to drop off my girlfriend and haven't ever had a problem. Oh yeah, I found out another thing taken. On my 5 gallon tank i fiulled up, they ended up running off with the cap... How evil is that? Along with my unopened Arizona iced tea... Least it wasn't loaded with my vacation stuff yet... I don;t know what i'd do if I lost all my paintball equipment... least that can be sold to help cover damages if need be.


P.S. Thanks for the replies, it helps :)

I have a CCW (and a black belt in Kenpo)- and you did the right thing, and the same thing I would have (I would like to think in the circumstance) When one person has the draw on you, let alone the second you did not know about at first.... it could have been worse. Be thankful that everything that cannot be replaced is alright - that would be you - the rest is just material, and hopefully insured. I feel for you, it is a sucky feeling, but look to the important and bright side.

07-30-2005, 01:36 AM
Well I'm thankful since I heard of some other jackings... Apparantly there were three others in a ten mile radius. One was a pregnant lady, who gave up her stuff and was shot, lost the child, she's in critical condition as of right now. Another guy did the same, and was shot and killed on scene. Same as that on another case. Well for what ot matters, the truck looked great, but had a salvage title, which hopefully means I should get the cash back (And possibly more because the value should be higher). And en route back home from vacation I spotted a rather nice replacement if it comes down to it.

Ah yes, for what it matters, to those who think I was "foolish" and such, yes stopping in D-town isn't the greatest of ideas, but I had stopped there more than a hundred times. I actually try and see the best in people. Thanks for your comments, just got back from vacation.


Enraged Monk
07-30-2005, 09:49 AM
Better than a friend of mine...he was pushed of the road and robber, then they left him out in the woods....found that day, but he hasnt been the same....

ß?µ£ §mµ®ƒ
07-30-2005, 10:27 AM
is it even possible to carry a lighter, and use the gas pump to throw the gas
wicked dangerous but use all you have

sorry mano about that expierence life is better alive cherish it

07-30-2005, 11:22 AM
Sucks, bud. Good luck.

But, I'm with Lohman. Even with one guy already drawn on you, having a concealed weapon on you is just one more thing to steal- the 21 foot rule really does apply, especially when they're 2 feet.

07-30-2005, 11:23 AM
is it even possible to carry a lighter, and use the gas pump to throw the gas
wicked dangerous but use all you have

sorry mano about that expierence life is better alive cherish it

True Lies, eh?