View Full Version : Anyone intrested in helping me out with some paintball reviews

07-26-2005, 05:03 PM
Well i got bored yesterday and decided to start my own paintball review site, its nothing fancy since i will be posting it on blogspot.com

I have set this up to inform the public about paintball equipment they can use and how good it is.

If anyone is intrested in sending me a review of there gun then they can send it to [email protected]

the website that i will be posting on is pbreviews.blogspot.com
(yea i know there is already a review site that is called pbreviews but it was the first thing that came to mind and it sounded good)

below is the format i would like to recieve the review in

marker used and how long:
strong points:

other comments:
comments on my other equipment:

(if you are not intrested plz do not waste my time by posting negative comments)