View Full Version : E-Mag questions

12-02-2001, 12:33 PM
Yesterday I took my brand new E-Mag out to play some rec ball. I had only played with it once before yesterday. The morning was terrible, I was breaking paintballs all the time and bouble feeding. During one of the games, a ref suggested that I look at my barrel nubbins to see if they were broken. Interestingly, the gun had chopped of both of the metal peices that stick down into the barrel from the nubbins. I replaced the nubbins and the gun worked very well for a couple of games.

Why did the gun break the nubbins after only one day of play?

During lunch I bought a warp feed off of a man that works in the pro-shop at the field. The warp worked well for the few shots that I took with it at the target range, but the gun started to chop again during the game following lunch. I broke about 3 paintballs a game for each of the four games after lunch. As far as I could tell, the warp was hooked up correctly and the 12v rev and the warp definately had sufficient battery power.

What was wrong with the warp because it was chopping when the gun had just stopped chopping with only the revolution hopper after I fixed the nubbins?

Also the gun became pretty heavy towards the end of the day.

How can I make the gun liter?

I tried to put a Smart Parts All American barrel on the E-mag, that works fine on my brother's Automag, and the barrel was not able to be alligned on correctly with the outlet of powerfeed that lets balls go into the area in front of the bolt. This made balls unable to feed into the chamber from where the balls are shot.

Why couldn't the barrel line up with the feed hole on the powerfeed?

12-02-2001, 12:49 PM
first off, paint will chop. Emag is a higher pressure gun vs the other guns and its a bit rougher on the paint. Tourney level paint has a thinner shell so it breaks easily. Try a different kind of field paint. As for weight reduction, I suggest a year membership at your local Jack Lalane's. Its not that much heavier than the rest of the guns out there. Its balanced well and thats a huge factor in the way a gun feels. But seriously, the only thing that you can do is get a lighter barrel, lighter tank, I hear there is an aluminum valve coming out soon, thats basically it. Unless there is a lighter battery for the gun, you have to get used to it. As for the barrel, does it have a t or an l shaped groove where the barrel goes into the breach?

12-02-2001, 01:02 PM
You can work out.

12-02-2001, 07:42 PM
First, about the nubbins, read through this. BTW, the search feature IS a wonderful thing :rolleyes:


Warp Problems? maybe this can help.

1. You MUST have a good quality, fresh battery. The vibration sensor gets "less senstitive" as the battery power goes down, and the Warp won't spin as fast.

2. Make sure you have enough dwell set in the Warp. You must move the jumpers around. I have 2 set vertical ("on") and 2 horizontal (these 2 are "off") The instructions will clarify this.

3. Break a paintball, and smear a small amount of paint on the Warp's drive discs, while holding the button in to spin the Warp. The discs need to able to slip over the balls with ease. You don't want to have too much stack pressure. It will have you breakin' balls like mad.

4. The power feed plug must be properly adjusted as well, www.automags.org has a good explanation of this in the Tech forum. (a sticky)

5. Also be sure that your not outshooting the Revy.

Do you use an intellifeed link? If not, call AGD and request one.

How to make the gun lighter...

a) use macroline
b) remove the sight rail
c) use a 68/3000 AGD Flatline w/stock DF (a very lite air system)
d) get a superbolt
e) rig up the revy & warp to run off the E-Mag's battery (but don't ask me how to!)
f) get the gun converted to an Extreme w/the Aluminum body

That aught to shave about as much weight as possible from your gun.


12-02-2001, 08:37 PM
Dude -

Have you Mom drop the Gun off at The shop and Ill run through it for you and get it all set up.

As to the barrle thing. It a matter of the L groves. That might be just a tolerance issue, bring ALL your's and your brothers barrels too.

Don't Worry Ill get it sorted out for you.


12-02-2001, 10:21 PM
And that's what I love about AGD!!!!