View Full Version : flatline on an Angel

07-25-2005, 03:37 PM
Anybody using a Flatline on a Newer low pressure Angel? I have a G7 and the 45/45 that came with it is a bit small for playing back on 3000psi fills. I have a few flatlines around and I was wondering if they will keep up OK. I heard that the Flatline is best when between 700-and 1200psi output.


07-25-2005, 06:45 PM
If those numbers are correct for the Flatline then I would have to say no it isn't a good choice as it certainly is way above the LP input figure reccomended by WDP.
I will copy this thread to the Paintball Talk section since more users of the Flatline will be found there so you should get a quicker confirmation as to the best pressure usage figures.

Creative Mayhem
07-25-2005, 07:19 PM
I don't know aboutthe G7 but I had a 2K Dark Angel and ran an AA raptor on it while i had it, I had the input pressure set at 500-600 and then regged it down with the inline, never once had a problem. If memory serves, the Flatline isn't too far off from the AA regs in operation, so I can't see it being too much of a problem, although I would wait to hear what other users have to say.

07-25-2005, 10:42 PM
You could always replace the stock Flatline spring pack with one for an automag so you can set it to output lower pressures. However, I'd use a Air America Guardian reg tester or other similar device to check the output pressure. Minigauges are more pressure indicators than gauges - as in they give you a ballpark indication of what your pressure is.

07-26-2005, 03:57 AM
I used to run my flatline on my LP AKA Viking at below 600 w/ no problems what so ever. I could get nearly a full case out of a 68/3000 if the Viking was setup correctly. It was amazing... wish I never sold that setup..lol.

07-26-2005, 10:25 PM
Thanks Guys I think I will try it and see how they perform. Is anyone running around 425-450psi. They say to put about 200psi over what the reg input (225psi) is at.