View Full Version : Automag products, any interest?

07-23-2005, 05:19 PM
I played paintball a lot in the mid 90's when AGD and WGP were really it as far as "high-end" markers were concerned. I had always been a cocker guy myself, but I recently picked the game again and bought a new (to me) ULE Mag. Honestly, if the mag had been like this in the 90's they would have cleaned up the tournament circuit. I recently noticed though that nobody really makes mag parts any more. I wanted to see if there would be any interest in some of these parts if I were to get some made up for myself.

Hardlines. Venom used to make them, and so did Doc Nickel. I am going to look into making custom hardlines for mags with a built in Slidecheck and quick disconnect for degassing and field stripping the marker. I would probably want to have markers sent to me for fitting because though hardlines are sexy, they always were a bit of a chore to get working right.

Warp feed tubes. My new mag came with a warp and I love it, except for the plasic piece that slides on the marker''s feed tube. It doesn't fit correctly. I would like to make a clamping end for the warp feed's plastic tube so it won't slip off the marker's feed tube. IMO, the warp should have come from the factory with something like that.

A warp/egg combo body. The warp is really nice. That and the "egg" loader sure are a step up from the VL2000's we had in my day. All together, that's 3 9 volt batteries that can go dead just to feed the gun. What I want to do is make a mold for a combined warp/egg feeder. It sounds like a real PITA, but if I could replace the 3 9v batteries with a bank of rechargables that are regulated down to drive the warp and the egg, and run them both off an Intellifeed, that would be worth it to me. only 1 set of batteries, 1 on/off switch, 1 intellifeed, and 1 power-on LED.

New sear. Luke's sear mod seems like an interesting idea. With the level 10 and ULT, it seems like the sear will wear down a lot slower. People used to mod their sears, but there was so much sear wear then that it often caused problems. I was thinking something along the lines of a beveled face, TiN coated sear with a mod similar to what luke is doing built in. Ravi used to have a mag with a TiN sear, but I don't think they make such a thing any more.

So, is there any interest in any of these parts?

07-23-2005, 07:37 PM
the idea with the egg and warp is to actually mold a new housing that incorporates both of them, and the rechargable batteries. The batteries will be paralell and regulated down to 18 v for the egg and 9 or 12 v for the warp. I want to try to save a little weight and make them rechargeable.

07-23-2005, 07:45 PM
I mis-read your post and replied wrong, so i deleted it. that sounds cool though.

07-23-2005, 10:36 PM
I mis-read your post and replied wrong, so i deleted it. that sounds cool though.
Sounds really good, I had like 5 cockers then I got a mag, they shoot better and don't break down.

07-24-2005, 12:53 AM
That's because the sears are hardened. They grind that off in their pursuit of a beneficial mod (which there isn't outside of moving the pivot point) and they eat through sears like candy.

People used to mod their sears, but there was so much sear wear then that it often caused problems.