View Full Version : Trigger upgrades

07-24-2005, 07:37 PM
GdaY. I just brought my first mag (Tac1, Xvalve) and i wanted to know what are the pro's and cons of certain trigger/frame upgrades.
Centreflag Hyperframe
Deadlywind Hair trigger
anyother after market triggers. hair or electro frames etc. That will do the job.
I am in Australia so i don't want to fuss around to much wwith import issues if posible. I get my tax back soon so i am looking to spend around 300 AUD on it if need be.

Cheers guys. Your elp is appreciated

07-24-2005, 07:42 PM
ULT should be used with both hyperframe and hAir. but hAir is dead. ULT and hyperframe would be your best bet. finding a hyperframe is going to be tough and i donno how much 300 AUD is but hyperframes will run you close to 200 USD. but bottom line get the ULT and go from there

EDIT-a chimera from rouge or a ripper from coolhand will also let you shoot alittle faster then a intell.

07-24-2005, 07:44 PM
There are a few things to look at.

-The ULT - This will give the gun a near-electric trigger pull, but it won't be as reactive as the stock on/off.

-The only place you'll find a Hyperframe is used, as they arent made anymore. They come in 13bps and 20bps. This is an Electric frame, but the trigger guard is a little small for some peoples tastes

-Hair trigger - Well, currently the hair isn't going into production, and Proteams pnuematic frame doesn't look like it wil lbe here any faster.

-As far as electro frames, There are a few options: Booyah, HyperFrame, Devilmag, Logic will soon be coming out with an electro frame, and E-mag lowers.

-Other popular trigger frames include Y-Grip, Z-Grip, Chimera frame made by Rogue (vert) and the Ripper made by Logic. (vert).

I hope that I helped you a little, feel free to ask more questions, thats why we're here!

07-24-2005, 08:40 PM
There are a few things to look at.

-The ULT - This will give the gun a near-electric trigger pull, but it won't be as reactive as the stock on/off.

-The only place you'll find a Hyperframe is used, as they arent made anymore. They come in 13bps and 20bps. This is an Electric frame, but the trigger guard is a little small for some peoples tastes

-Hair trigger - Well, currently the hair isn't going into production, and Proteams pnuematic frame doesn't look like it wil lbe here any faster.

-As far as electro frames, There are a few options: Booyah, HyperFrame, Devilmag, Logic will soon be coming out with an electro frame, and E-mag lowers.

-Other popular trigger frames include Y-Grip, Z-Grip, Chimera frame made by Rogue (vert) and the Ripper made by Logic. (vert).

I hope that I helped you a little, feel free to ask more questions, thats why we're here!

Hit the nail on the head.
You could also do a diy mod. Such as the spydermag mod, fitting a pancake noid into your frame, or fitting an air noid and ram into your frame. I'm doing the pancake mod like Joni did.

07-24-2005, 09:20 PM
Emag lowers, pick some up.

07-25-2005, 01:34 PM
-As far as electro frames, There are a few options: Booyah, HyperFrame, Devilmag, Logic will soon be coming out with an electro frame, and E-mag lowers.

the logic frame is electric, but its more complecated. it turns your whole gun into an air ram operated gun.

-Other popular trigger frames include Y-Grip, Z-Grip, Chimera frame made by Rogue (vert) and the Ripper made by Logic. (vert).

when he said he had a tac1 with xvalve i guess i just assumed he atleast had an intell or y-grip.

07-31-2005, 06:13 PM
Devil mag is out because 3rnd burst and auto modes are illegal in Australia

Booyah and Logic frames: will these be legal (ie: only semi auto)???

Chimera and Ripper, i assume that these are mech frames???...what are the pros of these frames???? what do they fetch in US$???

I can get Hyperframes new in Aus (wtf???shows how far behind we are :headbang: ) Emag lowers are like 900 AUD so that's too much for now...

07-31-2005, 09:51 PM
www.themagsmith.com is where you can buy the chimera frame there like 130.00 usd ..

damn nice frame i have 3 . on all my mech mag's

08-01-2005, 12:02 AM
Apparently the Hyperframe isn't out of production, just hiding. However if you're looking for something that will be Semi-Auto only that's about all you'll be able to get baring you find another 600AUD for a set of E-Mag lowers with 3.2 software. Pretty much every other frame will be using a Predator board which has enhanced modes of fire which can be accessed through trigger programming (They can also be locked out with switches on the board itself).

Just out of curiousity, are the capacity of the boards to produce these modes what makes them illegal (The fact that they can be placed into enhanced firing modes) or the use of these modes on the field/range/etc.?

The Australian Dollar is worth about $0.75 USD so $300AUD = $225USD give or take.

The Hyperframe looks like it'll be your best bet if you want an electronic upgrade, pretty much anything else is going to cost upwards of $500AUD+ for you even in the used market with PTP's Pneumatic trigger frame being close to $400AUD.

Pretty much everything state side has burst modes, but if your laws restrict the use of these burst modes instead of the capacity of the burst modes you'll be okay with pretty much anything, upto and including a Predator chip for what ever you decide to buy.

08-06-2005, 04:12 AM

to answer your curious questions...

In Australia markers are category A firearms...so must have a licence...
becaues of this: All semi-automatic firearms are increadibly restricted (IE: impossible to own). You can't even own a pump-action shotgun wthout first being disabled and proving that not owning one impedes your ability to compete at clay shooting...no other reason will really do..All because one bastard by the name of bryant shot up some blokes down in Tasmania. Now paintball is illegal in some states and terrritories...(i'll stop my *****ing here or i will keep going forever) Cheers for your help guys...i will lok into this further..but it looks like i will limited to a hyperframe for now...unless santa sends a bank heist my way and i find a grand. Customs may not ever know what board i import...but if they found out i would get screwed over compltely